Vocaloid Wiki


"Loreley" is an original song produced by monaca:factory featuring IA. This song has entered the Hall of Fame.

monaca:factory has also released a version of the song sung by Hatsune Miku exclusively for the album ENCORE.


Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
遠い国のクジラに 出会ったことがある tooi kuni no kujira ni deatta koto ga aru
エメラルドの海を渡る 舟は遠く emerarudo no umi o wataru fune wa tooku

真夜中に溺れた 虹色の(なみだ) mayonaka ni oboreta nijiiro no namida wa
シャボン玉になった ふわり 空にとける shabon dama ni natta fuwari sora ni tokeru

眠りの浅い夜 僕の手を引く声 nemuri no asai yoru boku no te o hiku koe
やさしい歌声は 甘く沈む yasashii utagoe wa amaku shizumu
街の隙間を抜け 迷える森を越え machi no sukima o nuke mayoeru mori o koe
君に出会う夢を 追いかけている kimi ni deau yume o oikakete iru

二人が魚になる 夜明け前の時間は―― futari ga sakana ni naru yoakemae no jikan wa――
言葉は必要ない 声は(あぶく)になる―― kotoba wa hitsuyou nai koe wa abuku ni naru――

あぁ 空は高く―― aa sora wa takaku

黒い海の底へ 答えのない旅へ kuroi umi no soko e kotae no nai tabi e
暗闇の向こうに 何があるの kurayami no mukou ni nani ga aru no
意識は夜を越え うろこ雲の先へ ishiki wa yoru o koe uroko kumo no saki e
波にさらわれてく 君に沈む nami ni sarawareteku kimi ni shizumu

眠りの浅い夜 僕の手を引く声 nemuri no asai yoru boku no te o hiku koe
透明な想いは 甘くとける toumei na omoi wa amaku tokeru
エメラルドの海を 渡る舟は遠く emerarudo no umi o wataru fune wa tooku
君に出会う夢を 追いかけている kimi ni deau yume o oikaketeiru


Arupaka Nicu's Cover ft. Kunishiki
Niconico logo
Arupaka (tuning, illust), Mura (UST)
Categories UTAU Cover; Fanmade PV
majiko's Cover
Niconico logo
Chama (mixing), Nanoru (encode)
Categories Human Cover
This cover has entered the Hall of Fame.

Other media appearances[]


The IA version of the song was featured on the following albums:

The Miku version was featured on the following albums:


Video games[]

The IA version was featured in the video game IA/VT Colorful.

External links[]


