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—Author's note

"Shānhé Lìng" is an original song by tide-Chaoxi and Wubi featuring Xingchen.

This song reached 1 million views on February 25, 2021.

Succeeding versions[]

Marblue and Chalili's Cover
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Marblue (vocals), Chalili (vocals)
Categories Human cover


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
骤雨后斜阳正浓 欲挑灯 旌旗动 去成就一段骁勇 zhou yu hou xieyang zheng nong yu tiaodeng jingqi dong qu chengjiu yiduan xiaoyong
不若此身化千里 快哉风 弦上弓 策马追一道彩虹 bu ruo ci shen hua qianli kuaizai feng xian shang gong ce ma zhui yidao caihong
楼烦城几场决胜 定襄破 长平封 汉关路笑尽英雄 lou fan cheng ji chang juesheng ding xiang po chang ping feng han guan lu xiao jin yingxiong
辟长空 挽弓 啸入苍穹 pi changkong wan gong xiao ru cangqiong

沐黄沙 敌阵谁敢与我争高下 风云几度惊半生戎马 mu huang sha dizhen shei gan yu wo zheng gao xia fengyun ji du jing bansheng rongma
拭铁甲 挥兵破阵再望断天涯 血雨腥风吻过了伤疤 shi tiejia hui bing po zhen zai wang duan tianya xue yu xing feng wenguole shangba

一世气概与君同 御长风 数峥嵘 再成就一段骁勇 yishi qigai yu jun tong yu chang feng shu zheng rong zai chengjiu yiduan xiaoyong
但此去剑指漠北 定河朔 酩酊中 频传着谁的征程 dan ci qu jian zhi mo bei ding he shuo mingding zhong pinchuanzhe shei de zhengcheng
楼烦城几场决胜 定襄破 长平封 汉关路笑尽英雄 lou fan cheng ji chang juesheng ding xiang po chang ping feng han guan lu xiao jin yingxiong
辟长空 挽弓 啸入苍穹 pi changkong wan gong xiao ru cangqiong

谁留下 烽火连天照夜的勾划 又是谁在传说中寻他 shei liu xia fenghuo liantian zhao ye de gou hua you shi shei zai chuanshuo zhong xun ta
千年后 挥兵破阵不过一刹那 血雨腥风吻过了伤疤 qiannian hou hui bing po zhen buguo yichana xue yu xing feng wenguole shangba

楼烦城几场决胜 定襄破 长平封 汉关路笑尽英雄 lou fan cheng ji chang juesheng ding xiang po chang ping feng han guan lu xiao jin yingxiong
梦归处 挽弓 啸入苍穹 meng gui chu wan gong xiao ru cangqiong

万里沙 敌阵谁敢与我争高下 风云几度惊半生戎马 wan lisha dizhen shei gan yu wo zheng gao xia fengyun ji du jing bansheng rongma
拭铁甲 挥兵破阵再望断天涯 血雨腥风吻过了伤疤 shi tiejia hui bing po zhen zai wang duan tianya xue yu xing feng wenguole shangba
谁留下 烽火连天照夜的勾划 又是谁在传说中寻他 shei liu xia fenghuo liantian zhao ye de gou hua you shi shei zai chuanshuo zhong xun ta
史册间 挥兵破阵不过一刹那 血雨腥风吻过了伤疤 shice jian hui bing po zhen buguo yichana xue yu xing feng wenguole shangba
山河在 回首泪 如雨下 shanhe zai huishou lei ru yu xia


Creuzer's Cover ft. Tianyi
bilibili logo
Liuxu (VSQx), Creuzer (tuning, mixing)
Categories VOCALOID cover
HUSKY's Cover ft. Ling
bilibili logo
Liuxu (VSQx), HUSKY (tuning, mixing)
Categories VOCALOID cover
Xin's Cover ft. Moke
bilibili logo
Liuxu (VSQx), Xin (tuning, mixing)
Categories VOCALOID cover
Chasel Yi Chen's Cover ft. Longya
bilibili logo
Chasel Yi Chen (cover), Liuxu (sequence)
Categories VOCALOID cover

Yiqing's Cover
bilibili logo
Xiao Yiqing (vocals), Mr. Cengjing (mixing)
Categories Human cover
KBShinya and Olou's Cover
bilibili logo
KBShinya (vocals), Olou (vocals), Mr. Cengjing (mixing)
Categories Human cover
Paigu's Cover
bilibili logo
Paigu (vocals)
Categories Human cover

Other media appearances[]


Marblue and Chalili's duet version was chosen to be featured in the crowdfunded Sù Huí album.

External links[]


