Candle Princess11·11/30/2024in GeneralWhat VOCALOIDs do you think are underrated?I honestly think Piko, Dex & Daina, Mayu, Uni, Nekomura, Sweet Ann, Cyber Diver, Kyoteru, Chika, Rana, Sonika, and Sachiko are all really underrated! What do you think?VOCALOIDDEXMAYUUNIUtatane Piko (VOCALOID2)DAINA
Sirienia·11/21/2023in English VOCALOIDI forgot about Dex and Dainas birthday so I drew a little DainaDAINA
SoullessGhost31·3/1/2022in GeneralCALLING ALL GHOST FANS! What was your favorite song from COMMUNICATIONS?Rotary DialBlack and WhiteHousewife RadioColorbarsBroadcast Illusion Don't have a favoriteVote16 Votes in PollGUMIFukaseDEXBROADCAST ILLUSIONHOUSEWIFE RADIODAINAROTARY DIAL
-megullumver·2/12/2022in GeneralRedDaina: so what's your favorite flavor of chip?Dex: idk I'd say redDEXDAINA