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Vocaloid Wiki


—2024 version's description

"Shuāng Xuě Qiānnián" is an original song by COP featuring Luo Tianyi and Yuezheng Ling. This song was presented as an entry for the Vsinger song contest held in late 2015. It is followed by 三千年夜行灯 (Sānqiānnián Yèxíng Dēng), a Tianyi solo song.

It tells the story of a human who was friends with a ghost for many years until she died, forgetting about her ghost friend in her reincarnated form. She slowly regains her memory when she returns to certain places and remembers that there is someone waiting for her.

The song reached 1 million views on July 9, 2018.


It was brought to Vsinger's attention that League of Legends, run by Tencent in China, used parts of "Shuāng Xuě Qiānnián" for their song "Lí Huā Xiāng" ("梨花香"), which was posted to their bilibili account on February 9, 2022. According to Vsinger, there was no direct communication between Tencent and Shanghai HENIAN Information Technology Co. Ltd., and instead, there was an agent who visited Shanghai HENIAN to negotiate, but did not send them the correct information to receive the correct permissions, omitting the intention to use the song commercially as character background music. Shanghai HENIAN was under the impression that the intention was to create a doujin cover of "Shuāng Xuě Qiānnián" and that it was to be used for a normal event. They received no news regarding the song's production nor release.

After contacting the League of Legends team regarding the copyright problem and to protect the rights of creators, "Lí Huā Xiāng" was removed and the team apologized to the producers, fans, and friends.[1]

On April 7, 2024, COP posted an update that for the past few days, she and some fellow VOCALOID producers, worked to adopt new legal means to protect their rights, with the goal to remove all instances of copyright infringement on the bilibili platform. At the same time, official channels also put forth new plans to promote and assist in creating derivative works. COP thanked the platform for helping to protect the rights and interests of the producers. However, the process would not be short. She mentioned that perhaps the so-called "justice" was achieved, "Lí Huā Xiāng"'s popularity would have already passed and people would have moved onto the next big thing. Nobody would care anymore about the harm that was previously done, leaving the victims to try to mend the regrets. COP admitted that she often gets angry at this type of callousness, that "bad money drives out the good", evildoers often manage to escape punishment, and there were people who told her "wouldn't anyone be happy as long as they can get popular?", much to her dismay. She pointed out that there were "musicians" who only know how to loop choruses, treating other people's originals as source material, then turn around to look down on the original piece they sourced from. COP had always encouraged derivative works and was grateful that most of them were able to spread and promote the original version of the song, but she asked that the original must be preserved as it was and not to be turned into something its not. COP then thanked everyone for spreading the word about the controversy and for the help that they gave, happy that the community was full of fans who want to be able to support VOCALOID producers.[2]

Succeeding versions[]

Japanese Version ft. Xiao Shi
NetEase Music logo
Xiao Shi
COP (compose, arrange); BK Kojika (Japanese translyrics); Sanxingdui Studio (mixing); Dong Ji (illustrator); Mao Yingxiang (video)
Categories Human cover; Alternative language
2024 Version
bilibili logo
COP (music, lyrics, tuning); Fuxiao Nainai (character design); hisa Kagami (illustrator, video); Shangguan Yu Yao, Caowenjia (arrange); Wangji (guzheng); Yezi Xuan (erhu); Luowen Rown (mixing, mastering); Jingmian Bu Fanshe, Pelokio, Kappochan (special thanks)
Categories Remaster; ACE Virtual Singer cover


Singer + Color
Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
梨花香,缠着衣角掠过熙攘 lihua xiang, chan zhe yi jiao lüeguo xirang
复悄入红帘深帐 fu qiao ru hong lian shen zhang
听枝头黄鹂逗趣儿,细风绕指淌 ting zhi tou huangli douqur, xi feng rao zhi tang
坐船舫,兰桨拨开雾霭迷茫 zuo chuan fang, lan jiang bo kai wu'ai mimang
不觉已一日过半 bu jue yi yi ri guoban
过眼的葱郁风光,悉数泛了黄 guoyan de congyu fengguang, xishu fanle huang

褪尽温度的风,无言牵引中 tui jin wendu de feng, wuyan qianyin zhong
便清晰了在此的眉目 bian qingxile zai ci de meimu
暮色的消融,隐约了晦朔葱茏 muse de xiaorong, yinyuele huishuo conglong

在这老街回眸,烟云中追溯我是谁 zai zhe lao jie huimou, yanyun zhong zhuisu wo shi shei
只消暮雨点滴,便足以粉饰这是非 zhixiao muyu diandi, bian zuyi fenshi zhe shifei
待这月色涌起,谁人轻叩这门扉 dai zhe yue se yong qi, shei ren qing kou zhe menfei
苔绿青石板街,斑驳了流水般岁月 tai lu qing shiban jie, banbole liushui ban suiyue
小酌三盏两杯,理不清缠绕的情结 xiao zhuo san zhan liang bei, li bu qing chanrao de qingjie
在你那淡漠眉间,瞥见离人的喜悲霜雪 zai ni na danmo meijian, piejian li ren de xi bei shuang xue

楼阁现,尘飞雾散萤光蹁跹 louge xian, chen fei wusan ying guang pianxian
显露出斑驳石阶 xianlu chu banbo shi jie
入眼是落英纷然,芳草入深院 ruyan shi luoying fen ran, fang cao ru shen yuan
凭栏杆,小桌上置琼觞两盏 ping langan, xiao zhuo shang zhi qiong shang liang zhan
阖眼听清风疏叶 he yan ting qingfeng shu ye
似曾有欢声笑言,萦绕这高轩 si ceng you huansheng xiao yan, yingrao zhe gao xuan

云动寂静鸣蝉,雨坠激漪涟 yun dong jijing ming chan, yu zhui ji yi lian
皴擦点染勾勒这世间 cun ca dianran goule zhe shijian
缘起的一眼,定格了三生千年 yuanqi de yiyan, dinggele san sheng qiannian

在这老街回眸,烟云中追溯我是谁 zai zhe lao jie huimou, yanyun zhong zhuisu wo shi shei
只消暮雨点滴,便足以粉饰这是非 zhixiao muyu diandi, bian zuyi fenshi zhe shifei
待这月色涌起,谁人轻叩这门扉 dai zhe yue se yong qi, shei ren qing kou zhe menfei
苔绿青石板街,斑驳了流水般岁月 tai lu qing shiban jie, banbole liushui ban suiyue
小酌三盏两杯,理不清缠绕的情结 xiao zhuo san zhan liang bei, li bu qing chanrao de qingjie
在你淡漠眉间,瞥见离人的喜悲霜雪 zai ni danmo meijian, piejian li ren de xi bei shuang xue

三月梨花雪,几载开了又败 san yue lihua xue, ji zai kaile you bai
笔锋走黑白,丹青中穿插无奈 bifeng zou heibai, danqing zhong chuancha wunai
彼时那弯儿月,何时初现于江畔 bi shi na wan er yue, heshi chuxian yu jiang pan
而我又在待何人 er wo you zai dai heren

在这亭台回眸,千年后忆起你是谁 zai zhe ting tai huimou, qiannian hou yi qi ni shi shei
只消月色隐约,便足以勾勒这是非 zhixiao yue se yinyue, bian zuyi goule zhe shifei
待这回忆涌起,恍惚之间已下泪 dai zhe huiyi yong qi, huanghu zhi jian yi xia lei

枫红十里长街,红帘后谁人蹙着眉 feng hong shili chang jie, hong lian hou shei ren cuzhe mei
遥梦桑竹桃源,轮回中曾道别的地点 yao meng sangzhu taoyuan, lunhui zhong ceng dao bie de didian
愿今生再相见,消融你眉间悲戚霜雪 yuan jinsheng zai xiang jian, xiaorong ni meijian beiqi shuang xue

Below is an official Japanese translation: via Producer. Amendments may have been made to the original translation. —Written by BK Kojika; these lyrics may have kanji use, wording and grammatical mistakes
Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
微风が bifuu ga
町を通り過ぎて machi o touri sugite
梨の香りに nashi no kaori ni
誘い出された sasoidasa reta
私でした watashideshita
孤舟が koshuu ga
靄を切り抜けて moya o kirinukete
浅葱の色は asagi no iro wa
一瞬に青朽葉に染めた isshun ni ao kuchiba ni someta

木枯らし吹く kogarashi fuku
引っ張られて hippara rete
君の輪郭を探す kimi no rinkaku o sagasu
たそがれに tasogare ni
溶かされるまで tokasa reru made

ふと振り向く futo furimuku
雲煙で溯る un'en de sakanoboru
一雫の hitoshizuku no
雨で飾られる ame de kazara reru
月立つ時 tsuki tatsu toki
訪ねのは誰 tazune no wa dare
苔色街 kokeiromachi
流れるの歳月 nagareru no saigetsu
生酔い気分 namayoi kibun
絡み着く気持ち karami tsuku kimochi
冷たい眉間に tsumetai miken ni
隠された哀歓氷雪 kakusareta aikan hyousetsu

高台で koudai de
景色を見晴らす keshiki o miharasu
古き石階段 furuki ishi kaidan
と花吹雪 to hanafubuki
が目に映じた ga me ni ejita
縁側で engawa de
二つの杯 futatsu no sakazuki
独酌で飲む dokushaku de nomu
笑い声が waraigoe ga
残ってるのよう nokotteru no you

最初の出合い saisho no deai
浮かび上げ ukabi age
冴え渡る君の目 saewataru kimi no me
結ばれた musuba reta
この縁三世千年 kono en sanze sennen

ふと振り向く futo furimuku
雲煙で溯る un'en de sakanoboru
一雫の hitoshizuku no
雨で飾られる ame de kazara reru
月立つ時 tsuki tatsu toki
訪ねのは誰 tazune no wa dare
苔色街 kokeiromachi
流れるの歳月 nagareru no saigetsu
生酔い気分 namayoi kibun
絡み着く気持ち karami tsuku kimochi
冷たい眉間に tsumetai miken ni
隠された哀歓氷雪 kakusareta aikan hyousetsu

梨の花 nashi no hana
深雪の如く miyuki nogotoku
墨絵描く sumie kaku
空蝉の恋 utsusemi no koi
夜半の月 yohanotsuki
心を乱す kokoro o midasu
ありつつも待つ aritsutsu mo matsu

ふと振り向く futo furimuku
千年後思い出す sennengo omoidasu
漂う月 tadayou tsuki
因縁を描き出す in'nen o egakidasu
あふれる思い afureru omoi
涙に濡れる namida ni nureru
紅葉の街 momiji no machi
顔顰めながら kao shigamenagara
夢の竹林 yume no chikurin
前世さよならの場所 zense sayonara no basho
また会えれば mata aereba
君の氷雪 融けよう kimi no hyousetsu tokeyou


Meisheng and Xigua JUN's cover
bilibili logo
Meisheng, Xigua JUN
Weitaming (mixing); Liyuan (compression)
Categories Human cover
Xiao Yiqing's cover
bilibili logo
Xiao Yiqing
Categories Human cover
Jiong Jun and Shuang Sheng's cover
YouTube logo
Jiong Jun, Shuang Sheng
Zhou Bapi (mixing, video)
Categories Human cover
Yishifanhua's cover
YouTube logo
Yishifanhua: Yiyan, Fanqi
Mr_Yu (compression)
Categories Human cover

Other media appearances[]


This song was featured in the following concerts.


External links[]


