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"Wǔ Bù Zuìxīn" is an original song by inosoo and Guozhi Liangcai featuring Mo Qingxian. It was written for Qingxian's character birthday.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
Dance with me
你为何踌躇不定 爱本该听之任己 ni weihe chouchu buding ai ben gai ting zhi ren ji
灯光 甘愿陪你出演的对角戏 我说可以 dengguang ganyuan pei ni chuyan de dui jiao xi wo shuo keyi

上眼睑逐渐走低 感温的玻璃 别替我心急 shang yanjian zhujian zoudi gan wen de boli bie ti wo xinji
先开口不算好棋 你都不诧异 冰饮快见底 xian kaikou bu suan hao qi ni dou bu chayi bing yin kuai jian di

是否你走失在迷宫般的眼眸的邀请 shifou ni zoushi zai migong ban de yan mou de yaoqing
未表明来意 有些失礼 等你找回全部注意 wei biaoming laiyi youxie shili deng ni zhao hui quanbu zhuyi

Chase me?Cheat me?
口不对心 浅感觉划清距离 kou budui xin qian ganjue hua qing juli
最好 仰头将你借口一饮而尽 才算公平 zui hao yang tou jiang ni jiekou yi yin er jin cai suan gongping

神情越清醒 怎么会更小心 shenqing yue qingxing zenme hui geng xiaoxin
Non-alcohol浸泡陷阱 没警示说明 痕迹干净 Non-alcohol jinpao xianjing mei jingshi shuoming henji ganjing

是否你沉迷在展览般的香水的丛林 shifou ni chenmi zai zhanlan ban de xiangshui de conglin
音乐趁虚而酝酿幻境 沦为夜的战利品 yinyue chen xu er yunniang huanjing lun wei ye de zhanlipin

Rright now 双眼跟紧 Fund me. Sweetive. Rright now shuangyan gen jin Fund me. Sweetive.
藏身果葡糖浆里 cangshen guo pu tangjiang li
不妨 添满高脚杯赠你的勇气 来贴近 bufang tian man gao jiao bei zeng ni de yongqi lai tiejin

早说过可以 转场音节太迟疑 zao shuoguo keyi zhuan chang yinjie tai chiyi
别怕 尽管与我共醉舞池中心 舞不醉心 bie pa jinguan yu wo gong zui wuchi zhongxin wu bu zuixin
Welcome my dream.
Welcome my Welcome, my love.
爱 听之任己 能否就沉溺 ai ting zhi ren ji neng fou jiu chenni

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the following albums:


External links[]

