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VanaN'Ice's 7th song. Goodbye to you, my dear.
—Author's comment

"Sakura Maichirinu" is an original song by SCL Project.

It focuses on 2 men remembering the good times they had with a woman, who presumably died.

This song was later rearranged and uploaded as "Fallen Cherry Blossoms -Beauty-".

The original version has entered the Hall of Fame.

Succeeding versions[]

VanaN'Ice Medley ~Space of Time~
YouTube logo
VanaN'Ice (feat. Hiyama Kiyoteru and Hatsune Miku)
SCL Project
Categories Mash-up
A medley of the first 8 main VanaN'Ice songs along with other SCL Project songs


IMPORTANT NOTE: Words that are italicized are not spoken but rather appear on screen in the PV.

Singer + Color
Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
復タ 逢ヘルト願ヒ mata aeru to negai

夢 目覚めた時 yume mezameta toki
懐かしい 花の香り広がり natsukashii hana no kaori hirogari
思いだけ あの場所へ omoi dake ano basho e
置き去りにしたままで ボクハ・・・ okizari ni shita mama de boku wa…

風が髪を揺らし 全部を消し去ってゆく kaze ga kami o yurashi subete o keshisatte yuku
あの頃に戻れるなら ano koro ni modoreru nara
すべてを差し出し 何も要らないから subete o sashidashi nani mo iranai kara
遠イ遠イ 彼方ノ彼方ヘ tooi tooi kanata no kanata e

花弁 ひらり舞い落ちて hanabira hirari maiochite
散る時まで 二人で咲きたい chiru toki made futari de sakitai
この木に宿る 君の欠片 kono ki ni yadoru kimi no kakera
すべてが朽ち果ててしまうまで subete ga kuchihatete shimau made

君の大好きな季節が来る度に kimi no daisuki na kisetsu ga kuru tabi ni
思い出すから 願えば願う程に omoidasu kara negaeba negau hodo ni
叶わぬ思いと知っていたとしても kanawanu omoi to shitteita to shite mo
アナタヲ 想イ歌フ anata o omoi utau

花弁 ひらり舞い落ちて hanabira hirari maiochite
散る時まで 二人で咲きたい chiru toki made futari de sakitai
この木に宿る 君の欠片 kono ki ni yadoru kimi no kakera
すべてが朽ち果ててしまうまで subete ga kuchihatete shimau made
時が流れ もし姿が変わっても toki ga nagare moshi sugata ga kawatte mo
あなたを見つけると anata o mitsukeru to
最期を告げるかのように 期を告げるかのように wakare o tsugeru ka no you ni
もう咲かなくなってしまった花 mou sakanaku natte shimatta hana

Other media appearances[]


The -Beauty- version is featured in the album LAST COLOR.

The original version is featured in the album Blue Rose.

External links[]


