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"Zì Gōng Zì Shòu" is an original song by Sovietsy and Yu Li featuring YANHE. It is part of the Paranoia Series.

This song is a side-story taking place between Part 4 and Part 6, and describes the conflict between the stalker and the protector (both played by YANHE). The stalker tells the protector that he, along with the world they live in, are nothing more than products of Ling Luo's delusion.

The song reached 1 million views on June 5, 2022.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
嘴谄媚地翘 是对谁的症下的药 zui chanmei de qiao shi dui shei de zheng xia de yao
爱不过某种传说 ai buguo mou zhong chuanshuo
或陷在古典的套路 huo xian zai gudian de taolu
或有新潮却无聊的转折 huo you xinchao que wuliao de zhuanzhe

最纯粹的自我 zui chuncui de ziwo
绝不接受这讽刺的堕落 jue bu jieshou zhe fengci de duoluo
来吧撕开这似是而非所谓尊严的表层 lai ba si kai zhe sishi'erfei suowei zunyan de biaoceng
镜面反射润湿咽喉震颤骨骼诸多曲折 jingmian fanshe runshi yanhou zhenchan guge zhuduo quzhe
当深信不疑的所有皆被亲自倾覆过后 dang shenxinbuyi de suoyou jie bei qinzi qingfu guohou
瞳孔中倒映的灵魂究竟会是何种颜色 tongkong zhong daoying de linghun jiujing hui shi he zhong yanse
痴情之人绝非我 chiqing zhi ren jue fei wo
愚钝之人也非我 yudun zhi ren ye fei wo
多余纠葛该要如何消受 duoyu jiuge gai yao ruhe xiaoshou
千万别还有一丝不舍 qianwan bie hai you yisi bu she

眉自负地挑 似过刚易折的尖刀 mei zifu de tiao si guo gang yi zhe de jiandao
纳西索斯的诅咒 指向的是思想与面容皆会失去重合的可能 naxisuosi de zuzhou zhi xiang de shi sixiang yu mianrong jie hui shiqu chonghe de keneng
谬论逐个击破 怎可因仁慈而再度迷惑 miulun zhuge jipo zen ke yin renci er zaidu mihuo
在臆想中无数次模拟终于到达的此刻 zai yixiang zhong wushu ci moni zhongyu daoda de cike
规则失控留下虚构对与错在持续撕扯 guize shikong liu xia xugou dui yu cuo zai chixu siche
将腐朽的意识埋葬在空虚炫目的顶峰 jiang fuxiu de yishi maizang zai kongxu xuanmu de dingfeng
扼住倒影的我们都将坠向渴望的终末 e zhu daoying de women dou jiang zhui xiang kewang de zhong mo
残酷之人绝非我 canku zhi ren jue fei wo
疯狂之人也非我 fengkuang zhi ren ye fei wo
异端早已站在对立路口 yiduan zaoyi zhan zai duili lukou
拯救只不过徒劳无功 zhengjiu zhi buguo tulaowugong

颤抖的双手 伤痕赤裸 chandou de shuangshou shanghen chiluo
命运的枷锁 尝试挣脱 mingyun de jiasuo changshi zhengtuo
追逐着自由 滞留在重复的迷宫 zhuizhu zhe ziyou zhiliu zai chongfu de migong
最后被抓住 留下的是什么 zuihou bei zhua zhu liu xia de shi shenme

散落开的人格 能否到达虚妄的出口 san luo kai de renge neng fou daoda xuwang de chukou
复制品的碑林中倒挂令人垂涎的永生 fuzhi pin de beilin zhong daogua ling ren chuixian de yongsheng
喜怒哀乐笑貌音容未来历史通通篡夺 xinu'aile xiaomao yinrong weilai lishi tongtong cuanduo
败者注定将被自言自语自顾自地吞没 bai zhe zhuding jiang bei ziyanziyu ziguzi de tunmo
同一躯壳下次诞生出的又是何方神圣 tongyi quke xia ci dansheng chu de you shi hefang shensheng
起始之人绝非我 qi shi zhi ren jue fei wo
终结之人也非我 zhongjie zhi ren ye fei wo
我与我仍要大战三百回合闲杂人等都给我退后 wo yu wo reng yao dazhan sanbai huihe xianza ren deng dou gei wo tui hou


Maren394's Cover ft. Xin Hua
bilibili logo
Categories VOCALOID cover

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the following albums:

External links[]


