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"Líhuā Yǔ" is an original Luo Tianyi and Wang Chao duet song.  The lyrics are open for interpretation. 

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili. The song was deleted in April 2020.


Singer + Color
Wang Chao
Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
纤月抚梨树 xian yue fu li shu
花径作廊庑 hua jing zuo lang wu
有雀借小住 you que jie xiao zhu
临水清风入 lin shui qingfeng ru
薄衣沾香雾 baoyi zhan xiang wu
隐隐春知处 yinyin chun zhi chu

枕绵山 zhen mian shan
细雨敲浅潭 xi yu qiao qian tan
夜生寒 ye sheng han
恰空翠湿荷岸 qia kong cui shi he an
梦里三秋过 meng li sanqiuguo
是芳尘尽染 yi shi fang chen jin ran
得岁月偕行为伴 de suiyue xie xingwei ban

纤月抚梨树 xian yue fu li shu
花径作廊庑 hua jing zuo lang wu
有雀借小住 you que jie xiao zhu
临水清风入 lin shui qingfeng ru
薄衣沾香雾 baoyi zhan xiang wu
隐隐春知处 yinyin chun zhi chu

风吹尽 feng chui jin
满枝花初绽 man zhi hua chu zhan
辞树去 ci shu qu
只成天地素淡 zhi cheng tiandi sudan
千里峰如簇 qianli feng ru cu
点流萤飞散 ji dian liuying feisan
此中颜色雪中看 ci zhong yanse xue zhong kan

纤月抚梨树 xian yue fu li shu
花径作廊庑 hua jing zuo lang wu
有雀借小住 you que jie xiao zhu

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the Diàntáng 2 album.

External links[]


