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This song is part of the Himitsu series. It was released on the Polkadodge album.

This song tells of the war that took place over a thousand years before the events of Oath of Black. Kaito, the angel queen Lily, and a green haired angel (Mikuo) fought a demon to protect "the holy Eden" and banished him to the earth.

Main article: Himitsu Series


Singer + Color
Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
放たれた地獄の業火 hanatareta jigoku no gouka
母なるセフィロートへと hahanaru sefirooto e to
粛正の名の下に shukusei no na no moto ni
聖なる楽園を守護する運命 seinaru eden o shugo suru sadame

御言のままに…… mikoto no mama ni...
集う髪の御意志よ…… tsudou kami no oishi yo...
喜びて羽ばたく…… yorokobite habataku...

穢れし地に 聖なる粛正を下し kegareshi chi ni seinaru shukusei o kurashi
冥府の底まで 一人残さず meifu no soko made hitori nokosazu
すべて、狩り尽くせ subete, karitsukuse

怒れる十字を この羽に込めて ikareru juuji o kono hane ni komete
愚かな悪魔に聖なる裁きを! orokana akuma ni seinaru sabaki o!
闘志の鼓を高らかに鳴らし toushi no tsuzumi o takaraka ni narashi
いざ、創世の戦渦へ iza, sousei no senka e

怒りを、嘆きを、宣誓に変えて ikari o, nageki o, sensei ni kaete
愚かな悪魔に聖なる裁きを! orokana akuma ni seinaru sabaki o!
誇りを、畏れを、高らかに謳い hokori o, osore o, takaraka ni utai
いざ、栄光の勝利へ……、続け! iza, eikou no shouri e..., tsuzuke!

唸れ、聖銃 舞え、聖剣 unare, seijuu mae, seiken
御霊のままに mitama no mama ni
たとえ、この身が朽ち果てようとも tatoe, kono mi ga kuchihateyou tomo
闘志の鼓を高らかに鳴らし toushi no tsuzumi o takaraka ni narashi
いざ、創世の戦渦へ iza, sousei no senka e

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