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Image of "終焉-Re:write- (Shuuen -Re:write-)"
Album title
  • "終焉-Re:write-"
  • Romaji: Shuuen -Re:write-
  • English: Demise -Re:write-
Published March 13, 2013, for ¥2,300 (Regular Edition) and ¥3,000 (Limited Edition)


"Shuuen -Re:write-" is 150P's first full album. It contains 25 tracks in total, 12 songs and 13 instrumentals with narrations. The songs are sung mainly by Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, GUMI, IA and MAYU and the instrumentals are narrated by Mai Aizwa and Hiroshi Kamiya. There are 8 new tracks, and the whole album is connected to his series: the Bookmark of Demise Project. It ranked number 10 in the Oricon Weekly Sales chart its first week of sales. There is a limited and regular edition.

Preceding and succeeding albums[]

Track listing[]

All lyrics written by Suzumu, except for track 17, which was written by 150P; all music composed by 150P.

1."「-はじめの後悔-」 ("-Hajime no Koukai-")" ("-First Regrets-")Hiroshi Kamiya0:55
2."「-犯行声明-」 ("-Hankou Seimei-")" ("-Criminal Statement-") 1:18
3."終末-Re:write- (Shuumatsu -Re:write-)" (End -Re:write-)Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, GUMI, MAYU3:47
4."「-ふるぼけた日記-」 ("-Furuboketa Nikki-")" ("-An Old Diary-")Mai Aizawa0:42
5."終焉ノ栞 (Shuuen no Shiori)" (Bookmark of Demise)IA3:53
6."「-ひとりぼっち遊戯-」 (-Hitoribocchi Yuugi-)" (Lonely Game)Mai Aizawa0:39
7."孤独ノ隠レンボ (Kodoku no Kakurenbo)" (Lonely Hide and Seek)Hatsune Miku3:47
8."「-つくられた脚本-」 (-Tsukurareta Kyakuhon-)" (-Handwritten Screenplay-)Mai Aizawa0:50
9."完全犯罪ラブレター (Kanzen Hanzai Love Letter)" (Perfect Crime Love Letter)GUMI4:06
10."「-いきちがいの電話-」 (-Ikichigai no Denwa-)" (-Misplaced Phone-)Mai Aizawa0:40
11."Re:不在着信 (Re:Fuzai Chakushin)" (Re:Missed Calls)Hatsune Miku, GUMI3:51
12."「-しらない双子-」 ("-Shiranai Futago-")" ("-Unknown Twins-")Mai Aizawa0:44
13."ニセモノ注意報 (Nisemono Chuuihou)" (Impostor Advisory)Kagamine Rin3:43
14."「-あわせ鏡-」 ("-Awase Kagami-")" ("-Matching Mirrors-")Mai Aizawa0:41
15."猿マネ椅子盗りゲーム (Sarumane Isu Tori Game)" (Aimless Imitation Chair Stealing Game)MAYU3:43
16."「-ゆがんだ憧憬-」 ("-Yuganda Doukei-")" ("-Distorted Admiration-")Mai Aizawa0:47
17."Re:平行恋線 (Re:Heikou Koisen)" (Re:Parallel Love Lines)Kagamine Rin, MAYU4:34
18."「-にちじょうと舞台裏-」 ("-Nichijou to Butaiura-")" ("-Everyday and Behind the Scenes-")Mai Aizawa0:46
19."負け犬至上主義 (Makeinu Shijou Shugi)" (Underdog Supremacist)Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin3:29
20."「-いつわりの入学式-」 ("-Itsuwari no Nyuugakushiki-")" ("-Entrance Ceremony of Deceit-")Mai Aizawa0:27
21."猟奇的ハイスクールライフ (Ryoukiteki High School Life)" (Bizarre High School Life)GUMI, MAYU4:43
22."「-はじまりの鐘-」 ("-Hajimari no Kane-")" ("-The First Bell-")Mai Aizawa0:27
23."在来ヒーローズ (Arikitari Heroes)" (Common Heroes)Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, GUMI, MAYU3:41
24."「-いつもの日-」 ("-ITsumo no Hi-")" ("-A Usual Day-")Mai Aizawa0:42
25."平凡な日常 (Heibon na Nichijou)" (Mundane Everyday)IA4:38
26."「-舞台挨拶-」 ("-Butai Aisatsu-")" ("-Greetings from the Stage-")Hiroshi Kamiya1:13
27."「-かくされた後書-」 ("-Kakusareta Atogaki-")" ("-Hidden Afterward-")Hiroshi Kamiya1:05
Total length:59:51

Promotional goods[]

The limited edition version of the album includes a bonus CD with 3 tracks arranged by Suzumu with Soraru and Lon as guest vocalists, and a bonus DVD with 5 videos from Niconico.


External links[]


