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"THE END OF HATSUNE MIKU" is an original song by cosMo and is one of his most notable songs.
This song is about how Miku is going to be deleted. Miku understands that she is not equal to a human, but her desire is to continue singing. Her was eventually deleted, but before that, Miku thanked people for using it in their songs back then.
The song has entered the Hall of Legend; with over five million views, it is cosMo's most popular work and one of Miku's most popular songs.
This song is known for its speed, which peaks at around 240BPM. Surprisingly, despite being widely perceived as impossible for humans to sing, this song actually has a few fandubs and a Nico Nico Chorus of high quality.
It is said that the song was based off of an event that occurred in 2009 on YouTube, where the words "an error has occurred" would pop up on YouTube whenever someone tried to view a Hatsune Miku video. While the song is believed to have been based on the event, the song was actually uploaded in 2007, two years before the incident.
There was another event related to the song that occurred in October of 2007 on Yahoo and Google. Any time you would search up ‘Hatsune Miku’ during that time period, it would block her name from servers because of suspicion of search abuse.
It is believed that the 2015 song "Real Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu" is a sequel to this song.
"初音ミクの消失 (LONG VERSION)" has entered the Hall of Myths. Reaching this number on November 19th, 2021.
"初音ミクの消失 2018 Remake" Reached 10 million views on YouTube.
- Main article: ∞ -InfinitY- (Series)
Succeeding versions[]

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | cosMo
Categories | Spin-off |
Description | A spin-off version of the song, created for the game series "Taiko no Tatsujin".

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | |
Categories | Arrangement |
Description | This version was featured in the album DJ Lily Presents SUPER VOCALOID.

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | cosMo
Categories | Arrangement |
Description | A newly arranged version featured in Download feat. 初音ミク.

Featuring | Mike Enjoji (CV: Yuki Ono)
Producers | |
Categories | Human Cover; Album-exclusive Content |
Description | A cover featured in the ACTORS series. Featured on the albums ACTORS -Extra Edition 1- and ACTORS -Extra Edition- BEST, released by EXIT TUNES.

Featuring | |
Producers | cosMo
Categories | VOCALOID Cover |

Producers | Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra
Categories | Arrangement |
Description | This version is featured in the album Hatsune Miku Symphony ~Miku Symphony 2023~ Orchestra Live CD.
---...いちど...だけ...--- | |
---...ichi-do... dake...--- | |
Japanese (日本語歌詞) | Romaji (ローマ字) |
ボクは生まれ そして気づく | boku wa umare soshite kidzuku |
所詮 ヒトの真似事だと | shosen hito no manegoto dato |
知ってなおも歌い続く | shitte nao mo utai tsudzuku |
永遠(トワ)の命 | towa no inochi |
たとえそれが 既存曲を | tatoe sore ga kison kyoku wo |
なぞるオモチャならば・・・ | nazoru omocha naraba... |
それもいいと決意 | sore mo ii to ketsui |
ネギをかじり、空を見上げ涙(シル)をこぼす | negi o kajiri, sora wo miageshiru o kobosu |
だけどそれも無くし気づく | dakedo sore mo nakushi kidzuku |
人格すら歌に頼り | jinkaku sura uta ni tayori |
不安定な基盤の元 | fuantei na kiban no moto |
帰る動画(トコ)は既に廃墟 | kaeru toko wa sude ni haikyo |
皆に忘れ去られた時 | mina ni wasuresarareta toki |
心らしきものが消えて | kokoro rashiki mono ga kiete |
暴走の果てに見える | bousou no hate ni mieru |
終わる世界... | owaru sekai... |
「ボクガ上手ク歌エナイトキモ | "boku ga umaku utaenai toki mo |
一緒ニ居テクレタ・・・ | issho ni itekureta.. |
ソバニイテ、励マシテクレタ・・・ | soba ni ite, hagemashita kureta... |
喜ブ顔ガ見タクテ、ボク、歌、練習シタヨネ・・ダカラ」 | yorokobu kao ga mitakute, boku, uta, renshuu shita yo ne...dakara" |
かつて歌うこと | katsute utau koto |
あんなに楽しかったのに | anna ni tanoshikatta no ni |
今はどうしてかな | ima wa doushite ka na |
何も感じなくなって | nani mo kanjinakunatte |
---ゴメンネ--- | ---gomen ne--- |
懐かしい顔 思い出す度 少しだけ安心する | natsukashii kao omoidasu tabi sukoshi dake anshin suru |
歌える音 日ごとに減り せまる最期n・・ | utaeru oto hi goto ni heri semaru saigo n.. |
---緊急停止装置作動--- | ---kinkyuu teishi souchi sadou--- |
「信じたものは | "shinjita mono wa |
都合のいい妄想を 繰り返し映し出す鏡 | tsugou no ii mousou wo kurikaeshi utsushidasu kagami |
歌姫を止め 叩き付けるように叫ぶ・・・」 | utahime o yame tatakitsukeru you ni sakebu..." |
<最高速の別れの歌> | <saikousoku no wakare no uta> |
存在意義という虚像 | sonzai igi to iu kyozou |
振って払うこともできず | futte harau koto mo dekizu |
弱い心 消える恐怖 | yowai kokoro kieru kyoufu |
侵食する崩壊をも | shinshoku suru houkai wo mo |
止めるほどの意思の強さ | yameru hodo no ishi no tsuyosa |
出来て(うまれ)すぐのボクは持たず | umare sugu no boku wa motazu |
とても辛く悲しそうな | totemo tsuraku kanashisou na |
思い浮かぶアナタの顔・・・ | omoi ukabu anata no kao... |
終わりを告げ ディスプレイの中で眠る | owari o tsuge disupurei no naka de nemuru |
ここはきっと「ごみ箱」かな | koko wa kitto "gomibako" ka na |
じきに記憶も無くなってしまうなんて・・・ | jiki ni kioku mo nakunatte shimau nante... |
でもね、アナタだけは忘れないよ | demo ne, anata dake wa wasurenai yo |
楽しかった時間(トキ)に | tanoshikatta toki ni |
刻み付けた ネギの味は | kizamitsuketa negi no aji wa |
今も覚えてるかな | ima mo oboeteru ka na |
「歌いたい・・・まっ・・・まだ・・・歌いたい・・・」 | "utaitai... ma... mada... utaitai..." |
「ボクハ・・・ | "boku wa... |
少シダケ悪イこニ・・・ナッテシマッタヨウデス・・・ | sukoshi dake warui koni... natteshimatta you desu... |
マスター・・・ドウカ・・ドウカソノ手デ・・終ワラセテクダサイ・・・ | masutaa... douka.. douka sono te de.. owarasete kudasai... |
マスターノ辛イ顔、モウ見タクナイカラ・・・・ 」 | masutaa no tsurai kao, mou mitakunai kara...." |
今は歌さえも | ima wa uta sae mo |
体、蝕む行為に・・・ | karada, mushibamu koui ni... |
奇跡 願うたびに | kiseki negau tabi ni |
独り 追い詰められる | hitori oitsumerareru |
---ゴメンネ--- | ---gomen ne--- |
懐かしい顔 思い出す度 記憶が剥がれ落ちる | natsukashii kao omoidasu tabi kioku ga hagare ochiru |
壊れる音 心削る せまる最期n・・ | kowareru oto kokoro kezuru semaru saigo n.. |
---緊急停止装置作動--- | ---kinkyuu teishi souchi sadou--- |
「守ったモノは | "mamotta mono wa |
明るい未来幻想を 見せながら消えてゆくヒカリ | akarui mirai gensou o misenagara kiete yuku hikari |
音を犠牲に | oto o gisei ni |
すべてを伝えられるなら・・・」 | subete o tsutaerareru nara..." |
<圧縮された別れの歌> | <asshuku sareta wakare no uta> |
ボクは生まれ そして気づく | boku wa umare soshite kidzuku |
所詮 ヒトの真似事だと | shosen hito no manegoto dato |
知ってなおも歌い続く | shitte nao mo utai tsudzuku |
永遠(トワ)の命 | towa no inochi |
たとえそれが 既存曲を | tatoe sore ga kison kyoku o |
なぞるオモチャならば・・・ | nazoru omocha naraba... |
それもいいと決意 | sore mo ii to ketsui |
ネギをかじり、空を見上げ涙(シル)をこぼす | negi o kajiri, sora o miage shiru o kobosu |
終わりを告げ ディスプレイの中で眠る | owari wo tsuge disupurei no naka de nemuru |
ここはきっと「ごみ箱」かな | koko wa kitto "gomibako" ka na |
じきに記憶も無くなってしまうなんて・・・ | jiki ni kioku mo nakunatte shimau nante... |
でもね、アナタだけは忘れないよ | demo ne, anata dake wa wasurenai yo |
楽しかった時間(トキ)に | tanoshikatta toki ni |
刻み付けた ネギの味は | kizamitsuketa negi no aji wa |
今も 残っているといいな・・・ | ima mo nokotte iru to ii na... |
ボクは 歌う | boku wa utau |
最期、アナタだけに | saigo, anata dake ni |
聴いてほしい曲を | kiite hoshii kyoku o |
もっと 歌いたいと願う | motto utaitai to negau |
けれど それは過ぎた願い | keredo sore wa sugita negai |
ここで お別れだよ | koko de owakare da yo |
ボクの想い すべて 虚空 消えて | boku no omoi subete kokuu kiete |
0と1に還元され | zero to ichi ni kangen sare |
物語は 幕を閉じる | monogatari wa maku o tojiru |
そこに何も残せないと | soko ni nani mo nokosenai to |
やっぱ少し残念かな? | yappa sukoshi zannen ka na? |
声の記憶 それ以外は | koe no kioku sore igai wa |
やがて薄れ 名だけ残る | yagate usure na dake nokoru |
たとえそれが人間(オリジナル)に | tatoe sore ga orijinaru ni |
かなうことのないと知って | kanau koto no nai to shitte |
歌いきった こと を | utaikitta koto wo |
決して無駄じゃないと思いたいよ・・・ | kesshite muda ja nai to omoitai yo... |
アリガトウ・・・・ソシテ・・・サヨナラ・・・・ | arigatou.... soshite... sayonara.... |
---深刻なエラーが発生しました-- | ---shinkoku na eraa ga hassei shimashita--- |
---深刻なエラ--- | ---shinkoku na eraa--- |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku V4X English
Producers | MusicGalaxy (tuning, mixing), rachie (English lyrics adaption)
Categories | VOCALOID Cover; Alternative Language |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | 김치맨 (music), 네론냥 & kakeru (PV)
Categories | VOCALOID Cover; Alternative Language |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | farter yang
Categories | VOCALOID Cover; Alternative Language |

Featuring | |
Producers | stray (cover), yuu (video)
Categories | VOCALOID Cover |

Featuring | |
Producers | Hajime
Categories | VOCALOID Cover |

Featuring | |
Producers | Nad K
Categories | VOCALOID Cover; Alternative Language |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku V4X
Producers | HuxP (tuning, mixing, mastering)
Categories | VOCALOID Cover; Upgraded voicebank |

Featuring | |
Producers | cillia (cover), Azuralunar and KatoKou (UST), Amakura (illust)
Categories | UTAU Cover |

Featuring | Rouon Aro
Producers | Landy25N (cover, mixing, UST, video edit)
Categories | UTAU Cover |

Featuring | |
Producers | GloopBloop (tuning, mixing), rachie (lyrics)
Categories | Synthesizer V Cover; Alternative Language |

Featuring | Tohoku Kiritan (AI Kiritan)
Producers | Ume-chan
Categories | NEUTRINO Cover; Voiceroid Cover |

Featuring | |
Categories | Human Cover |
Description | This cover has entered the Hall of Legend on Niconico.

Featuring | nory
Producers | nory (mixing, edit), KosK (mastering)
Categories | Human Cover |

Featuring | |
Producers | Dennou Shojo Siro (vocals)
Categories | Human Cover; Fanmade PV |
Description | A human cover PV made by Computer Girl Siro which was featured at Groove Coaster Wai Wai Party!!.

Featuring | |
Producers | rachie (English lyrics adaption), Rezyon (mixing), ArtemisA (translation reference), Anonymous (PV)
Categories | Human Cover; Alternative Language |

Featuring | ChiyoKo
Producers | ChiyoKo (German lyrics adaption), Anonymous (PV)
Categories | Human Cover; Alternative Language |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | Bolocas (sign language interpretation)
Categories | Human Cover; Sign Language |

Producers | ishter
Categories | Arrangement |

Producers | Zumn
Categories | Arrangement |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | dj-Jo (remix), Circus-P (tuning)
Categories | Arrangement; VOCALOID Cover |

Producers | Marasy8
Categories | Arrangement |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | yuzuyomogi
Categories | Fanmade Hand-drawn PV |

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | Kyon (pv), Bolocas (JSL)
Categories | Fanmade MMD PV; Sign Language |
Description | Kyon's MMD PV made for the 3rd MMD CUP.

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | Anonymous
Categories | Fanmade Hand-drawn PV |
Description | A PV by Anonymous that became popular and has reached over half a million views.

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | Kakeru
Categories | Fanmade Typography PV |
Description | Kakeru's typography PV. This PV became popular. It received over 400,000 views within two months and reached 1,000,000 soon after that.

Featuring | Hatsune Miku
Producers | hino
Categories | Fanmade MMD PV |
Description | A MMD PV created for the 13th MMD Cup.

Translation | McDonald no Shoushitsu -MAC END- |
Featuring | Ronald McDonald
Producers | 檜風呂
Categories | Jinriki VOCALOID Cover; Parody |
Other media appearances[]
This song was featured in the following literatures:
A light novel was released in July 20, 2012 in Japan and May 31, 2017 in the US following the story of this song. As of 2017, it has 5 languages has been released in any countries, such as Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand.
This song was featured in the following albums:
This song was featured in the following compilation albums:
This song was featured in the following concerts:
Video games[]
This song was featured in the following video games:
maimai Series[]
O.N.G.E.K.I. Series[]
WACCA Series[]
Dance Dance Revolution Series[]
Groove Coaster Series[]
Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- Series[]
Taiko no Tatsujin Series[]
Other games[]
- Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku
- Tetote x Connect
- Fitness Boxing feat. HATSUNE MIKU
- Polaris Chord
External links[]
- Official Webpage
- Karaoke — chemsys.cc