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He's annoying but somehow lovable. Romantic Hero is in love today! It's Last Note. After creating this tension, he leaves at midnight. Huh?
—Author's comment

"Love Hero" is an original song by Last Note. and is one of their most notable songs. A song in which he tells how love is something that anyone can fall for, but this hero of love will probably teach you how to avoid or improve it.

This song has received a chapter in the Web Comic COMIC @ LOID volume 1, it is not yet known if it will have a continuation. In this the boy in the image is shown on the roof of the school, he begins to remember a girl (which is very similar to GUMI) and he is clearly in love with her, later he is seen listening to music on his cell phone, the song at that time was "Renai Yuusha". Apparently he will do what he can to win her over.

This song has entered the Hall of Legend. It is featured in the albums first trip, Setsuna Code, and VOCALOID chouBEST -impacts-.

Succeeding versions[]

ACTORS Version
Categories Human Cover; Album-exclusive Content
A cover featured in the ACTORS series. Featured on the albums ACTORS 2, released by EXIT TUNES.


Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
バレて暴れて遊ばれてさ 惚れた腫れたの馬鹿騒ぎ barete abarete asoba rete sa horetahareta no bakasawagi
晴れて憐れな孤軍奮闘 誠心誠意誰かのせいに! harete awarena kogun funto seishinseii dareka no sei ni!

目立つ剥奪身の毛よだつ 切った張ったの恋模様 medatsu hakudatsu minoke yodatsu kittahatta no koi moyo
乱し見出す机上論理 景気良く飲み結局ロンリー! midashi miidasu kijo ronri keiki yoku nomi kekkyoku ronri!

酔いから醒めて 窮めて耐え難い感情は何度目だ? yoi kara samete kiwamete taegatai kanjou wa nan-domeda?
恋に盲目 故に度を越す空回り もう終わり 同じことの繰り返しで koi ni mekura yueni dowokosu karamawari mo owari onaji koto no kurikaeshi de

視線が合ってその気になって そしたら crazy 止まらな Yeah! shisen ga atte sonoke ni natte soshitara crazy tomarana Yeah!
フラグ作って端から折って 僅か3日で想い破れて furagu tsukutte hashi kara otte wazuka mika de omoi yaburete
か弱いもんでだいぶ凹んで 5日寝込んで次の恋 Yeah! kayowai mon de daibu hekonde itsukara nekonde tsugi no koi Yeah!
突っ走って道誤って いくらなんでも勇者すぎる? tsuppashitte michi ayamatte ikura nan demo yusha sugiru?
さあ、思考回路を疑え! saa, shiko kairo o utagae!

なぜか泣かれて焼かれちゃってさ 想いを込めたラブレター naze ka naka rete yaka re chatte sa omoi o kometa rabureta
100枚綴り起承転結 しっかりペンで日刊ペース! hyaku-mai tsudzuri kishotenketsu shikkari pen de nikkan pesu!

見ざる聞かざる制止せざる 周りの人の好判断 mizaru kikazaru seishi sezaru mawarinohito no ko handan
それは苦心の以心伝心 "楽しいから、放っておこうか" sore wa kushin no ishindenshin "tanoshikara, hanatte okou ka"

経験値はゼロからむしろマイナスに傾いて keiken-chi wa zero kara mushiro mainasu ni katamuite
恋に真剣 故に重症 おクスリは容易にはドロップ致しませんので! koi ni shinken yueni jushoo kusuri wa yoi ni wa doroppu itashimasennode

視線が合ってその気になって そしたら crazy 止まらな Yeah! shisen ga atte sonoke ni natte soshitara crazy tomarana Yeah!
フラグ作って端から折って 僅か3日で想い破れて furagu tsukutte hashi kara otte wazuka mika de omoi yaburete
か弱いもんでだいぶ凹んで 5日寝込んで次の恋 Yeah! kayowai mon de daibu hekonde itsukara nekonde tsugi no koi Yeah!
突っ走って道誤って いくらなんでも勇者すぎる? tsuppashitte michi ayamatte ikura nan demo yusha sugiru?
さあ、思考回路を疑え! saa, shiko kairo o utagae!

ひとつ!視線が合ったらこっそり離れよう。 hitotsu! shisen ga attara kossori hanareyou
ふたつ!優しくしちゃったらゆっくり逃げよう。 futatsu! yasashiku shi chattara yukkuri nigeyou
みっつ!長く喋ったらどっかに隠れよう。恋されちゃうぞ! mittsu! nagaku shabettara dokka ni kakureyou Koi sa re chau zo!
よっつ!時折きっついビンタをしよう。 yottsu! tokiori kittsu i binta o shiyou
いつつ!往復ビンタも効果的だよ。 itsutsu! ofuku binta mo koka-tekida yo
いっそ、きっちり世間の厳しさをどうか教えてやって! isso, kitchiri seken no kibishi-sa o doka oshiete yatte!

視線が合ってその気になって そしたら crazy 止まらな Yeah! shisen ga atte sonoke ni natte soshitara crazy tomarana Yeah!
フラグ作って端から折って 僅か3日で想い破れて furagu tsukutte hashi kara otte wazuka mika de omoi yaburete
か弱いもんでだいぶ凹んで 5日寝込んで次の恋 Yeah! kayowai mon de daibu hekonde itsukara nekonde tsugi no koi Yeah!
突っ走って道誤って いくらなんでも勇者すぎる? tsuppashitte michi ayamatte ikura nan demo yusha sugiru?
さあ、思考回路を疑え! saa, shiko kairo o utagae!
世間に負けるな、恋愛勇者!! seken ni makeruna, ren'ai yusha! !


LuYurippe ft. Piko's Cover
YouTube logo
Categories VOCALOID Cover
Fruutella ft. Iroha's Cover
YouTube logo
lorreinegeralde@IRIS-SELECIA ft. Kaiserine's Cover
YouTube logo
lorreinegeralde@IRIS-SELECIA (mixing), kyaami (UST file creator)
Categories UTAU cover
lorreinegeralde@IRIS-SELECIA ft. Noel's Cover
YouTube logo
lorreinegeralde@IRIS-SELECIA (video, mixing), kyaami (UST file creator)
diinyoron ft. Sakasamane Diipu Cover
YouTube logo
Sakasamu Diipu Male
Categories UTAU cover
Wotamin's Cover
Niconico logo
Categories Human cover
Gero's Cover
Niconico logo
Categories Human cover
Nico Chorus
Niconico logo
Various Utaites
Categories Nico Chorus

Other media appearances[]

Video games[]

This song was featured in the following video games:

  • BeatStream
  • jubeat plus
  • pop'n music Lapistoria
  • REFLEC BEAT plus
  • pop'n rhythmin

External links[]


