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"The blade of despair" is an original song by Zhu Xiaosheng zoki, Nan Tang, and Hui Min Yao featuring Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, Xingchen, Xin Hua, YANHE, Yuezheng Longya, Mo Qingxian, Hatsune Miku, and Zhiyu Moke. It is based on the series Aotu World.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.

Succeeding versions[]

Human Version
bilibili logo
Luo Shaoye, Feng Ming Jiong Jun, Qi You, QI Inory, Golden Gou Dai, Mingyue, YUKIri, A Luren, Daoxuan de Juzi
Zhu Xiaosheng zoki (planning, compose), bilibili Music (production), Nan Tang, Hui Min Yao (lyrics), Hai Niao (arrange, mixing), Maomaochong-P (post production, harmony composition), Catea Hei Mao, Wei Mu, Hong Xiyu, Wu Tou Su Liang, Mo Mo Mo, Chai Dui, JDS, Mushroom Che (art), Ba Mao (video), Shi Fang Chuan Xi, AKAMEI (poster, thumbnail)
Categories Human cover


Singer + Color
LingXin HuaLongyaMoke
Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
若征途太过遥远 凭何种资格冒险 ruo zhengtu taiguo yaoyuan ping he zhong zige maoxian
淬过火受过伤 剥下稚气表面 cui guohuo shouguo shang bo xia zhiqi biaomian
棱角被利刃摧残 胸中的冥顽不甘 lengjiao bei liren cuican xiongzhong de mingwan bugan
在此刻如同海底喷薄熔岩 zai cike rutong haidi penbo rongyan

看宇宙海盗的征帆高扬 横冲直撞而上又有谁敢阻挡 kan yuzhou haidao de zhengfan gaoyang hengchongzhizhuang er shang you you shei gan zudang
听吹嘘的弱者自我膨胀 不自量力语气可笑又荒唐 ting chuixu de ruozhe ziwo pengzhang bu zi liangli yuqi kexiao you huangtang

眼中明灭火焰 灼化这表象世间 yanzhong mingmie huoyan zhuo hua zhe biaoxiang shijian
在荆棘中痛喊 只为答一句无憾 zai jingji zhong tong han zhi wei da yiju wu han
敌我瞬息万变 这一场猎杀表演 diwo shunxiwanbian zhe yi chang lie sha biaoyan
谁才配最后王者之冕 shei cai pei zuihou wangzhe zhi mian

破釜沉舟时最后的一箭 如重生破茧扭转了终局面 pofuchenzhou shi zuihou de yi jian ru chongsheng po jian niuzhuanle zhong jumian
看神通棍棒盖世无双 恍似傲睨自若的一眼是所向无前 kan shentong gunbang gaishi wushuang huang si ao ni ziruo de yiyan shi suo xiang wu qian

藏面具下的蛊言 折服于利益深渊 cang mianju xia de gu yan zhefu yu liyi shenyuan
以身躯护周全 刹那冰层破面 yi shenqu hu zhouquan chana bing ceng po mian
沉寂的暴徒醒觉 铁骑已迫在眉睫 chenji de baotu xing jue tieqi yi pozaimeijie
投降吧舍弃那些所谓尊严 touxiang ba sheqi naxie suowei zunyan

沉睡仇恨之心中的柔软 从殇陨之窟穿梭寻找着终点 chenshui chouhen zhi xinzhong de rouruan cong shang yun zhi ku chuansuo xunzhaozhe zhongdian
暗涌隐于神使下的告诫 唾手可得的真相一触即灭 an yong yin yu shen shi xia de gaojie tuoshoukede de zhenxiang yi chu ji mie

眼中明灭火焰 灼化这表象世间 yanzhong mingmie huoyan zhuo hua zhe biaoxiang shijian
在荆棘中痛喊 只为答一句无憾 zai jingji zhong tong han zhi wei da yiju wu han
敌我瞬息万变 这一场猎杀表演 diwo shunxiwanbian zhe yi chang lie sha biaoyan
谁才配最后王者之冕 shei cai pei zuihou wangzhe zhi mian

是狂风暴雨之后的蜕变 蛰伏于黑夜这一斩如烈焰 shi kuangfeng baoyu zhihou de tuibian zhefu yu heiye zhe yi zhan ru lieyan
这一身傲骨生来狂野 纵然雷霆已千钧一线也绝不妥协 zhe yishen aogu shenglai kuang ye zongran leiting yi qian jun yixian ye jue bu tuoxie

眼中明灭火焰 灼化这表象世间 yanzhong mingmie huoyan zhuo hua zhe biaoxiang shijian
在荆棘中痛喊 只为答一句无憾 zai jingji zhong tong han zhi wei da yiju wu han
敌我瞬息万变 这一场猎杀表演 diwo shunxiwanbian zhe yi chang lie sha biaoyan
谁才配最后王者之冕 shei cai pei zuihou wangzhe zhi mian

是狂风暴雨之后的蜕变 蛰伏于黑夜这一斩如烈焰 shi kuangfeng baoyu zhihou de tuibian zhefu yu heiye zhe yi zhan ru lieyan
这一身傲骨生来狂野 纵然雷霆已千钧一线也绝不妥协 zhe yishen aogu shenglai kuang ye zongran leiting yi qian jun yixian ye jue bu tuoxie

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