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Embrace the soaring voice that fuels imaginative desire.

"demiurge" is an original song by yuzuki featuring VY1. The story behind the song is about an unseen force that created the world and humanity. The force lived within the people and all was well at first. However, the people soon distanced themselves and forgot about the unseen force as it weakened and went to sleep. But despite all this, the force remained within them and little by little, the willpower of the people returned. Eventually, the world was restored to its former glory.


Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
世の創世と生まれ yo no sousei to umare
姿のない力ま sugata no nai chikara ma
人間の誕生と ningen no tanjou to
この世界を刻み込んだ kono sekai o kizamikonda

人に眠る力で hito ni nemuru chikara de
この大地を作り出した kono daichi o tsukuridashita
人に見えぬ力で hito ni mienu chikara de
世界に色を染め込んだ sekai ni iro o somekonda

古の人と生き inishie no hito to iki
共に動き、進み tomo ni ugoki, susumi
危機に加護を与え kiki ni kago o atae
人に崇められ hito ni agamerare

幾多の奇跡おこし ikuta no kiseki okoshi
しばし栄えに満ちた shibashi hae ni michita
だが万事は続かぬ daga banji wa tsuzukanu
すべてに終わりあり subete ni owari ari

千変万化で senpenbanka de
人が掛け離れた hito ga kakehanareta
永久不変で eikyuu fuhen de
力が薄まり chikara ga usumari

世界の人たちは sekai no hitotachi wa
そのちからを忘れた sono chikara o wasureta
見えない力は mienai chikara wa
深い微睡に fukai madoromi ni

人はもうあの力 hito wa mou ano chikara
思い出せずに omoidasezu ni
モノクロームのなかに monokuroomu no naka ni
暮らしを送ってゆく kurashi o okutte yuku

無色な人生観 mushokuna jinseikan
光に見放され hikari ni mihanasare
魂に宿る力を tamashii ni yadoru chikara o
知らずに闇に進み shirazu ni yami ni susumi

されどあの力は saredo ano chikara wa
人の夢に潜み hito no yume ni hisomi
かつての栄光 katsute no eikou
創造の力を souzou no chikara o

人との想像力で hito no souzouryoku de
僅かずつ光は wazukazutsu hikari wa
この世を染めて kono yo o somete
開放する日を待つ kaihou suru hi o matsu

心の狭間の kokoro no hazama no
闇の鎖を砕け yami no kusari o kudake
熱望する力の netsubou suru chikara no
呼び声を聞きぼれ yobigoe o kikibore

溢れる光を afureru hikari o
世界に解き放て banjou ni tokihanate
再び蘇らせ futatabi yomigaerase
魂の合唱 tamashii no gasshou

その音色を聞けば sono neiro o kikeba
そなたの心にも sonata no kokoro ni mo
駆け抜ける風はある kakenukeru kaze wa aru
その歌声求めば sono utagoe motomeba

虹の彼方まで飛ぶ niji no kanata made tobu
背中に翼はある senaka ni tsubasa wa aru
答えはそなたの kotae wa sonata no
ソウゾウに souzou ni
残っている nokotte iru

Below is an official English translation: via Producer's approval. Amendments may have been made to the original translation.

With the genesis of existence
A nebulous presence
Traced the birth of humanity
And created the planet

Through the power within the people
The earth was carved
By this unseen power
The world was stained in the colors of life

That force lived with the ancient folk
Moving and thriving as one
The people were provided sanctuary
And in return, offered glory to divinity

Countless miracles transpired
And for a while, all was well
But this too shall pass
For all things must come to an end

Limitless potential
The people distanced themselves
As that timeless power
Steadily weakens

Those of this world
Have forgotten this power
While that unseen force
Enters a deep slumber

Unable to remember
That force from a bygone era
The people live in monochrome
Their lives devoid of color

Those who abandoned that light
Walk enshrouded in darkness
Unaware of the power that lies
In the depth of their souls

But even now, that force
Remains inside their dreams
The glory that once was
Lingers within imagination

Little by little, the willpower
Of the people trickles forth as light
Saturating the world with color
Awaiting the day it shall be released

Break the chains of darkness
Lurking in the corners of your heart
Embrace the soaring voice
That fuels imaginative desire

Release that brimming light
Unto this world once more
And revive the singing
Chorus of the soul

If one can hear that pealing
Thy heart shall stir
With a piercing breeze
If one seeks that heavenly voice

The wings upon your shoulders
Will carry you to the end of the rainbow
The answer remains
Within thy


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