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Loving to dream when we were young, symbolizes our hopes for the beautiful future and our purest fantasies. As we grow up, we hold those beautiful dreams for company as we go through countless trials and tribulations. With high hopes, I hope for every youngster to still be able to dream, to be able to keep by those warmest soil beds inside their hearts to nurse those dreams to health.
—Description (translated by CoolMikeHatsune22)

"Báirì Wàngxiǎng" is an original song by YiSeho and Yaohu Gongzi featuring YANHE.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.

Preceding versions[]

Marblue & Zuyanaxi's Version
YouTube logo
Marblue, Zuyanaxi
Xiyin She (planning, production), YiSeho (compose, arrange), Yaohu Gongzi (lyrics), Lianhe Maitian (veritable records), Digifan (track mixing), Marblue (vocal mixing), Zu Ya Na Xi (mastering), Leiq Lei, Li Qi, Jiasu ac (illustrators), Shunianci (thumbnail art), Xiao Hang (video)
Categories Human original


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
钢筋交围成一个国 机械鸟从云端坠落 gangjin jiao wei cheng yige guo jixie niao cong yunduan zhuiluo
情人都在擦肩而过 跋涉者终点又是沙漠 qingren dou zai ca jian erguo bashe zhe zhongdian you shi shamo
糖果屋里堆砌石头 公主在高塔里壽终 tangguo wu li duiqi shitou gongzhu zai gao ta li shou zhong
清晨人鱼融成泡沫 最是清醒着才爱做梦 qingchen renyu rong cheng paomo zui shi qingxingzhe cai ai zuomeng

妄想铁锈开出花朵 飞鸟和晴空邂逅 wangxiang tiexiu kai chu huaduo feiniao he qingkong xiehou
孤独者见人间烟火 失去的都重逢 gudu zhe jian renjian yanhuo shiqu de dou chongfeng

妄想废墟里堆满糖果 钢筋交围成一个国 wangxiang feixu li dui man tangguo gangjin jiao wei cheng yige guo
高塔之下有骑士仰首 公主在高塔里壽终 gao ta zhi xia you qishi yang shou gongzhu zai gao ta li shou zhong
人鱼在濒死之前开口 情人都在擦肩而过 renyu zai bin si zhiqian kaikou qingren dou zai ca jian erguo
所有故事开始便善终 最是清醒着爱做梦 suoyou gushi kaishi bian shanzhong zui shi qingxingzhe ai zuomeng

蝴蝶被野荆棘绞首 红舞鞋在刀尖跳动 hudie bei ye jingji jiao shou hong wu xie zai dao jian tiaodong
玫瑰在相拥间凋落 童话总在现实里落魄 meigui zai xiang yong jian diaoluo tonghua zong zai xianshi li luopo
小丑戴着面具沉默 看客都以冷漠为荣 xiaochou daizhe mianju chenmo kanke dou yi lengmo wei rong
虚荣赤裸摆上餐桌 各怀鬼胎者三缄其口 xurong chiluo bai shang canzhuo ge huai guitai zhe sanjianqikou

妄想蝴蝶安眠芳丛 红舞鞋踏碎刀锋 wangxiang hudie anmian fang cong hong wu xie ta sui daofeng
玫瑰如她永不凋落 孩子拥有梦 meigui ru ta yong bu diaoluo haizi yongyou meng

妄想看小丑洗去妆容 小丑戴着面具沉默 wangxiang kan xiaochou xi qu zhuangrong xiaochou daizhe mianju chenmo
人人都尝过爱憎悦痛 红舞鞋在刀尖跳动 ren ren dou changguo ai zeng yue tong hong wu xie zai dao jian tiaodong
曾被这世界温柔吻过 虚荣赤裸摆上餐桌 ceng bei zhe shijie wenrou wenguo xurong chiluo bai shang canzhuo
尝试着鼓足勇气去活 童话总在现实落魄 changshizhe gu zu yongqi qu huo tonghua zong zai xianshi luo po

若非整个世界都向我坦裸着荆棘刀锋 ruofei zhengge shijie dou xiang wo tan luozhe jingji daofeng
若非每段命运都像黑夜里溺水求活 ruofei mei duan mingyun dou xiang heiye li nishui qiu huo
若非连每一次呼吸都是七情六欲的负重 ruofei lian mei yici huxi dou shi qiqingliuyu de fuzhong
又怎么敢命悬一线还堂而皇之做梦 you zenme gan ming xuan yixian hai tang'erhuangzhi zuomeng

有谁撞破南墙不回头不是因为期待重逢 you shei zhuang po nan qiang bu huitou bushi yin wei qidai chongfeng
有谁能够赴汤蹈火不是因为尚能够心动 you shei nenggou futangdaohuo bushi yinwei shang nenggou xindong
有谁负夜而行不是因为还怀存星火 you shei fu ye er xing bushi yinwei hai huai cun xinghuo
如果不敢白日做梦怎么让现实低头 ruguo bu gan bairizuomeng zenme rang xianshi ditou

愿腐树枯草还爱春风 钢筋交围成一个国 yuan fu shu kucao hai ai chunfeng gangjin jiao wei cheng yige guo
愿麻木人间还能心动 红舞鞋在刀尖跳动 yuan mamu renjian hai neng xindong hong wu xie zai dao jian tiaodong
愿现实还有余力温柔 情人都在擦肩而过 yuan xianshi hai you yuli wenrou qingren dou zai ca jian erguo
愿你我尚有余地做梦 孤独者见人间烟火 yuan ni wo shang you yudi zuomeng gudu zhe jian renjian yanhuo

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