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"Zòng Pō Yī Shì Hù" is an original song by Xiao Ou and Cni5u featuring Mo Qingxian. It was written for Qingxian's character birthday.

Succeeding versions[]

Roving Version
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Mo Qingxian
Xiao Ou Ω (compose), cocoa (arrange, mixing), Cni5u (lyrics), HUSKY-P (tuning), Mo Qingxian Related Collection Channel (planning)
Categories Remaster


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
掐秒针 卷灰尘 挤进门 qia miaozhen juan huichen ji jin men
腕表总校不准 新皮鞋也掉跟 wan biao zong xiao bu zhun xin pixie ye diao gen
速食新闻 填不平弹窗海洋 su shi xinwen tian buping tan chuang haiyang
上浮在信息浪潮中 垂眸看城市正下沉 shangfu zai xinxi langchao zhong chuimou kan chengshi zheng xia chen

生活任凭挫折惊喜覆盖备份 shenghuo renping cuozhe jingxi fugai beifen
候鸟却不过问 houniao que buguo wen
横轴在水泥错落点阵 heng zhou zai shuini cuoluo dian zhen
谁包容我的迟钝? shei baorong wo de chidun?

定位涂辙 格子间 末班车 dingwei tu zhe gezi jian mobanche
砖瓦吞并雨水 心脏持续放热 zhuan wa tunbing yushui xinzang chixu fangre
饱览过 印象派墨渍拼贴 bao languo yinxiangpai mo zi pin tie
暖色灯熟络外骨骼 指缝增生烂漫云朵 nuanse deng shu luo wai guge zhi feng zengsheng lanman yunduo

那天起所有纪实沦落为寻常 natian qi suoyou jishi lunluo wei xunchang
放生一墅猜想 fangsheng yi shu caixiang
与日落陷身热恋 yu riluo xianshen relian
直到短诗再走进月光 zhidao duanshi zai zou jin yueguang

缩影整个宇宙的体温 suoying zhengge yuzhou de tiwen
分神做梦也足够养分 fen shen zuomeng ye zugou yangfen
式微上万光年的 孩提回眸 随形紧跟 shiwei shang wan guang nian de haiti hui mou sui xing jin gen
爱正贴切鳞粉落定 亲吻地质中的伤痕 ai zheng tieqie linfen luo ding qinwen dizhi zhong de shanghen

耽迷眼球传译的鸟瞰 dan mi yanqiu chuanyi de niaokan
较灰尘也多一寸方向感 jiao huichen ye duo yicun fangxiang gan
天真远渡不候心事阑珊 tianzhen yuandu bu hou xinshi lanshan
城市半空泊一叶金属船帆 chengshi bankong po yiye jinshu chuan fan

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the following albums:

External links[]

