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An original song as usual, which talks about the circumstance we face every day. Proverb for the beginning of 2015: The conditions and platform for freedom of speeches and acts bring you responsibilities to think independently and distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, please don't let your speeches and actions be affected by the bandwagon effect and consequently let down your responsibilities.
—Author's note

"Conformity" is an original song by Jiangwuluanwan featuring Luo Tianyi. It is the first song of the Conformity series.

The song is about how humans choose to blindly follow the popular opinion and blame or shame those who chose "the wrong side". The lyrics include various social issues, social class differences, the idea that people who work hard may end up homeless, good and honest people getting hurt, and people who switch their opinions with good timing would earn fame and money. Tianyi also questions herself about if this was someone she really wanted to be.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibilI.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
当八成的人选择了 放弃对立 dang bacheng de ren xuanzele fangqi duili
当两成的人还在坚守 信仰的城池 dang liang cheng de ren hai zai jianshou xinyang de chengchi
当孰是孰非由你来对质 dang shu shi shu fei you ni lai duizhi
软了耳根的人 对你说 别站错了位置 ruanle ergen de ren dui ni shuo bie zhan cuole weizhi

还要多少个日夜才能够知道 hai yao duoshao ge riye cai nenggou zhidao
我会变成那一种人吗 wo hui bian cheng na yi zhong ren ma
是不是别人问起的时候总是随声附和 shi bushi bieren wen qi de shihou zong shi suishengfuhe
是不是多数人又代我做出了 抉择 shi bushi duoshu ren you dai wo zuo chule jueze

你看见的不一定真实 你相信的未必是事实 ni kanjian de bu yiding zhenshi ni xiangxin de weibi shi shishi
水落石出也只是一时 谣言遍地开花是随时 shuiluoshichu ye zhishi yishi yaoyan biandikaihua shi suishi
你看见的不一定真实 你相信的未必是事实 ni kanjian de bu yiding zhenshi ni xiangxin de weibi shi shishi
水落石出也只是一时 谣言遍地开花是随时 shuiluoshichu ye zhishi yishi yaoyan biandikaihua shi suishi

当八成的人选择了 放弃对立 dang bacheng de ren xuanzele fangqi duili
当两成的人还在坚守 信仰的城池 dang liang cheng de ren hai zai jianshou xinyang de chengchi
当孰是孰非由你来对质 dang shu shi shu fei you ni lai duizhi
软了耳根的人 对你说 别站错了位置 ruanle ergen de ren dui ni shuo bie zhan cuole weizhi

川流不息的不只是瀑布 chuanliubuxi de bu zhishi pubu
还是城市的上班族 haishi chengshi de shangban zu
放荡的病毒诱惑着温柔乡里的公主 fangdang de bingdu youhuozhe wenrou xiangli de gongzhu

人人喊打的不只是老鼠 ren ren han da de bu zhishi laoshu
还是失足的大人物 haishi shizu de darenwu
遥不可及的不只是理想还是未卜前途 yao buke ji de bu zhishi lixiang haishi weibu qiantu

有人坐吃山空把钱和时间挥霍在名利场 youren zuochishankong ba qian he shijian huihuo zai minglichang
有人朝九晚五还披星戴月却睡在马路上 youren chao jiu wan wu hai pixingdaiyue que shui zai malu shang
有人巧舌如簧卑躬屈膝求得青云直上 youren qiao she ru huang beigongquxi qiu de qingyunzhishang
有人苦干实干屡不得志落个遍体鳞伤 youren ku gan shigan lü bude zhi luo ge biantilinshang
是合理的报偿还是应得的下场 shi heli de baochang huan shi ying de de xiachang
谁被颂扬谁被退场 shei bei songyang shei bei tuichang

啊 还要多久才能够知道 a hai yao duojiu cai nenggou zhidao
我最终会变成那一种人吗 wo zuizhong hui bian cheng na yi zhong ren ma
还要多逼真的技巧混迹这次元中不像个奇葩 hai yao duo bizhen de jiqiao hunji zhe ciyuan zhong bu xiang ge qipa
这样的未来真的会是你要的吗 zheyang de weilai zhen de hui shi ni yao de ma

啊 还要多虔诚的祈祷 a hai yao duo qiancheng de qidao
才能退散这无尽的纷扰 caineng tuisan zhe wujin de fenrao
还要多少光阴来解答当初的选择是对了吧 hai yao duoshao guangyin lai jieda dangchu de xuanze shi duile ba
他们说的话真的会是你要的吗 tamen shuo dehua zhen de hui shi ni yao de ma
真的会是吗 zhen de hui shi ma

Other media appearances[]

Video Games[]

This song is featured in the following games:


External links[]


