Vocaloid Wiki
Vocaloid Wiki

GYARI, also known as Cocoa Cigarette-P (ココアシガレットP) or Hagari Hajime (葉狩はじめ), is a producer known for both original songs, covers, and arranges using jazz. He is known for drawing comics, and illustrates the pictures of his videos entirely by himself.

His P-name, Cocoa Cigarette-P, originates from his jazz arrangement of the song 夏影 (Natsukage), in which the PV features Rin having a cocoa cigarette in her mouth.[1]

In his videos, he had VOCALOIDs playing music as if they were in a jazz band. Though the band changed a bit over time it used to consist of:

  • Rin - Keyboard, Vocals
  • Len - Elect. Piano, Vocals, Flute (Only elect. piano and "vocals")
  • Yukari - Percussion, Vocals
  • Miku - Bass, Vocals (Mostly used as "chorus/backup" instead of "vocals")
  • Luka - Trombone, Vocals (Only "vocals")
  • Iroha - Guitar, Vocals (Mostly "vocals")
  • KAITO - Drums
  • Gackpo - Drum Percussion (Dropped)
  • MEIKO - Trumpet (Dropped)
  • GUMI - Alto Sax (Dropped)

The most notable example for his band idea is the Vocaloids Are Only series, featuring the VOCALOIDs (mainly Rin, Len, and Yukari) chiming along the non-lexical lyrics. In recent years, he has switched to using VOICEROIDs in his works.

On September 2019, GYARI announced that he founded the group of Virtual YouTubers under the name Vox Monsters Project (shortened to VOMS and stylized as #voms_project), and three members for the group is Amano Pikamee, Hikasa Tomoshika and Jitomi Monoe, all three of them debuted together on March 19th, 2020. On mid-February 2021, Monoe suspended her activites due to contract breach. The second generation members, Haneuzu Miuneru and Daimonji Ryugon, debuted on early October 2021.


Links Title Featuring Date Roles
[nn] Niconico evening glow Kagamine Rin May 16, 2008 music, lyrics, illust, video
[nn] "月光ステージ" Kagamine Rin December 06, 2009 music, video
[nn] Niconico ボーカロイドたちがボカロネイション収録曲をセッションしたようです (Vocaloid-tachi ga Vocalonation Shuuroku Kyoku o Session Shita You desu) GUMI, KAITO, MEIKO, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, Camui Gackpo, Megurine Luka October 13, 2011 music, illust, video
[nn] "星巡りのワルツ" Kagamine Rin March 21, 2012 music, illust
[nn] Niconico [yt] YouTube Stand alone Hatsune Miku November 14, 2012 illust, video, keyboard, harmonica
[nn] Niconico Yellow Star Beats Kagamine Rin & Len March 18, 2013 music, lyrics
[nn] Niconico Go Ahead Nekomura Iroha April 01, 2013 illust
[nn] Niconico Sunny Wave Hatsune Miku August 31, 2013 music, lyrics, illust, video
[nn] Niconico おとなのじかん (Otona no Jikan) Nekomura Iroha April 18, 2014 piano
[nn] Niconico [yt] YouTube Scramble Full Panic Kagamine Rin August 11, 2014 music, lyrics, illust, video
[nn][yt] "月旅" Yuzuki Yukari December 28, 2014 music, illustration
[nn][yt][sc] "機械仕掛けの歌姫" Nekomura Iroha June 5, 2015 (YT/SC) and June 20, 2015 illustration
[nn][yt] "スリーコード ラヴレター" Hatsune Miku July 01, 2015 illust, PV
[nn][yt] " "ボーカロイドたちがただ2コードくりかえすだけ"" Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len August 15, 2015 music, lyrics, illust
[nn][yt] "ボーカロイドたちがただテッテーテレッテーするだけ" Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Yuzuki Yukari, and Megurine Luka December 30, 2015 producer
[nn][yt] "ボーカロイドたちがただ叫ぶだけ" Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Yuzuki Yukari and Megurine Luka August 14, 2016 music, lyrics, illust
[yt] YouTube 初音ミクがパパパパ言うだけ (Hatsune Miku ga Papapapa Iu dake) Hatsune Miku March 16, 2017 music, lyrics
[nn][yt] " "ボーカロイドたちが2コードくり返してテッテーテレッテーとか叫ぶだけ"" Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Yuzuki Yukari, Megurine Luka April 28, 2017 music, lyrics, illust
[nn] Niconico トラワレ世界 (Toraware Sekai) Yuzuki Yukari May 27, 2017 illust
[nn] Niconico [yt] YouTube 月とダンスを (Tsuki to Dance o) Yuzuki Yukari August 03, 2017 illust
[nn] Niconico [yt] YouTube 中央線トワイライト (Chuuousen Twilight) Yuzuki Yukari August 03, 2017 illust
[nn][yt] "アカリがやってきたぞっ" Kizuna Akari September 22, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
[nn][yt] "幾望の月" Yuzuki Yukari Sep 22, 2018 logo design
[nn][yt] "無限にホメてくれる桜乃そら先生" Haruno Sora, Tsurumaki Maki December 28, 2018 music, lyrics
[nn][yt] "10年後の月光ステージ" Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len December 06, 2019 music, video



Affiliation Title Featuring Date Roles
imagesDawn VOCALOID TRIO ACT2 Kagamine Rin August 16, 2008 music
imagesDawn "Aurorayer" Kagamine Rin & Len August 11, 2012 producer, album art
Independent "CMYK BOX" Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, Megurine Luka, and Yuzuki Yukari August 12, 2013 producer, album art
Wonderful☆Opportunity C++++ Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin & Len October 19, 2014 illust
Independent ミックスモダン (Mix Modern) GUMI, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka April 25, 2015 illust
Independent RRRepeat!!! Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Nekomura Iroha, Yuzuki Yukari, Kagamine Rin & Len April 29, 2017 music, lyrics
Independent 超銀河キズユカ歌合戦 (Chou Ginga Kizuyuka Uta Gassen) Kizuna Akari, Yuzuki Yukari August 10, 2018 music, lyrics
Independent KHB Yuzuki Yukari December 30, 2018 illust


Affiliation Title Featuring Date Roles
imagesDawn CLANNAD LIVE!! Kagamine Rin August 16, 2009 music
imagesDawn 月光ステージ (Gekkou Stage) Kagamine Rin December 30, 2009 music
imagesDawn 月光ステージ - JAZZ SAMBA REMIX - (Gekkou Stage - JAZZ SAMBA REMIX -) Kagamine Rin & Len December 31, 2010 music
imagesDawn 星巡りのワルツ (Hoshi Meguri no Waltz) (album) Kagamine Rin April 28, 2012 music
Independent "Scramble Full Panic" Kagamine Rin August 17, 2014 producer, illustration
Independent abgm Yuzuki Yukari, Hatsune Miku, KAITO, Kagamine Rin & Len August 16, 2015 music
Independent tettey-terettey Yuzuki Yukari, Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin & Len December 31, 2015 music
Independent WAAAA! Kagamine Rin & Len August 14, 2016 music
Independent RRRepeat!!! Yuzuki Yukari, Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin & Len June 16, 2021 music


Affiliation Title Featuring Date Roles
the VOCAJAZZ "the VOCAJAZZ vol.1" Megurine Luka, Hatsune Miku, Nekomura Iroha, VY2, GUMI, Kagamine Rin June 12, 2011 music, lyrics
EXIT TUNES "EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalonation feat. 初音ミク" Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin, GUMI, Megurine Luka, Camui Gackpo, KAITO, and MEIKO July 6, 2011 music, lyrics
the VOCAJAZZ "the VOCAJAZZ vol.2" Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka, Kaai Yuki, Yuzuki Yukari, GUMI February 5, 2012 music, lyrics
VOCALOMAKETS "月の詩 II - ツキノウタ -" Yuzuki Yukari December 31, 2012 music, lyrics
EXIT TUNES "EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalotwinkle feat. 鏡音リン、鏡音レン" Kagamine Rin & Len, Hatsune Miku March 20, 2013 music, lyrics
the VOCAJAZZ "the VOCAJAZZ vol.3" Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, Megurine Luka, Kaai Yuki, Yuzuki Yukari, Nekomura Iroha April 27, 2013 music, lyrics (track 09)
SPUTONIC VOCALOID Professional 2013 feat. 初音ミク Hatsune Miku September 27, 2013 music, lyrics
acoustic beatlog feat. 初音ミク Hatsune Miku, KAITO April 20, 2014 music, lyrics
THE VOCAJAZZ LIVE SESSIONS Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kagamine Len, Nekomura Iroha, Yuzuki Yukari April 26, 2014 music
GROOVY! GUMI, Hatsune Miku July 12, 2015 music, lyrics
ミヤコワスレ終末論 (Miyakowasure Shuumatsuron) GUMI, SF-A2 miki, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len August 16, 2015 music, lyrics
Electrical Paradox Vocaloid Groove unity-chan, Hatsune Miku, Otomachi Una, Kagamine Len, Yuzuki Yukari, Kasane Teto, Okadakana, Ono Riko, Ritsuki Mayu, 陽向海真珠 July 05, 2017 music, lyrics


