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YAY. Finally-- ARGGGH. The melody for the chorus and the lyrics to the first half of it have been swimming around in my head for months. I didn't know what to do with them. YAAAAY. 8D First Vocaloid Original! Homg.... :'D But, ah, hahah... this did come out a lot creepier than I intended. And yeah, I know, I drew his hand backwards in one of the scenes. Ugh. The song is kinda about someone who lost their respect and love for themselves and became self-abusive. And for that one scene, uhh, I don't really know who the lady is supposed to be. XD His "master"? Which would be... me? ...she doesn't really look like me...

MystykNess' second work using OLIVER and her first original song using OLIVER. It is currently her most popular work using OLIVER. The song is about someone who has lost their respect and love for themselves and becomes self abusive. The lady is confirmed to be his master which would most likely be MystykNess. MystykNess still questions who the "Lady" is to this day. 

Succeeding versions[]

Addiction to Pain [ABUSIVE MIX]
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I am the one who sings a song of pain,
And I find comfort inside that song.
I am the one who is comfort by tears
rather than smiles.
They're so familiar....
Taking no note of the poor results of sin...
As a dog returns to its vomit,
A man returns to sin.

The time has come to realize my destiny...
And be thrown into a new world of pain and regret
Don't outstretch your arm out in an attempt to comfort me.
how could you understand?
My addiction to pain?

Insanity is something that's normal to me.
A broken heart feels better if you smash it to pieces.
Don't get any bandages to cover the wound.
How could you understand my addiction to pain?

It is in due time that I die and be at peace
Might as well suffer now.
The little bird who tried to help his master;
He never once was thanked.
Words become powerless once self-hate sets in.
Unless they come from your voice,
Gently whispered in my ear.

The time has come to realize my destiny...
And be thrown into a new world of pain and regret
Don't outstretch your arm out in an attempt to comfort me.
how could you understand?
My addiction to pain?

Insanity is something that's normal to me.
A broken heart feels better if you smash it to pieces.
Don't get any bandages to cover the wound.
How could you understand my addiction to pain?

Taking no note of the poor results of sin...
As a dog returns to its vomit,
A man returns to sin.

The time has come to realize my destiny...
And be thrown into a new world of pain and regret
Don't outstretch your arm out in an attempt to comfort me.
how could you understand?
My addiction to pain?

Insanity is something that's normal to me.
A broken heart feels better if you smash it to pieces.
Don't get any bandages to cover the wound.
How could you understand my addiction to pain?

External links[]


