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You're negative? You mustn't do that.
—VOCALOID version's description

The newest edict: All of you must laugh.
—Ren Yi Daren's version's description

Sadness? Pain? I've never gone through that before, so you need to stop being so unreasonable and start pulling yourself by your bootstraps immediately!
—Ren Yi Daren's version's description

There are two expressions of vitality, that is, passion and pain; to be more accurate, they are two sides of the same coin.
I've always felt that when treating negative emotions, to let it out is better than to block it in. Any repressed pain isn't going to go away by itself, rather it is going to blow up sometime in the future much more explosively than it originally was. Never there was a time when I had gotten better because somebody was forcing positive thinking on me, in fact, every single time such a person would so ignorantly insert themselves into my troubles, my pain would deepen much more.
I by no means am telling people to drown in their self-pity, rather, I just want to say, if in pain you don't feel free, then to put on a facsimile of happiness is meaningless.
"Right now you're filled with negativity, so let me put in you a little positivity."
Don't forget, these words are invented by the predator Song Shanmu.
—Yu Li's comment

"Fù Néngliàng Juéyuántǐ" is an original song by Jiangwuluanwan and Yu Li featuring Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, Mo Qingxian, Zhiyu Moke, Yuezheng Longya.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.

Preceding versions[]

Ren Yi Daren's Version
bilibili logo
Ren Yi Daren (vocals, harmonies, mixing), Yu Li (planning, lyrics), Jiangwuluanwan (compose, arrange, track), A Lu (art), NekoLoco (video) Shunianci (thumbnail)
Categories Human cover


Singer + Color
Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
笑容是永动机转不停 赋予人生意义 xiaorong shi yongdongji zhuan bu ting fuyu rensheng yiyi
百分之九十九点九九消费者用了都给五星好评 bai fen zhi jiushijiu dian jiujiu xiaofeizhe yong le dou gei wuxing haoping

拱手不代表人格的崇高 除非接受真理部的引导 gongshou bu daibiao renge de chonggao chufei jieshou zhenlibu de yindao
下跪也不能展现你的忠诚 除非幸福指数达标 xiagui ye buneng zhanxian ni de zhongcheng chufei xingfu zhishu dabiao
磕头不显示灵魂的独特 除非接受愉悦委的调教 ketou bu xianshi linghun de dute chufei jieshou yuyue wei de tiaojiao
舔足也不能证明你的完整 除非你能活成喜剧之王 tianzu ye buneng zhengming ni de wanzheng chufei ni neng huo cheng xiju zhi wang

将心 比心 委屈 不过自作多情 jiangxin bixin weiqu buguo zizuoduoqing
收束 掐头 去尾 挤压 酝酿 shoushu qiatou quwei jiya yunniang
预备 都给老子笑 yubei dou gei laozi xiao

笑容是永动机转不停 赋予人生意义 xiaorong shi yongdongji zhuan bu ting fuyu rensheng yiyi
开朗是板蓝根要普及 老字号包治百病 kailang shi banlangen yao puji laozihao baozhibaibing
乐观再盲目也很有益 应该根植基因 leguan zai mangmu ye hen youyi yinggai genzhi jiyin
百分之九十九点九九消费者用了都不敢说不好 bai fen zhi jiushijiu dian jiujiu xiaofeizhe yong le dou bugan shuo buhao

哈哈哈哈哈哈大笑 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻偷笑 ha ha ha ha ha ha daxiao xi xi xi xi xi xi touxiao
嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿奸笑 来醉生梦死吧 hei hei hei hei hei hei jianxiao lai zuishengmengsi ba
嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎狂笑 呵呵呵呵呵呵冷笑 ga ga ga ga ga ga kuangxiao he he he he he he lengxiao
噗噗噗噗噗噗嘲笑 快笑 pu pu pu pu pu pu chaoxiao kuai xiao

抑郁者应将抑郁皆上缴 否则视为拉低环卫绩效 yiyuzhe ying jiang yiyu jie shangjiao fouze shi wei la di huanwei jixiao
孤独者应将孤独全部吃掉 否则影响市容市貌 guduzhe ying jiang gudu quanbu chidiao fouze yingxiang shirongshimao
内向者应将内向都埋葬 否则一律发配节日人潮 neixiangzhe ying jiang neixiang dou maizang fouze yilü fapei jieri renchao
颓废者应将颓废限时抹消 否则就是挡了圣旨的道 tuifeizhe ying jiang tuifei xianshi moxiao fouze jiushi dang le shengzhi de dao

设身 处地 叹息 又是无病呻吟 sheshen chudi tanxi you shi wubingshenyin
收束 掐头 去尾 挤压 酝酿 shoushu qiatou quwei jiya yunniang
预备 都给老子笑 yubei dou gei laozi xiao

泪水是过期的污染物 自然剧毒无比 leishui shi guoqi de wuran wu ziran judu wubi
沮丧是变异的坏情绪 有百害绝无一利 jusang shi bianyi de huai qingxu you baihai jue wu yi li
悲观再合理也是妖异 必须驱逐出境 beiguan zai heli yeshi yaoyi bixu quzhu chujing
百分之九十九点九九小白鼠听完都赞同说 bai fen zhi jiushijiu dian jiujiu xiao baishu ting wan dou zantong shuo

笑容是永动机转不停 赋予人生意义 xiaorong shi yongdongji zhuan bu ting fuyu rensheng yiyi
开朗是板蓝根要普及 老字号包治百病 kailang shi banlangen yao puji laozihao baozhibaibing
乐观再盲目也很有益 应该根植基因 leguan zai mangmu ye hen youyi yinggai genzhi jiyin
我们要手拉手微笑着感激地高唱颂歌 women yao shoulashou weixiao zhe ganji de gaochang songge

亲爱的 看一看 看一看 真理部的待遇 qin'ai de kanyikan kanyikan zhenlibu de daiyu
亲爱的 来不来 来不来 幸福组绝对公平 qin'ai de laibulai laibulai xingfu zu juedui gongping
亲爱的 要不要 要不要 愉悦委一日行 qin'ai de yao buyao yao buyao yuyue wei yi ri xing
亲爱的 笑一笑 笑一笑 笑一笑就能换来十年少 qin'ai de xiaoyixiao xiaoyixiao xiaoyixiao jiu neng huan lai shi nian shao
何乐而不为呢 再也不用被谁指指点点地笑 he le er bu wei ne zai ye buyong bei shei zhizhidiandian de xiao

哈哈哈哈哈哈大笑 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻偷笑 ha ha ha ha ha ha daxiao xi xi xi xi xi xi touxiao
嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿奸笑 要娱乐至死吗 hei hei hei hei hei hei jianxiao yao yule zhi si ma
嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎狂笑 呵呵呵呵呵呵冷笑 ga ga ga ga ga ga kuangxiao he he he he he he lengxiao
噗噗噗噗噗噗嘲笑 搞笑 pu pu pu pu pu pu chaoxiao gaoxiao

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