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Cute comedy non-stop conveyor belt sushi song
Miku, whose Hatsune Sushi business is booming, leaves Earth saying, "Next, I'll do business in space!"
Will Hatsune Sushi be successful in space?
—Author's comment

"Hatsune Sushi" is an original dubstep song featuring Hatsune Miku and KAITO by SugiP. It was created as a submission for the 3rd Proseka ULTIMATE song contest, a contest which aims to pick up songs with high difficulty for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku.


Singer + Color

Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
お寿司が食べたい! osushi ga tabetai!

それなら 初音寿司 sore nara hatsune sushi

Hey! らっしゃい らっしゃ Hey! rasshai rassha
らっ らっしゃ らっしゃい 初音寿司 ra rassha rasshai hatsune sushi
Hey! らっしゃい らっしゃ Hey! rasshai rassha
らっ らっしゃ らっしゃい 初音寿司 ra rassha rasshai hatsune sushi
とろとろとろとろとろとろのトロ torotoro torotoro torotoro no toro
ぷりぷりぷりぷりぷりぷりのエビ puripuri puripuri puripuri no ebi
ふわふわふわふわふわふわのシャリ fuwafuwa fuwafuwa fuwafuwa no shari
アガリは熱いほうがいい agari wa atsui hou ga ii

にぎりに 巻き 軍艦 nigiri ni maki gunkan
サイドメニューも鉄壁の布陣 saidomenyuu mo teppeki no fujin
じーちゃんばーちゃんにーちゃんねーちゃん jiichan baachan niichan neechan
ぼっちゃんじょーちゃんわんちゃんも bocchan joochan wanchan mo
笑顔になるよ みんなで食べてって egao ni naru yo minna de tabetette

まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
新鮮なネタを今すぐキミに届けたい shinsen na neta o ima sugu kimi ni todoketai
ヨッ! yo!
まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
高速回転 瞬きしてたら通り過ぎちゃうよ kousoku kaiten mabataki shitetara toorisugichau yo
まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
ネタが尽きるまで neta ga tsukiru made
にぎれ にぎれ nigire nigire
シャリのある限り shari no aru kagiri
まわせ にぎれ まわせ にぎれ mawase nigire mawase nigire
まわせ にぎれ まわせ にぎれ mawase nigire mawase nigire
まわ まわ まわ まわ まわ まわ まわ まわ ま… mawa mawa mawa mawa mawa mawa mawa mawa ma…

て、てぇへんだぁ! te, teehendaa!
ネタがなくなっちまった neta ga nakunacchimatta
急いでとってきまーす! isoide tottekimaasu!

うわぁ お魚がいっぱーい uwaa osakana ga ippaai
マグロにカツオ ヒラメにカレイ maguro ni katsuo hirame ni karei
アジ サバ サンマ ブリ タイ タチウオ aji saba sanma buri tai tachiuo
イカ タコ エビ カニ ウニ アワビ… ika tako ebi kani uni awabi…
大漁!! tairyou!!

まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
新鮮なネタを今すぐキミに届けたい shinsen na neta o ima sugu kimi ni todoketai
ヨッ! yo!
まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
一期一会のこの時は二度と訪れない ichigo ichie no kono toki wa nidoto otozurenai
もっとたくさんの人と幸せ motto takusan no hito to shiawase
喜びを分かち合いたい yorokobi o wakachi aitai
世界中に届け sekaijuu ni todoke

(Come on!)
まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
大地の幸と海の幸 daichi no sachi to umi no sachi
まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
織りなす奇跡のハーモニー orinasu kiseki no haamonii
まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
高らかに響け takaraka ni hibike
まわせ まわせ mawase mawase
宝物に満ちた地球(ほし) takaramono ni michita hoshi o

まわせ まわせ mawase mawase

Below is an official English translation: via Producer. Amendments may have been made to the original translation.

I want to eat sushi!

In that case, Hatsune Sushi

Hey, Welcome, welcome,
welcome, welcome Hatsune Sushi
Hey, Welcome, welcome,
welcome, welcome Hatsune Sushi
Melty Fatty Tuna
Juicy shrimp
Fatty rice
The tea should be hot

Nigiri, rolls, gunkan
The side menu is also solidly organized
Grandma, grandpa, brother, sister
Little boys, little girls and dogs
It'll make you smile, everyone, eat it

Rotate it, rotate it
I want to deliver fresh sushi to you right now

Rotate it, rotate it
It's spinning at high speed, if you blink it will pass you by
Rotate it, rotate it
Until the sushi ingredients fun out
Male it, male it
As long as there is rice
Rotate it, male it, rotate it, male it
Rotate it, male it, rotate it, male it

This is a serious situation!
I've run out of sushi ingredients
I'll hurry and get it!

Wow, there are a lot of fish
Tuna, bonito, flounder and sole
Horse mackerel, mackerel, saury, yellowtail, sea bream, hairtail
Squid, octopus, shrimp, crab, sea urchin, abalone…
Big Catch!!!

Rotate it, rotate it
I want to deliver fresh sushi to you right now

Rotate it, rotate it
This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will never come again
More people and more happiness
I want to share the joy
Deliver worldwide

Come on!
Rotate it, rotate it
Fruits of the Land and Sea
Rotate it, rotate it
Weaving a miraculous harmony
Rotate it, rotate it
Let it ring out loud
Rotate it, rotate it
rotate the treasure-filled Earth

Rotate it, rotate it


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