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"Yīnyáng Xiānshēng" is an original song by ilem featuring Luo Tianyi and YANHE. It is the fourth song of the Didn't Eat Medicine Yet series.

It is about the master of Fengshui (Yin and Yang) (YANHE) giving a girl (Tianyi) some medicine to avoid the Night Crawler. At first the master asks for the girl to give him her hand to see what trigram[1] she has, but the girl pushes him away and calls him a fraud before yelling for police to come. The master then says that from his knowledge, he observes that she cannot sleep at night for there is something hiding by her bed at night. At those words the girl realizes he is genuinely a master and begs for him to help her.

The master sings that he will do all he can to help her, also adding that Yin and Yang exist within him with the ability to solve many things.

He then proceeds to hand her a small statue that is supposed to keep away evil, but she laments that that wouldn't help her. Hearing this, he then hands her a bit of medicine, saying it will help cure her. As the day fades into evening, she thanks him and goes back home while he says that "we will meet again."

When it grows dark, all the pedestrians return home, and so the master also walks off. As he walks, he sings an odd song no one has heard of before which is the same name as the next song in the series, "Funeral Song".

The song reached 1 million views on June 29, 2015.

Main article: Didn't Eat Medicine Yet Series

Succeeding versions[]

Marblue's Cover
YouTube logo
Categories Human cover
A cover sung by Marblue and is acknowledged by ilem himself.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
这位朋友 zhe wei pengyou
请在此稍作停留 qing zai ci shao zuo tingliu
你今天身上有卦 ni jintian shenshang you gua
别怕 bie pa
给我看看你的手 gei wo kan kan ni de shou

胡说八道 hushuo badao
葫芦里卖的什么药 hulu li mai de shenme yao
不过是江湖圈套 buguo shi jianghu quantao
可笑 kexiao
让警察把你赶跑 rang jingcha ba ni gan pao

恕我直言 shu wo zhiyan
你夜晚无法安眠 ni yewan wufa anmian
你遇到一个梦魇 ni yu dao yige mengyan
每天 meitian
什么藏在你床边 shenme cang zai ni chuang bian

话音刚落 huayin gang luo
我已被冷汗浸透 wo yi bei lenghan jintou
他说得一点不错 ta shuo de yidian bucuo
拜托 baituo
请你一定救救我 qing ni yiding jiu jiu wo

我銕[2] 口直断 wo tie kou zhi duan
为你消灾解难 wei ni xiao zai jienan
阴阳自在我心间 yinyang zizai wo xinjian
与天地周旋 yu tiandi zhouxuan

一生神机妙算 yisheng shenjimiaosuan
只有自己看不穿 zhiyou ziji kan bu chuan
你荣华富贵在我 ni ronghua fugui zai wo
我生死有命在天 wo shengsi you ming zai tian

见面皆缘 jianmian jie yuan
有此物保你平安 you ci wu bao ni ping'an
我观你这番凶险 wo guan ni zhe fan xiongxian
莫非 mofei
你曾结下什么怨 ni ceng jie xia shenme yuan

旧事重提 jiushi chong ti
有些事因我而起 youxie shi yin wo er qi
逃过一切逃不过 taoguo yiqie tao buguo
天意 tianyi
现在是否来得及 xianzai shifou laideji

恩怨难平 enyuan nan ping
轮回谁又能说清 lunhui shei you neng shuo qing
给你一种药拿好 gei ni yi zhong yao na hao
很少 hen shao
但它能救你的命 dan ta neng jiu ni de ming

天色不早 tianse bu zao
您大恩无以为报 nin da en wu yiwei bao
也只是时候未到 ye zhishi shihou wei dao
再见 zaijian
我们还会再遇到 women hai hui zai yu dao

我銕口直断 wo tie kou zhi duan
为你消灾解难 wei ni xiao zai jienan
阴阳自在我心间 yinyang zizai wo xinjian
与天地周旋 yu tiandi zhouxuan

一生神机妙算 yisheng shenjimiaosuan
只有自己看不穿 zhiyou ziji kan bu chuan
你荣华富贵在我 ni ronghua fugui zai wo
我生死有命在天 wo shengsi you ming zai tian

我銕口直断 wo tie kou zhi duan
为你消灾解难 wei ni xiao zai jienan
阴阳自在我心间 yinyang zizai wo xinjian
与天地周旋 yu tiandi zhouxuan

一生神机妙算 yisheng shenjimiaosuan
只有自己看不穿 zhiyou ziji kan bu chuan
你荣华富贵在我 ni ronghua fugui zai wo
我生死有命在天 wo shengsi you ming zai tian


RaJor and Xigua Kune's Cover
bilibili logo
RaJor and Xigua Kune
RaJor and Xigua Kune
Categories Human cover
Xiao Kui's Cover
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Xiao Kui
Xiao Kui (vocals), Anni (mixing), kuroyui (encoding)
Categories Human cover
Gan Le Jiang's Cover
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Gan Le Jiang
Gan Le Jiang
Categories Human cover

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the Diàntáng 2 album.


  1. Bagua
  2. "銕" is an uncommon variant form of Chinese character "铁".

External links[]


