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Alive! It is a personal matter, but the nephew is now 3 years old. When I got lost he becomes large, we aim to songs like can push back. I am grateful to all of you who participated. Thank you.
—Author's comment

"Blessing" is an original song by halyosy. It is a birthday song dedicated to his nephew who just turned 3 at the time. The MV includes silhouettes of Nintendo characters Mario and Yoshi.

This song is halyosy's 2nd collaborative chorus work, with the 1st being Smiling; his first work with Rin, Luka, and MEIKO; and his first group rendition work with all Piapro Characters.

This song has entered the Hall of Legend and exceeded over 10 million YouTube views. It has also been covered by various Niconico and YouTube as choruses, as well as having 2 official versions (Ver.A and Ver.B). Hence, this is halyosy's most notable song.

Succeeding versions[]

Nico Nico Chorus (SINGERS ver.A)
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halyosy (director, programming), that (director), Nakanishi (electronic guiar), 193 (acoustic guitar), mao (bass), Akai Ryuusei (piano), 530 (sanshin), Akai Ryuusei (piano), Ichinose Yukino (illust), SenseFrame - iOS App (motion graphics), Makino Sena (movie)
Categories Human Cover
Nico Nico Chorus (SINGERS ver.B)
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Akatin, __(Underbar), Itou Kashitarou, Kakerine, Kyouichirou, Gero, that, Dasoku, Hyakka Ryouran, Mafumafu, Miume, Ririri, Reol
halyosy (director, programming), that (director), Nakanishi (electronic guiar), 193 (acoustic guitar), mao (bass), Akai Ryuusei (piano), 530 (sanshin), Akai Ryuusei (piano), Tama (illust), SenseFrame - iOS App (motion graphics), ke-sanβ (movie)
Categories Human Cover


Singer + Color
Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
最後の一秒まで前を向け saigo no ichibyou made mae o muke

剥がしても何故だか増えてくタグと hagashite mo naze da ka fueteku tagu to
ランク付けされてく理不尽な価値 ranku zuke sareteku rifujin na kachi
そんな数値で人を推し量らないでと sonna mono de hito o oshihakaranai de to
飛び交う言葉を手で覆い隠した tobikau kotoba o te de ooikakushita
Oh…It's time to get up 灯火を消す前に Oh… It's time to get up tomoshibi o kesu mae ni
Oh… It's time to get up 足元を照らせ! Oh… It's time to get up ashimoto o terase!
ほらここをじっと見つめてみて hora koko o jitto mitsumete mite
最高の味方が映ってるでしょ? saikou no mikata ga utsutteru desho?
それは命の証 sore wa inochi no akashi

Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
例え明日世界が滅んでも tatoe ashita sekai ga horonde mo
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
最後の一秒まで前を向け saigo no ichibyou made mae o muke
Hip hip HOORAY
これから先も kore kara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY
君に幸あれ kimi ni sachi are

ゼロからイチを生むのは容易くない事 zero kara ichi o umu no wa tayasuku nai koto
肝心な物は見えないし触れない事 kanjin na mono wa mienai shi sawarenai koto
不幸とは幸せだと気づけない事 fukou to wa shiawase da to kizuke nai koto
毎日が誕生日で命日な事 mainichi ga tanjoubi de meinichi na koto
Oh… Stand up take action 泥沼を掻き分けて Oh… Stand up take action doronuma o kakiwakete
Oh… Stand up take action 蓮の花は咲く Oh… Stand up take action hachisu no hana wa saku!
ほらここに手を重ねてみて hora koko ni te o kasanete mite
温もりが伝わってくるでしょ? nukumori ga tsutawatte kuru desho?
それは命の証 sore wa inochi no akashi

Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
例え綺麗事だって構わない tatoe kireigoto datte kamawanai
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
この世に産まれてくれてありがとう kono yo ni umarete kurete arigatou
Hip hip HOORAY
これから先も kore kara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY
君に幸あれ kimi ni sachi are

さぁさ寄ってらっしゃい見てらっしゃい saa saa yotte rasshaimite rasshai
ロックでいったらこんな風 rokku de ittara konna fuu
Like this Like this Yeah
アカペラでいったらこんな風 akapera de ittara konna fuu
Like this Like this Yeah
ゲームでいったらこんな風 geemu de ittara konna fuu
Like this Like this Yeah
ダンスでいったらこんな風 dansu de ittara konna fuu
Da da da da da

よく食べて yoku tabete
よく眠って yoku nemutte
よく遊んで yoku asonde
よく学んで yoku manande
よく喋って yoku shabette
よく喧嘩して yoku kenkashite
ごく普通な毎日を goku futsuu na mainichi o
泣けなくても nake nakute mo
笑えなくても warae nakute mo
歌えなくても utae nakute mo
何もなくても nani mo nakute mo
愛せなくても aise nakute mo
愛されなくても aisare nakute mo
それでも生きて欲しい soredemo ikite hoshii

Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
例え明日世界が滅んでも tatoe ashita sekai ga horonde mo
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
最後の一秒まで前を向け saigo no ichibyou made mae o muke

If you're alive
あの子が振り向くかも ano ko ga furimuku kamo
If you're alive
宝くじ当たるかも takarakuji ataru kamo
If you're alive
再び始まるかも futatabi hajimaru kamo
生き抜くためなら ikinuku tame nara
棒に振れ bou ni fure
水を差せ mizu o sase
煙に捲け kemuri ni make
油を売れ abura o ure
現を抜かせ utsutu o nukase
そして 来週も soshite raishuu mo
来月も raigetsu mo
来年も rainen mo
来世も raise mo
一緒に祝おう issho ni iwaou

Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
例え綺麗事だって構わない tatoe kireigoto datte kamawanai
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
ここに集えた奇跡にありがとう koko ni tsudoeta kiseki ni arigatou
Hip hip HOORAY
これから先も kore kara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY
君に幸あれ kimi ni sachi are
Hip hip HOORAY
これから先も kore kara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY
君に幸あれ kimi ni sachi are
Hip hip HOORAY


12 Vocalist Chinese Cover
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Yunxiao (planning, Chinese lyrics), Uryan (planning, Qingxian tuning), Ji Yuan (Chinese lyrics), Zi San (mixing), Star (art), Zhu Zi (video), Keli (Tianyi and Chuchu tuning), Creuzer (YANHE tuning), Qin Ling Xi Mo (Ling tuning), Liuxu (Longya and Yuecheng tuning), FFF Jun (Moke tuning), Bu Anding (Xingchen tuning), Coordinate-P (Xin Hua tuning), Tacheng-P (Miku tuning)
Categories VOCALOID cover; Human cover
Gui Xian Ren takes the role of Zhanyin Lorra, the VOCALOID3 she was meant to voice.

Blessing ✽ A Gift for You
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drm (bass), Nio (piano), Hami (acoustic guitar), Yairi (electric guitar), Mutsuemon (mixing), Rella (illust), omu (movie)
Categories Human Cover; Arrangement
An arrange and chorus cover of the song featuring various utaite and odorite. It was uploaded by Cocolu on Nico Nico Douga and Mes on YouTube
World Edition (Multi-Language)
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Tune [USA]
Sumashu [France]
MastaH [Italy]
Kiro [Chile]
Chalili [China]
Len [Russia]
Ehmz [Phillipines]
Un3h [Sweden]
Enae [Korea]
cheeseman [Poland]
Paperblossom [Germany]
Toriko [Japan]
Howl [Brazil]
Fuji & Tune (organizers): Fuji (mixing)
Gumilk [Japan] (harmony guide)
Hazano [Japan] (illust)
Ringo [Japan] (animation)
Tune & OccasionalSubs [Australia] (English translation)
Categories Human Cover; Alternative Language
A cover of the song featuring singers from around the globe, sung in different languages. This cover has gained over 9 million views on YouTube.
Love Edition (English)
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FlyByVictory (English lyrics, scripting), eldriyan (illust), Jun (mixing), Nao (tuning), Neko (animation)
Categories Human Cover; Alternative Language
New World Edition (Multi-Language)
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JoyDreamer [Denmark]
reirei [Philippines]
Girinka [Korea]
Rena [France]
iLK [Turkey]
Arianna [Italy]
yuyechka [Poland]
Acca [Brazil]
Ena [Japan]
datenkou [Indonesia]
Yun [Mexico]
Xandu [Sweden]
iWiinter [Belgium]
Kal [Germany]
Toma [UK]
reirei [Philippines] (organizer), Yun [Japan] (organizer, mixing), Arianna (chorus guide), Youchi [Japan] (illust), Suzu [Japan] (movie)
Categories Human Cover; Alternative Language
A cover of the song featuring singers from around the globe, sung in different languages.
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상상화, 가을, 루시냥, 라이, 사노, JeeE, Raon Lee, 휴복, SB, LunaSea, 치야, 란세, 리아
하양복숭아 (mixing), 나라 → 다솜 (video), 강코노 (illust)
Categories Human Cover; Alternative Language
Melodious's Thai Version
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Melodious Chorus: Amaru, Anatsukun, Bookiezz, crin, Ðusk, EnGz, kuai, ★Light, Moonlighteas, RoBiNET~O,o, Ryuuen, SnowRabbitz, teajar
Moonlighteas (mixing, mastering), Mayu (illust), crin, EnGz (Thai lyrics), Moonlighteas (rap lyrics), Ryuuen, kuai (movie edit)
Categories Human Cover; Alternative Language
Hololive Chorus
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Roboco (as KAITO), Tokino Sora (as Miku), AZKi (as Luka), Sakura Miko (as Len), Yozora Mel (as MEIKO), and Oozora Subaru (as Rin)
ORYO (instruments), 赤ティン (mixing), Rem (illustration), RONRICO (movie)
Categories Human cover; Fanmade PV
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ORYO (arrangement), Bernis (mixing), NP.Bear (illustration), 伊藤イグサ (movie)
Categories Human cover; Fanmade PV
Cover released as part of HOLOSTARS first anniversary
NePoLaBo Chorus
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Kagono Asagiri (movie, logo), Umibouzu (illust)
Categories Human cover; Fanmade PV
The first cover released as part of NePoLaBo's first anniversary
Riot Music Chorus
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Yeona (movie), MIKΣ (illust), Kazuki Yamamoto (track, mixing), NM3 (cover design)
Categories Human cover; Fanmade PV

『Blessing sing off』37 Anime Songs in Blessing
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BB.BAE, 先生
BB.BAE (lyrics, arrangement), 先生 (mixing, mastering)
Categories Spin-off
A medley of 37 anime and VOCALOID songs on the instrumental of 'Blessing'.

Other media appearances[]


This song is featured in the Hatsune Miku "Magical Mirai" 10th Anniversary OFFICIAL ALBUM.


This song was featured in the Magical Mirai 10th Anniversary concert.

Video games[]

This song was featured in the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku.


External links[]


