Good luck. you might have a chance if you've been to an anime con before but idk if you go to 'normal/regular' concerts otherwise, although it also might depend on how old you are , i don't think there's an age requirement/limit but i can imagine some parents wouldn't wanna waste extra money on tickets for themselves unless they're also interested versus like paying and dropping you off and picking you up in the parking lot after
They could just buy tickets for themselves so they could come with me
IDK how many ppl's parents would like vocaloid as much but considering how quick the miku expo in america sold out when it was first on preorders it might be harder, or even expensive/basically up to 300 dollars if all of you are going, not including souvenirs or so (although i'd also would hope that there'd be enough for fans to go versus ppl just paying just because they wanna watch over/be the guardian or so, too bad these events aren't in like public huge stadiums to where ppl can like hang out outside the area and not need a ticket, like a football field, since i have seen some football stadium vids where they projected some 3d stuff so surprised tehre wouldn't be a location for ppl to use that in a concert too, esp since there's proper 'seats' b/c even if i was still 16 i don't think i could stand up and jump/bounce along to songs for an hour and a half versus watching it in a comfortable seat)
Idk my older sisters could probably also come with me
Depends on your parents tbh, my parents are way too strict for something like this. not only that but they are so technologically inept that their heads would explode if they found out that Hatsune Miku isn't real. I say you save up your money first, then ask like that if they say no, you can ask them if they'll just take you and pick you up then. if you have siblings who are 18+, you could try asking them to take you. Also, good presentation. I thought it was pretty funny
What do you think?