"Wǒmen Lái Wán Chéngyǔ Jiēlóng Ba!" is an original song by JUSF and Mouci Zhibo Shi de Danmu featuring Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, and Xingchen. In the song, the girls play a game where each player begins a sentence or phrase starting with the last word from the previous sentence.
This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.
Succeeding versions[]
Dark Version

Featuring | Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, Xingchen
Producers | JUSF (compose, arrange, lyrics tuning), Aya (illustrator)
Categories | Remaster |
Singer + Color | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tianyi | YANHE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ling | Xingchen |
Chinese (中文歌词) | Pinyin (拼音) |
嘿!我们来玩成语接龙吧! | Hēi! Wǒmen lái wán chéngyǔ jiēlóng ba! |
来呗! | Lái bei! |
怕你不成 | Pà nǐ bùchéng |
加我一个 | Jiā wǒ yīgè |
那就……开始 | Nà jiù……kāishǐ |
吃了又吃吃了又吃吃了又吃吃了又吃 | chile you chi chile you chi chile you chi chile you chi |
吃了再吃吃了再吃吃了再吃吃了再吃 | chile zai chi chile zai chi chile zai chi chile zai chi |
吃了就睡睡醒就吃吃了就睡睡醒就吃 | chile jiu shui shui xing jiu chi chile jiu shui shui xing jiu chi |
吃了再睡睡醒再吃吃了再睡睡醒再吃 | chile zai shui shui xing zai chi chile zai shui shui xing zai chi |
吃不下了了然于胸胸闷气短短小精悍 | chi buxiale le ran yu xiong xiongmen qiduan duanxiaojinghan |
汗马功劳劳动光荣容易喊饿饿了就吃 | hanmagonglao laodong guangrong rongyi han e ele jiu chi |
吃了又吃吃了又吃吃了又吃吃了又吃 | chile you chi chile you chi chile you chi chile you chi |
吃了再吃吃了再吃吃了再吃吃了再吃 | chile zai chi chile zai chi chile zai chi chile zai chi |
吃了就睡睡醒就吃吃了就睡睡醒就吃 | chile jiu shui shui xing jiu chi chile jiu shui shui xing jiu chi |
吃了再睡睡醒再吃吃了再睡睡醒再吃 | chile zai shui shui xing zai chi chile zai shui shui xing zai chi |
吃不出来来快活呀牙牙乐她有营养 | chi bu chulai lai kuaihuo ya yaya le ta you yingyang |
羊踹玉兔突然惊方方方正正正正方方 | yang chuai yutu turan jing fang fang fangzheng zheng zhengzheng fangfang |
方方正正正好能吃 | fangfang zhengzheng zhenghao neng chi |
吃了又吃吃了又吃吃了又吃吃了又吃 | chile you chi chile you chi chile you chi chile you chi |
吃了再吃吃了再吃吃了再吃吃了再吃 | chile zai chi chile zai chi chile zai chi chile zai chi |
吃了就睡睡醒就吃吃了就睡睡醒就吃 | chile jiu shui shui xing jiu chi chile jiu shui shui xing jiu chi |
吃了再睡睡醒再吃吃了再睡睡醒再吃 | chile zai shui shui xing zai chi chile zai shui shui xing zai chi |
还有什么都使出来我不怕你你不怕我 | hai you shenme dou shi chulai wo bupa ni ni bupa wo |
我为人人人人为我我为人人人人为我 | wo wei ren ren ren ren wei wo wo wei ren ren ren ren wei wo |
痛定思痛痛定思痛痛并渴痛痛痛飞走 | tong ding si tong tong ding si tong tong bing ke tong tong tong fei zou |
为所欲为为所欲为贼喊捉贼贼喊捉贼 | weisuoyuwei weisuoyuwei zeihanzhuozei zeihanzhuozei |
耶嘿,我发现我们接不完啦 | Yē hēi, wǒ fāxiàn wǒmen jiē bù wán la |
咋办? | Zǎ bàn? |
我可不怕~ | Wǒ kě bùpà ~ |
来!决战到天明! | Lái! Juézhàn dào tiānmíng! |
Chasel Yi Chen's Quartet Cover (Dark Version)

Featuring | |
Producers | Chasel Yi Chen
Categories | VOCALOID cover |
Chengxi's, Yan Ling's, A Li Anicca, & Haru's Cover (Dark Version)

Featuring | Chengxi, Yan Ling, A Li Anicca, Haru
Producers | Zei En (mixing)
Categories | Human cover |
Xiao Men's Calculator Arrange (Dark Version)

Featuring | Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, Xingchen
Producers | Xiao Men
Categories | Arrangement |
Shi Jin Juzi a's Genshin Impact PV

Featuring | Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, Xingchen
Producers | Shi Jin Juzi a
Categories | Fanmade PV |
Description |
C16H11CIN4's Hetalia PV

Featuring | Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, Xingchen
Producers | C16H11CIN4
Categories | Fanmade PV |
Description |
Zi Zui Wangxiang-SinZahid's Short FNAF PV (Dark Version)

Featuring | Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, Xingchen
Producers | Zi Zui Wangxiang-SinZahid
Categories | Fanmade PV |
Description | Features humanized versions of Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's.