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If you were to go out with me...I'd show you that I could make you smile every single day( ・´ー・`)?
—Author's comment

HoneyWorks uploaded the song onto both Niconico and YouTube on March 14, 2013, since then, it has entered the Hall of Legend on Niconico and reached over 7 million views views on YT.

It's part of HoneyWorks' Confession Executive Committee Love Series and it tells the story of Mochizuki Souta and his unrequited feelings for his classmate, Hayasaka Akari. The song depicts mostly the jealousy Souta feels whenever he hears about the person Akari likes or when he sees her with someone else, wanting to keep her all to himself and hoping that things won't go well for her and the person she's in love with. Souta is, however, unaware that Akari isn't in love with anyone, despite it being something she longs about so much. In the end of the song, Souta asks for Akari to wait for him in the classroom after school and confesses to her.

This song is included in HoneyWorks' album Zutto Mae Kara Suki Deshita. and a version sang by Souta's voice actor, Kaji Yuuki is included in Boku Ja Dame Desu Ka?.

Succeding versions[]

ヤキモチの答え-another story-
YouTube logo
Translation Yakimochi no Kotae-another story- (A Solution for Jealousy -another story-)
Original song
Categories Spin-off
An answer song, telling the story from Akari's point of view.
Main article: ヤキモチの答え-another story- (Yakimochi no Kotae-another story-)
cake's Piano Arrangement
YouTube logo
Categories Arrangement
An official piano cover by HoneyWorks' cake.
Yuuki Kaji's Cover
HoneyWorks - Boku jya dame desu ka
Categories Human Cover
An official cover by Souta Mochizuki's voice actor, Yuuki Kaji, included in the CD "Boku Ja Dame Desu Ka?".


Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
気になる人の話ですか? 聞きたくない話 ki ni naru hito no hanashi desu ka? kikitaku nai hanashi
でもこっそり 耳を傾けて イライラして demo kossori mimi wo katamukete iraira shite

理由なんてものも それなりわかってて riyuu nante mono mo sorenari wakattete
それでも気になってしまってて sore demo ki ni natte shimattete

好きになるくらい許してください 告白する勇気なんて suki ni naru kurai yurushite kudasai kokuhaku suru yuuki nante
持ち合わせてない ただ好きになった気持ちは 嘘じゃないから mochi awasete nai tada suki ni natta kimochi wa uso ja nai kara

ごめん 応援 gomen ouen
できないよ うまくいくな!! dekinai yo umaku iku na!!
最低な願い事だよ saitei na negaigoto da yo
性格悪い悪魔の事を seikaku warui akuma no koto wo
応援しちゃうよ ouen shichau yo

「おはよう!寝癖ついてるよ」 初めて言えた "ohayou! neguse tsuiteru yo" hajimete ieta
君は恥ずかしそうに 「ナイショ」 kimi wa hazukashisou ni "naisho"
そんなの ずるいって・・・ sonna no zuruitte...

毎日が少し宙に浮き mainichi ga sukoshi chuu ni uki
ミルクとパンダはシロクマで miruku to panda wa shirokuma de
世界が弾むよ sekai ga hazumu yo

君の好きな人に 好きな子がいたらなんて願う悪魔 kimi no suki na hito ni suki na ko ga itara nante negau akuma
「いけないことですか?」 「だよね」 「わかってますよ」 独り言です "ikenai koto desu ka?" "da yo ne" "wakatte masu yo" hitorigoto desu

嫌だよ 絶対! ya da yo zettai!
ヤキモチがいて もがいて yakimochi ga ite mogaite
楽にさせてくれないよ raku ni sasete kurenai yo
話したくて探して 君を hanashitakute sagashite kimi wo
独り占めしたくて hitorijime shitakute

「話があります! 今日放課後 4時10分 この教室で」 "hanashi ga arimasu! kyou houkago yoji juppun kono kyoushitsu de"
心臓鳴り止まない 少し 少しの間の我慢だから shinzou nari yamanai sukoshi sukoshi no aida no gaman dakara

君はうなずく kimi ha unazuku

もし もしね 付き合えたら 毎日笑わせてみせるよ moshi moshi ne tsukiaetara mainichi warawasete miseru yo
5分前の おまじない いくよ・・・ gofun mae no omajinai iku yo...
「僕じゃダメですか?」 "boku ja dame desu ka?"


Amatsuki's Cover
Niconico logo
Mutsuemon (mixing)
Categories Human Cover
luz's Cover
Niconico logo
kain (chorus)
kain (mixing, encode)
Categories Human Cover

Other media appearances[]


A novel based on the song, called "A Solution for Jealousy", has also been written.

Video Games[]

This song is featured in the game HoneyWorks Premium Live (sung by Yūki Kaji).


External links[]


