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"Seichi Jerusalem" is an Japanese song featuring Hiyama Kiyoteru. It is the first demo released to promote the VOCALOID2 voicebank. The song is a Japanese cover of the hymn "Jerusalem" by Sir Hubert Parry, which put music to a poem by William Blake.


Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
いにしえ 山々の 聖なる歩みは inishie yamayama no seinaru ayumi wa
イングランドの 牧場に 遊ぶ子羊たちは ingurando no makiba ni asobu kohitsuji tachi wa

雲覆う 丘の 奇跡の光さえ kumo oou oka no kiseki no hikari sae
あのエルサレム 遥か 闇の夜の夢よ ano erusaremu haruka yami no yo no yume yo

炎の金の弓 願いの矢 天翔け honoo no kin no yumi negai no ya amakake
闇よ 雲を突き 火の戦車よ 行け yami yo kumo o tsuki hi no sensha yo ike

心の剣を 今こそ その手に kokoro no tsurugi o ima koso sono te ni
求めよエルサレム motome yo erusaremu

緑の彼の地に midori no kano chi ni