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"Wàn Yán Gē" is an original song by Mikunya featuring YANHE. It was written for YANHE's 7th Anniversary and character birthday.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
五岳三山纵马过 薄云日暮川河百舸 wuyue sanshan zong maguo bo yun rimu chuan he bai ge
悠悠歌风餐萧瑟 这孤胆值几何 youyou ge feng can xiaose zhe gudan zhi jihe
对月当歌辽原阔 一壶浊酒饮尽漂泊 dui yue dang ge liao yuan kuo yi hu zhuo jiu yin jin piaobo
冥冥中谁人又能参破 哈啊啊啊啊 ming ming zhong shei ren you neng can po ha a a a a

逐鹿前尘的纠葛 化作青石碑的刻 zhulu qianchen de jiuge hua zuo qing shibei de ke
世人笑我太执着 我太执着 我太执着 shiren xiao wo tai zhizhuo wo tai zhizhuo wo tai zhizhuo

褪下罗衫装 扮作少儿郎 tui xia luo shan zhuangban zuo shao'er lang
别叫我姑娘 任他再嚣张不过一剑的张狂 bie jiao wo guniang ren ta zai xiaozhang buguo yi jian de zhangkuang
眉间露锋芒 吞天地气量 mei jian lu fengmang tun tiandi qiliang
我命格无双 这长夜未央谁愿奉陪再战一场 wo ming ge wushuang zhe changye weiyang shei yuan fengpei zai zhan yi chang

翻手是生覆手是终 我翻手覆手都满是痛 fan shou shi sheng fu shou shi zhong wo fan shou fu shou dou man shi tong
睡下是梦醒来是空 我半梦半醒负半生重 shui xia shi meng xing lai shi kong wo banmengbanxing fu bansheng zhong

窗外飞絮飘花 欲做簪插不负韶华 chuangwai fei xu piao hua yu zuo zan cha bu fu shaohua
对镜却他非她 无言芳华落下 dui jing que ta fei ta wu yan fang hua luoxia

逐鹿前尘的纠葛 化作青石碑的刻 zhulu qianchen de jiuge hua zuo qing shibei de ke
世人笑我太执着 我太执着 我太执着 shiren xiao wo tai zhizhuo wo tai zhizhuo wo tai zhizhuo

醉笑三千场 不诉女儿殇 zui xiao sanqian chang bu su nü'er shang

褪下罗衫装 扮作少儿郎 tui xia luo shan zhuangban zuo shao'er lang
别叫我姑娘 任他再嚣张不过一剑的张狂 bie jiao wo guniang ren ta zai xiaozhang buguo yi jian de zhangkuang
眉间露锋芒 吞天地气量 mei jian lu fengmang tun tiandi qiliang
我命格无双 这长夜未央谁愿奉陪再战一场 wo ming ge wushuang zhe changye weiyang shei yuan fengpei zai zhan yi chang

翻手是生覆手是终 我翻手覆手都满是痛 fan shou shi sheng fu shou shi zhong wo fan shou fu shou dou man shi tong
睡下是梦醒来是空 我半梦半醒负半生重 shui xia shi meng xing lai shi kong wo banmengbanxing fu bansheng zhong
路漫漫闯天涯 一剑一马一杯茶 lu manman chuang tianya yi jian yi ma yibei cha
行万里走风沙 浪人何必有牵挂 xing wanli zou fengsha langren hebi you qiangua


InkFea's Cover ft. Xingchen
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Xingchen (main vocals), YANHE (harmonies)
InkFea (tuning), Mouzhize (mixing, MIDI)
Categories VOCALOID cover
Leka's Cover ft. Suici
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Tian Suici
Leka (tuning), Lan Tuzi-P (mixing), Mouzhize (sequence), PRE (illustration)
Categories UTAU cover
Mingyue-P's Cover ft. Yan Xi
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Yan Xi
Mingyue-P (tuning, mixing, thumbnail), Cheng Jing-P (VSQx)
Categories MUTA cover
Yao Cheng's Cover ft. Zhu Xi
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Yao Cheng
Categories DeepVocal cover

Ruan Qing Yan's Cover
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Ruan Qing Yan
Categories Human cover
Gong Xiansheng_kyoya's Cover
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Gong Xiansheng_kyoya
Categories Human cover
Huan Sheng's Cover
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Huan Sheng
Yi Shu Rong (post production)
Categories Human cover
Yaodao Yan Lin's Cover
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Yandao Yan Lin
Ganzhe (post production)
Categories Human cover

Jueban no Yaohu's Penbeat Arrange
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Jueban no Yaohu
Categories Arrangement

External links[]


