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Scop's fourteenth song, Yubikiri was uploaded onto Niconico Douga on April 28, 2010. Since then, it has entered the Hall of Legend, having reached over 1,060,000 views.

The song is based on a tradition in Japan. Yubikiri means "finger cut-off." In the tradition, a prostitute would cut off her pinky to give to a client whom she fell in love with. If the client loved her back, he would cut off his pinky and send it to the prostitute. If not, he would send her pinky back.


Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
今宵は貴方のため この身を授けましょう koyoi wa anata no tame kono mi wo sazukemashou
貴方とは特別なの これは世辞(せじ)とか 口説(くぜつ)じゃないの anata to wa tokubetsu na no kore wa seji to ka kuzetsu ja nai no

嗚呼 あたし恋をして aa atashi koi wo shite
貴方の目に映るものすべて 憎く見えるの anata no me ni utsuru mono subete nikuku mieru no
あたし以外は見ないで atashi igai wa minaide

心の音がするわ 汚い(かす)れた声 kokoro no oto ga suru wa kitanai kasureta koe
前の男の行方よりも 貴方の未来 気になります mae no otoko no yukue yori mo anata no mirai ki ni narimasu

嗚呼 満たされるくらい aa mitasereru kurai
体も心も全部強く奥の奥まで karada mo kokoro mo zenbu tsuyoku oku no oku made
さぁ もっと 熱くさせてよ saa motto atsuku sasete yo

小さな見世(みせ)で横たわる (ほこり)まみれのこの恋を chiisana mise de yokotawaru hokori-mamire no kono koi wo
(まこと)の恋と呼ばぬなら 今 示しましょう 愛の証を makoto no koi to yobanu nara ima shimeshimashou ai no akashi wo

嗚呼 あたし貴方なら aa atashi anata nara
髪切りも爪剥ぎも超えて 指切りするわ kamikiri mo tsume hagi mo koete yubikiri suru wa
交わして 変わらぬ愛を kawashite kawaranu ai wo

指切った yubikitta

Below is an unofficial English translation: via Project DIVA. Amendments may have been made to the original translation. —Featured in Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F 2nd, the writer is uncredited.

Tonight, for you, I offer up this body
With you it's special
This isn't flattery or lip service

Ahhh—I'm in love
Everything reflected in your eyes stirs hatred in me
Don't look at anything else but me

I hear the sound of a heart
It's a dirty, grating voice
I don't care where the last boy went, it's your future that concerns me

Ahhh—My body, my heart, my all, deeper and deeper
Until I'm satisfied
Now, let's turn up the heat

Lying here in this small menagerie with our dust-covered love
If you don't think this is true love, let me show you proof

Ahhh—If I were with you
Forget haircuts or tearing out my nails
I'd cut off my pinky
As proof our love won't change

Pinky swear

Below is an unofficial Chinese translation: via Project DIVA. Amendments may have been made to the original translation. —Featured in Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F 2nd, the writer is uncredited.
Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
今晚為了你 獻上我身體 jin wan weile ni xian shang wo shenti
跟你之間可是特別的關係 這並不是客套或調情 gen ni zhi jian keshi tebie de guanxi zhe bing bushi ketao huo tiaoqing

嗚呼 找愛上你了 wuhu zhao ai shang nile
映照在你眼裡的有事物 看起來都如此令人憎恨 yingzhao zai ni yan li de you shiwu kan qilai dou ruci ling ren zenghen
除了我以外的都別再看 chule wo yiwai de dou bie zai kan

心裡的聲音響起 混濁的摩擦聲 xinli de shengyin xiangqi hunzhuo de moca sheng
比起上個男人的去向 我比較在意你的未來 bi qi shang ge nanren de quxiang wo bijiao zaiyi ni de weilai

嗚呼 像是能滿足般地 wuhu xiang shi neng manzu ban de
無論身心全都強烈地貫通到最深處 wulun shenxin quandou qianglie de guantong dao zuishen chu
再讓我更加發熱吧 zai rang wo gengjia fare ba

在這間小店 横躺著 佈滿塵埃的 這份愛 zai zhe jian xiao dian heng tangzhe bu man chen'ai de zhe fen ai
若稱不上是 真正的愛 那我現在就證明給你看 愛的證明 ruo cheng bu shang shi zhenzheng de ai na wo xianzai jiu zhengming gei ni kan ai de zhengming

嗚呼 若是為了你 wuhu ruoshi weile ni
超越斷髮或找指甲的切小指 chaoyue duan fa huo zhao zhijia de qie xiaozhi
換來的是永恆不變的愛 huan lai de shi yongheng bu bian de ai

化為斷指 hua wei duan zhi


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KAITO V3 Whisper, Straight & Whisper XSY
Joshua-san Covers (cover, VSQx)
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Eaver's Cover ft. VY2
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Eaver (cover), Joshua-san Covers (VSQx)
Categories VOCALOID Cover
Yukionosuke's Cover ft. Kagamine Len
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Yukionosuke (cover, video, mixing, VSQx)
Categories VOCALOID Cover
Pablo Bablo's Cover ft. Megurine Luka
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Megurine Luka V4X Soft
Pablo Bablo (cover, edit), Yukionosuke (base VSQx)
Categories VOCALOID Cover
Louexuv's Cover ft. KAITO
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Kagamine Rin V4X (chorus)
Louexuv (cover), Yukionosuke (VSQx)
Categories VOCALOID Cover
Yukionosuke's Cover ft. Hatsune Miku
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Hatsune Miku V4Xβ
Yukionosuke (cover, VSQx)
Categories VOCALOID Cover
Tristan Benz Alexander's Cover ft. Kagamine Rin
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Tristan Benz Alexander (cover), Yukionosuke (VSQx)
Categories VOCALOID Cover

Chomaiyo's Cover
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Categories Human Cover
Rumdarjun's Cover
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Categories Human Cover
【Ren】's Cover
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Categories Human Cover
Dasoku's Cover
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【Ren】 (mixing)
Categories Human Cover
himawari's Cover
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Categories Human Cover

colate remix
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Hatsune Miku
colate (remix), Sakurako (illust)
Categories Arrangement

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the following albums:

  • Light and Shadow
  • Days ~Best of Scop~
  • Yubukiri (single)

This song was featured in the following compilation albums:

  • Vocaloid Love Songs ~Girl's Side~
  • 初音ミク Project DIVA MEGA39’s 10th アニバーサリーコレクション (Hatsune Miku Project DIVA MEGA39's 10th Anniversary Collection)

Video games[]

This song was featured in the following video games:


External links[]


