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Let’s jump into our world “SEKAI”.
—Author's comment

"SEKAI" is an original song by DECO*27 and kemu featuring Hatsune Miku.

It is one of the two official theme songs for Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku, alongside "Wah Wah World".

Succeeding versions[]

Project SEKAI Version [SEKAI] (Game size - 3DMV)
Games - Project SEKAI - セカイ
Categories Human Vocal; Piapro Studio Vocal; Original MV; In-game Content
Project SEKAI Version [SEKAI] (Full)
Games - Project SEKAI - セカイ- ワーワーワールド - 群青讃歌 (single)
Hatsune Miku, Hoshino Ichika (CV: Noguchi Ruriko), Hirose Daisuke (as Tenma Tsukasa), Yoisaki Kanade (CV: Kusunoki Tomori)
SEGA, Colorful Palette, Crypton Future Media, Inc.
Categories Piapro Studio Vocal; Human Vocal; Album-exclusive content
Full version, featured in the single SEKAI / Wah Wah World / Gunjo Sanka, from the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku.
Chinese Version
bilibili logo
Mes (Chinese lyrics)
Categories VOCALOID Cover; Alternative Language
Alternate language version promoting the Chinese release of the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku.


Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
ずっと探してたんだよ zutto sagashitetan da yo
特別だって言える場所 tokubetsu datte ieru basho
なんで僕を選んだの nande boku o eranda no
笑うキミが手を引いたんだ warau kimi ga te o hiitan da

だってキミはすごいから datte kimi wa sugoi kara
負けらんないなって思うんだよ makerannai natte omoun da yo
どんな時も僕の中に donna toki mo boku no naka ni
キミの声が鳴り響いていた  kimi no koe ga narihibiite ita

怖いんだ なにもない僕だけどできるかな kowain da nani mo nai boku dakedo dekiru kana
自信のなさとしょうもなさでいい勝負さ jishin nona sa to shou mo nasa de ii shoubu sa
けどキミは「それがどうしたの?」って顔をして kedo kimi wa "sore ga dou shita no?" tte kao o shite
歌を歌うじゃない それはズルいじゃない? uta o utau ja nai sore wa zurui ja nai?

飛び込んでいこう 僕らのセカイへ tobikonde ikou bokura no sekai e
正解の想いに出会えるかな seikai no omoi ni deaeru kana
歌っていたい 踊っていたい utatte itai odotte itai
痛いくらい笑えるように itai kurai waraeru you ni

名前もない 僕らの世界を namae mo nai bokura no sekai o
迷っていけるよ キミとだから mayotte ikeru yo kimi to dakara
変わっていこう 願うように kawatte ikou negau you ni
今僕ら 期待の未体験を ima bokura kitai no mitaiken o

キミの未来を僕が歌うよ 描いてもっと Yeah kimi no mirai o boku ga utau yo egaite motto Yeah
泣いてもいいじゃん それも答えだ どうしたっていいよ naite mo ii jan sore mo kotae da dou shitatte ii yo
想いは全部零さぬように抱き締めながら omoi wa zenbu kobosanu you ni dakishimenagara

キミと見たいセカイへ kimi to mitai sekai e

ずっと探してたんだよ zutto sagashitetan da yo
特別だって言える場所 tokubetsu datte ieru basho
どんな僕になるんだろう donna boku ni narun darou
躍るココロ変えないように odoru kokoro kaenai you ni

ちょっとだけのその先で また笑えるよ chotto dake no sono saki de mata waraeru yo
もらったバトンは勇気に ありがとうは歌声に moratta baton wa yuuki ni arigatou wa utagoe ni

気付いたんだ 僕にしか出来ないこともあること kizuitan da boku ni shika dekinai koto mo aru koto
誰かのとこへ ちゃんと歌を届けたいのさ dareka no toko e chanto uta o todoketai no sa
ほら怖くて震える手でビート刻めば hora kowakute furueru te de biito kizameba
夢も近いじゃない? 僕らひとりじゃない yume mo chikai ja nai? bokura hitori ja nai

飛び込んでいこう 僕らのセカイへ tobikonde ikou bokura no sekai e
正解の想いに出会えるかな seikai no omoi ni deaeru kana
歌っていたい 踊っていたい utatte itai odotte itai
痛いくらい笑えるように itai kurai waraeru you ni

名前もない 僕らの世界を namae mo nai bokura no sekai o
迷っていけるよ キミとだから mayotte ikeru yo kimi to dakara
変わっていこう 願うように kawatte ikou negau you ni
今僕ら 期待の未体験を ima bokura kitai no mitaiken o

飛び込んでいこう 僕らのセカイへ tobikonde ikou bokura no sekai e
正解の想いに出会えるかな seikai no omoi ni deaeru kana
歌っていたい 踊っていたい utatte itai odotte itai
痛いくらい笑えるように itai kurai waraeru you ni

名前もない 僕らの世界を namae mo nai bokura no sekai o
迷っていけるよ キミとだから mayotte ikeru yo kimi to dakara
変わっていこう 願うように kawatte ikou negau you ni
今僕ら 期待の未体験を ima bokura kitai no mitaiken o

キミの未来を僕が歌うよ 描いてもっと Yeah kimi no mirai o boku ga utau yo egaite motto Yeah
泣いてもいいじゃん naite mo ii jan
それも答えだ どうしたっていいよ sore mo kotae da dou shitatte ii yo
想いは全部零さぬように抱き締めながら omoi wa zenbu kobosanu you ni dakishimenagara

キミと見たいセカイへ kimi to mitai sekai e

Below is an official English translation: via Producer. Amendments may have been made to the original translation.

I’ve always been searching,
Searching for a special place
Why did you choose me?
You took my hands with a smile

It’s because of how amazing you are,
And I can’t keep on losing to you
I can always feel your voice
Resonating in my heart

I’m scared, and I have nothing.... but is that still ok?
My lack of confidence and pitifulness makes them an even match
But you keep singing your songs while looking at me like “So what?”
Oh, I envy you

Let’s jump into our world “SEKAI”
I wonder if I'll find the right feelings
I just want to sing and dance with you
I just want to laugh our hearts out with you

I’m not even scared of getting lost on the way to the unnamed world,
Because I’m with you
I can change myself as I imagined
Now is the time for us to continue on to the place where wonderful new experiences await

I’ll sing your future, Let’s imagine it more, Yeah
It’s okay to cry, it happens, you know? It’s okay
I’ll keep holding on to you and your feelings

Let’s go into our world “SEKAI”

I’ve always been searching,
Searching for a special place
I wonder what I can become
I will keep my heart beating

You’ll smile again, if you hang in there a bit more
I’ll change the baton from you into courage,

And sing my thanks through my melody, I just realized that there are things that only I can do
I want my songs to reach those waiting
See, you can keep the beat even with your trembling hands
Can you see your dreams coming true? We are never alone

Let’s jump into our world “SEKAI”
I wonder if I'll find the right feelings
I just want to sing and dance with you
I just want to laugh our hearts out with you

I’m not even scared of getting lost on the way to the unnamed world,
Because I’m with you
I can change myself as I imagined
Now is the time for us to continue on to the place where wonderful new experiences await

Let’s jump into our world “SEKAI”
I wonder if I'll find the right feelings
I just want to sing and dance with you
I just want to laugh our hearts out with you

I’m not even scared of getting lost on the way to the unnamed world,
Because I’m with you
I can change myself as I imagined
Now is the time for us to continue on to the place where wonderful new experiences await

I’ll sing your future, Let’s imagine it more, Yeah
It’s okay to cry
It happens, you know? It’s okay.
I’ll keep holding on to you and your feelings

Let’s go into our world “SEKAI”

Let’s go into our world “SEKAI”

Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
一直以来我都在找寻 yizhi yilai wo du zai zhaoxun
只属于我自己的秘密基地 zhi shuyu wo ziji de mimi jidi
突如其来的这份幸运 turuqilai de zhe fen xingyun
牵起我手的你满脸 笑意 qian qi wo shou de ni man lian xiao yi

充满惊喜你如此神奇 chongman jingxi ni ruci shenqi
惹得我不认输要向你看齐 re de wo bu renshu yao xiang ni kanqi
每一分一秒在我的脑海里 mei yi fen yi miao zai wo de naohai li
回荡的旋律都是你的声音 huidang de xuanlu dou shi ni de shengyin

也曾害怕 ye ceng haipa
一无是处的这个自己能不能回答 yi wu shi chu de zhege ziji neng buneng huida
打开心扉看一看自信和勇气都很缺乏 dakai xinfei kan yi kan zixin he yongqi dou hen quefa
不过 buguo
你一脸毫不在意地看着我问“那又如何?” ni yi lian hao buzai yidi kanzhe wo wen "na you ruhe?"
闭上眼放声高歌 bi shang yan fangsheng gaoge
没办法败給你了 mei banfa bai gei nile

纵身一跃 跳人我和你的世界 zongshen yi yue tiao ren wo he ni de shijie
多希望能和正确答案热烈遇见 duo xiwang neng he zhengque da'an relie yujian
尽情欢唱 忘情摇摆 jinqing huan chang wangqing yaobai
欢笑不断只因为有你 huanxiao buduan zhi yinwei you ni

无法定义 这个我和你的世界 wufa dingyi zhege wo he ni de shijie
迷路了我也甘愿 你陪伴在身边 milule wo ye ganyuan ni peiban zai shenbian
迎接改变 现在由你 yingjie gaibian xianzai you ni
和我们一起 拥抱未知的到来 he women yiqi yongbao weizhi de daolai

属于你未来就让我来修改 shuyu ni weilai jiu rang wo lai xiugai
画笔停不下来 Yeah huabi ting bu xialai Yeah
眼泪掉了下来是心灵的独白 yanlei diaole xialai shi xinling de dubai
珍贵的姿态 zhengui de zitai
喜怒哀乐全部紧抱着不放逐 xi nu aiyue quanbu jin baozhe bu fangzhu
我和你一起 wo he ni yiqi
开拓理想的新世界 kaita lixiang de xin shijie


Kotoha's cover
YouTube logo
利波 雷 (movie), はるっと (mixing), SuperciderX (illust)
Categories Human cover; Fanmade PV
Re:Mixx's cover
YouTube logo
晴河さき (movie), Signal-P (mixing), 遺伝子ひな (illust)
Categories Human cover; Fanmade PV
NIJISANJI chorus -World Edition-
YouTube logo
shuuya (movie), KaiseiP (mixing), わか (illust)
Categories Human cover; Fanmade PV

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the following albums:

Video games[]

This song was featured in the following video games:

  • Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku (Virtual Singer version by Hatsune Miku; SEKAI version by Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Tsukasa, Yoisaki Kanade and Hatsune Miku)
  • O.N.G.E.K.I. (SEKAI version by Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Tsukasa, Yoisaki Kanade and Hatsune Miku)
  • maimai (SEKAI version by Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Tsukasa, Yoisaki Kanade and Hatsune Miku)


External Links[]


