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Camui Gackpo VOCALOID2 VOCALOID3 VOCALOID4 | Songs Albums Notable Originals

This article is about the VOCALOID2 software known as a voicebank, dubbed Gackpoid. If you are looking for the VOCALOID character then click here.


Internet Co., Ltd. wanted to utilize the voice of a singer for the creation of a VOCALOID but felt it would be difficult to get a singer to agree. They consulted Dwango Co.,Ltd. who managed Nico Nico Douga, and Dwango suggested Gackt (神威 楽斗 Camui Gackt, now known as GACKT), a singer and actor, as he had previously provided his voice for Dwango's cell phone services.[1] He lent his voice and named the VOCALOID Gackpoid.

The first recording session began in December 2007. According to Internet Co., Ltd., Gackt himself would ask for a re-record a sample if he was not completely satisfied with the result. However, all results were recorded in 4 hours with no breaks and no need to record samples again. Later, a 2nd recording session took place in January 2008 so they could choose from the best samples. Gackt was warned that not all vocals would be satisfactory to work with the VOCALOID software and testing would have to take place to determine if it was even feasible to release the VOCALOID. It took 5 months of trial and error to remove the issues which the voicebank faced and make results smooth.

In April 2008, the product was behind schedule, Gackt was informed of this but noted he would rather have a high quality product than one rushed.[2]

The product was originally intended to be released in June 2008, but though Gackt existed as a model for the VOCALOID, its illustrated avatar was yet to be determined. Sample editing was completed by that month, but release was postponed because of an illustration change. Popular manga author, Kentaro Miura, famous for his dark fantasy epic Berserk, was asked to do the illustration. Due to Miura's affection for Nico Nico Douga, he agreed to offer his services as a character designer for free.

Gackpoid was released on July 31, 2008. Two of Gackt's songs and three other songs are also included as samples.[3][4]

There are 10 demo songs on the official site.[5][6]

Final Retirement[]

At the end of 2015, it was announced that from March 31, 2016, VOCALOID2 was being retired and no new serial codes were be issued by Yamaha.[7]

Product Information[]

System Requirements[]

  • Computer:Recommended 64 2800 + or more ※ Pentium4 2.8 GHz / Athlon 2000 + or more Pentium4 2 GHz / Athlon XP
  • OS:(Recommended in the case of stand-alone 8/7 / Vista) Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Vista / XP
    • Available only 32bit version OS
  • RAM memory:(The 1GB recommended) 512MB or more
    • VOCALOID2 VST instrument when using Real-time recommended 2GB or more
  • Other:DVD-ROM drive / sound card / Internet connection environment (activation time)
  • Interface: VST, ReWire, stand-alone


Product Information
  Optimum Range: A1 ~ C4  Optimum Tempo: 60 ~ 150 BPM
  Total Tempo (min-max): 90 BPM  No. of Keys: W ~ 17, B ~ 11, Total ~ 28
  Trial/Demo Vers?: No
Package details as noted:

Gackpoid was designed as a CV VOCALOID to sound similar to the professional singer 'Gackt' he was based on. He was the first Japanese VOCALOID released in the VOCALOID2 to be based on a professional vocalist and is intended to produce professional singing results.

Vocal traits as noted:
  • Intended to capture the powerful tones of Gackt.
  • It had one of the largest tone range of the Japanese VOCALOID2 voicebanks and was one of the better male VOCALOIDs released during the VOCALOID2 engines run.
  • His pronunciations are overall smoother than most other Japanese VOCALOID2 vocals.
  • He was the only Japanese male vocal that could produce a low masculine vocal tone until VY2's release.[8] His voice is joint second with VY2 as the deepest vocal within the VOCALOID2 era
  • His vocal results versus his difficulty levels were not always balanced in favour of inexperienced users.
Phonetic notes as noted:
  • As is often the case with native Japanese speakers, Gackpoid does not have the phoneme "z" and "Z" in the phonetic system and they are replaced by "dz" and "dZ" as well as Megpoid. [9]
Software issues as noted:
  • Gackpo also has a number of background nuisances that can affect the quality of his results and is comparison to Megpoid, was a slightly less stable vocal with more glitches overall.
  • Gackpoid is also one of the more outdated voicebanks and is not as on par with later VOCALOID2 voicebanks. His main issue was his low quality and is mostly a result of being a early VOCALOID2 era release.
  • He has problems at times sounding like Gackt, but this can be attributed Internet co., Ltds techniques to capture a vocalists traits were relatively young and would not be refined until VOCALOID4.
Voicebank sample

An version with Gackpoid includes a new program, OPUS Express, for mixing vocal parts with accompaniment and phoneme data.


  1. [1] cnet Japan - プロがなぜ、二次創作を願うのか--Gacktが歌い、三浦建太郎が描く「がくっぽいど」 Professional singer to provide voice for character, drawn by Kentaro Miura
  2. [2] INTERNET Co.,Ltd - Gackpoid concept
  3. [3] IT Media News - 「がくっぽいど」7月末発売 “ニコ厨”漫画家・三浦建太郎さんのイラストで (Gackpoid to be released in July, , drawn by Kentaro Miura
  4. [4] INTERNET Co.,Ltd - Gackpoid
  5. [5] BARKS Global Music Explorer - 「神威がくぽ」、7月末デビュー! ── 「がくっぽいど」 ("Camui Gackpo", debuted in late July! - "Gackpoid")
  6. [6] INTER NET Co.,Ltd - Gackpoid demo songs
  7. link
  8. [7] VocaloidOtaku - Japanese VOCALOIDs Comparative Charts and Tips
  9. [8] INTERNET Co.,Ltd - Japanese Phonetic System of Gackpoid and Megpoid (link leads to PDF)

