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"Bú Qì yǔ Zhěngjiù zhī Ài" is an original song featuring Luo Tianyi.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
被称作遗憾之物 爬满了脊骨又把控了痛楚 bei cheng zuo yihan zhi wu pa manle ji gu you ba kongle tongchu
被称作无用之物 修筑了唯一的通路 bei cheng zuo wuyong zhi wu xiuzhule weiyi de tonglu
他的吻是一种毒 舌尖的温柔纠缠千万变数 ta de wen shi yi zhong du shejian de wenrou jiuchan qian wan bianshu
梦境拒绝这场苏醒 我不愿失去你 mengjing jujue zhe chang suxing wo bu yuan shiqu ni

当那光辉架构分崩离析 dang na guanghui jiagou fenbenglixi
围观者满足了好奇 崇拜者控诉着背弃 weiguan zhe manzule haoqi chongbai zhe kongsuzhe beiqi
全世界只剩我陪伴你 quan shijie zhi sheng wo peiban ni
无限欢愉深入推进 我沦陷在那片故地 wuxian huan yu shenru tuijin wo lunxian zai na pian gudi
我渴饮着你的呼吸 却得不到你的心 wo ke yinzhe ni de huxi que de bu dao ni de xin

被称作永恒之物 在交替更迭中徒劳地缝补 bei cheng zuo yongheng zhi wu zai jiaoti gengdie zhong tulao de fengbu
被称作易逝之物 书写了十四行啼哭 bei cheng zuo yi shi zhi wu shuxiele shisi hang tiku
他的吻是一种毒 禁锢了理智又诠释了亵渎 ta de wen shi yi zhong du jingule lizhi you quanshile xiedu
我的心脏因你跳动 它是爱的帮凶 wo de xinzang yin ni tiaodong ta shi ai de bangxiong
拯救我 zhengjiu wo
Save me please

当那坍塌废墟铺满尘垢 dang na tanta feixu pu man chengou
回忆中谁仍昂着头 谁撕开簇拥的伤口 huiyi zhong shei reng angzhe tou shei si kai cuyong de shangkou
搅动一汪腐烂的血肉 jiaodong yi wang fulan de xuerou
无限欢愉深入咽喉 请别乞求我的宽厚 wuxian huan yu shenru yanhou qing bie qiqiu wo de kuanhou
请别妄想还能忍受 在结局来临之后 qing bie wangxiang hai neng renshou zai jieju lailin zhihou

当世人逐渐将英雄遗忘 dang shiren zhujian jiang yingxiong yiwang
我最终展露了疯狂 与烧灼许久的欲望 wo zuizhong zhanlule fengkuang yu shaozhuo xujiu de yuwang
已无人描绘我的画像 yi wu ren miaohui wo de huaxiang
痛苦在虚无中回荡 神最终恩赐了绝望 tongku zai xuwu zhong huidang shen zuizhong encile juewang
是爱恨交织的冲撞 你永无力再违抗 shi ai hen jiaozhi de chongzhuang ni yong wuli zai weikang


Mosheng Laifang's Cover ft. Ling
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Mosheng Laifang
Categories VOCALOID cover
Gali Xingren Er Hao's Cover ft. Ren
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Lengjing Ren
Gali Xingren Er Hao (tuning), Nagasaki Mitsuki (UST)
Categories UTAU cover
Jimi's Cover ft. Ying Dao
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Ying Dao
Nian Qing (planning, video), Nagasaki Mitsuki (UST), Jimi (tuning, mixing), Yan, Bei Xun Yuan (illustrators), Mu Jin Miao w (special thanks)
Categories UTAU cover

Tang Hua's Cover
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Tang Hua
Yueguang Rushui (post production, mixing)
Categories Human cover
tongye's Cover
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Categories Human cover

External links[]


