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"Huī Sǐ Bìng Shàonǚ" is an original song by Chenxiao Tongxue and Yu Li featuring Luo Tianyi V4's Ning voicebank. It is the fourth song in the artist5 Series and is the character song of White the Sculptor.
This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.
Chinese (中文歌词) | Pinyin (拼音) |
放浪的喧哗 惊扰了株正要冒尖的芽 | fanglang de xuanhua jingraole zhu zheng yao maojian de ya |
而原野上孱弱的河 气若游丝 恳求美来将它润泽 | er yuanye shang chanruo de he qi ruo yousi kenqiu mei lai jiang ta runze |
大地的癔病是漆黑的癔病 | dadi de yibing shi qihei de yibing |
我等的梦境是洁白的梦境 | wo deng de mengjing shi jiebai de mengjing |
神明的药引是鲜红的药引 | shenming de yao yin shi xianhong de yao yin |
不洁由我清涤 | bu jie you wo qing di |
我判决着规诫着仍虔信着 | wo panjuezhe gui jiezhe reng qian xinzhe |
但凡良善之人 必得安稳一生 | danfan liang shanzhi ren bide anwen yisheng |
纵然天秤失衡了我仍记得 | zongran tiancheng shihengle wo reng jide |
白之外的颜色 是不被允许的 | bai zhi wai de yanse shi bu bei yunxu de |
人云亦云亦云失去逻辑 亦步亦趋亦趋迈进沟渠 | renyunyiyun yi yun shiqu luoji yibuyiqu yi qu maijin gouqu |
一个个都为秩序的坍塌 争先恐后添砖加瓦 | yige ge dou wei zhixu de tanta zhengxiankonghou tianzhuanjiawa |
今天对着父亲予取予求 明天就推倒母亲的高塔 | jintian duizhe fuqin yuquyuqiu mingtian jiu tuidao muqin de gao ta |
还活着的人们退无可退 来 我 麾 下 | hai huozhe de renmen tui wu ke tui lai wo huixia |
我等的仇敌是洁白的仇敌 | wo deng de choudi shi jiebai de choudi |
我等的正义是洁白的正义 | wo deng de zhengyi shi jiebai de zhengyi |
我等的决心是洁白的决心 | wo deng de juexin shi jiebai de juexin |
不容一丝阴翳 | burong yisi yinyi |
我抵挡着祈祷着还站立着 | wo didangzhe qidaozhe hai zhanlizhe |
直到最后一刻 再无别的选择 | zhidao zuihou yike zai wu bie de xuanze |
然而从我心口所流出来的 | ran'er cong wo xinkou suo liu chulai de |
是污浊的灰 那不纯的颜色 | shi wuzhuo de hui na bu chun de yanse |
展示神恩尚在那日 晴空万里 | zhanshi shen en shang zai na ri qingkong wanli |
我穿透我自己 败北残垣一隅 | wo chuan tou wo ziji baibei can yuan yiyu |
狂欢街道却散开 我的模型 | kuanghuan jiedao que san kai wo de moxing |
肆意传播起 灰死的疾病 | siyi chuanbo qi hui si de jibing |
深爱的最后的想拯救的 | shen ai de zuihou de xiang zhengjiu de |
全部在那一刻 被我亲手干涸 | quanbu zai na yike bei wo qinshou ganhe |
只恨侵蚀玷污了我梦境的 | zhi hen qinshi dianwule wo mengjing de |
是罪恶的黑 那禁忌的颜色 | shi zui'e de hei na jinji de yanse |
Guan Mo's Cover ft. Chiyu

Featuring | |
Producers | Guan Mo (tuning), Bingshan_hyozan (mixing), Wei Tu (thumbnail)
Categories | Synthesizer V cover |
You Qi's Cover

Producers | You Qi
Categories | Human cover |
Er Lan's Cover

Producers | Er Lan (vocals), Xiao Xiannü Post Production Studio (post production)
Categories | Human cover |
Tang Hua's Cover

Producers | Tang Hua (vocals), Ruanpan OverWriTer (mixing, suppression)
Categories | Human cover |
Other media appearances[]
This song was featured in the artist5 ~Tǎ yǔ Shàonǚ~ album.
External links[]
- VSQx - Baidu Drive (Password: f6pc)