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Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA MEGA39's-(Project DIVA Mega Mix) is a rhythm game for the Nintendo Switch developed by SEGA. This is the first game in the Project DIVA series to be released for a non-PlayStation console, and the third Hatsune Miku rhythm game to be released for a Nintendo console. It was released in Japan on February 13, 2020, with an English version released in North America and Europe on May 15, 2020. A demo is available to download on the Nintendo eShop. On May 26, 2022 it was released on Steam as Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega 39s+(Project DIVA Mega Mix+)


Work in progress.



There are currently 3 modes of play, with one being a demo in the Japanese version of the game.

Arcade Mode:

This mode is present in almost all of the Project Diva games. You tap the buttons (Either XYBA, the PlayStation buttons, Arrows, or a combination of them) to the beat of the song. You can play this mode in the dock, on tabletop mode, or handheld mode.

Mix Mode:

This mode is one of the two new modes in Mega Mix. You hold the Joycons and move them. You need to use your wrists to do so. When the bar onscreen is in line with the corresponding moving one, you tap the “L” or “R” button. This mode can be played in the dock or on tabletop mode.

Touch Play:

In this mode, you touch the buttons or the row they are in to the beat. You can play this mode on tabletop mode. The Joycons can be attached to the Switch, but you won’t be using them to match the beats.


See gallery for /Modules

To be announced


Featured producers[]

164, 19's Sound Factory, 40mP, Agoaniki-P, Aki Hata, apfel note, Asaki No'9, Atsuzou-kun, AVTechNO!, azuma, baker, Buriru-P, Camellia, Chouchou-P, Crystal-P, daniwellP, DECO*27, Dixie Flatline, doriko, E.L.V.N, emon(Tes.), Eve, Giga-P, Hachi, Hachioji-P, Hachiya Nanashi, Hal, halyosy, Hayashikei, Hikarisyuyo, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Hitoshizuku-P, Hoehoe-P, HoneyWorks, ika, iroha(sasaki), Jesus-P, JimmyThumb-P, John, Junky, kentax, Kobayashi Onyx, Kotsuban-P, Kuchibashi-P, KulfiQ, kuma(alfred), KurageP, Kurousa-P, Kusemono, Kuwagata-P, kz, LamazeP, Last Note., Lovely-P, lumo, Mafumafu, mal, malo, marasy, meola, Mikito-P, mikumix, millstones, minato, Mitchie M, NayutalieN, Nem, Neru, niboshi, Noboru↑-P, Nori-P, Omoi, Onew-P, OPA, orange, OSTER project, otetsu, Owata-P, Pinocchio-P, PolyphonicBranch, q*Left, Re:nG, Reol, rerulili, rose, ryo, samfree, sasakure.UK, Satoru Kosaki, Scop, sezu, Shinjou-P, shu-tP, Signal-P, sigotositeP, Tanaka-B, T-POCKET, Team MOER, TENKOMORI, Tennen, tilt-six, Tohma, Toku-P, Toraboruta-P, Tory Hitsuji, Ultra-Noob, UtataP, Vocaliod-P, wowaka, yae, yanagi-P, Yasuo-P, Yucha-P, Yura Mizuno, yuukiss, Yuuyu-P, Yuyoyuppe

Song list[]

* An asterisk signifies that the song is only available as DLC.

Japanese, Romaji English Producer Singer
01 Catch the Wave Catch the Wave kz Miku
02 エイリアンエイリアン (Alien Alien) Alien Alien NayutalieN Miku
03 39みゅーじっく! (39 Music!) 39 Music! Mikito-P Miku
04 どりーみんチュチュ (Dreamin Chuchu) Dreamin Chuchu emon(Tes.) Luka
05 ヒバナ (Hibana) HIBANA DECO*27 Miku
06 大江戸ジュリアナイト (Ohedo Julia-Night) Ohedo Julia-Night Mitchie M Miku, KAITO
07 テオ (Teo) Teo Omoi Miku
08 ジターバグ (Jitter Bug) Jitter Bug Hachiya Nanashi MEIKO, Miku
09 ジグソーパズル (Jigsaw Puzzle) Jigsaw Puzzle Mafumafu Len
10 ロキ (Roki) ROKI Mikito-P Rin, Len
11 ワールドイズマイン (World is Mine) World is Mine ryo Miku
12 メルト (Melt) Melt ryo Miku
13 ミラクルペイント (Miracle Paint) Miracle Paint OSTER project Miku
14 桜ノ雨 (Sakura no Ame) Rain of Cherry Blossoms halyosy Miku
15 えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ (Electric Angel) Electric Angel Yasuo-P Miku
16 初音ミクの消失 -DEAD END- (Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu -DEAD END-) The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku -DEAD END- cosMo Miku
17 みくみくにしてあげる♪ (Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪) I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals) ika Miku
18 ロミオとシンデレラ (Romeo to Cinderella) Romeo and Cinderella doriko Miku
19 magnet magnet minato Miku, Luka
20 愛言葉 (Ai Kotoba) Love Words DECO*27 Miku
21 Just Be Friends Just Be Friends Dixie Flatline Luka
22 from Y to Y from Y to Y JimmyThumb-P Miku
23 ぽっぴっぽー (PoPiPo) PoPiPo (Vegetable Juice) LamazeP Miku
24 カンタレラ (Cantarella) Cantarella Kurousa-P KAITO, Miku
25 ジェミニ (Gemini) Gemini Dixie Flatline Rin, Len
26 ハジメテノオト (Hajimete no Oto) The First Sound malo Miku
27 サイハテ (Saihate) The Farthest Ends Kobayashi Onyx Miku
28 カラフル×メロディ (Colorful × Melody) Colorful × Melody Team MOER Miku, Rin
29 初音ミクの激唱 (Hatsune Miku no Gekishou) The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku cosMo Miku
30 Palette Palette Yuyoyuppe, meola Luka
31 SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition- SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition- Toku-P, kentax Miku
32 番凩 (Tsugai Kogarashi) Wintry Winds sigotositeP MEIKO, KAITO
33 ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー (Luka Luka★Night Fever) Luka Luka★Night Fever samfree Luka
34 *ハロー、プラネット。 (*Hello, Planet.) (I.M.PLSE-EDIT) *Hello, Planet. (I.M.PLSE-EDIT) sasakure.UK Miku
35 裏表ラバーズ (Ura-omote Lovers) Two-Sided Lovers wowaka Miku
36 ローリンガール (Rolling Girl) Rolling Girl wowaka Miku
37 トリコロール・エア・ライン (Tricolor Airline) Tricolore Airline Atsuzou-kun Miku or Rin or Luka or MEIKO
38 on the rocks on the rocks OSTER project MEIKO, KAITO
39 LOL -lots of laugh- LOL -lots of laugh- mikumix Miku
40 深海少女 (Shinkai Shoujo) Deep Sea Girl Yuuyu-P Miku
41 君の体温 (Kimi no Taion) Your Body Temperature Kuwagata-P Miku
42 キャットフード (Cat Food) Cat Food doriko Miku
43 秘密警察 (Himitsu Keisatsu) Secret Police Buriru-P Miku
44 メランコリック (Melancholic) Melancholic Junky Rin
45 Weekender Girl Weekender Girl kz, Hachioji-P Miku
46 タイムマシン (Time Machine) Time Machine 1640mP Miku
47 DYE DYE AVTechNO! Luka
48 Fire◎Flower Fire◎Flower halyosy Len, Rin (Guest)
49 ACUTE ACUTE Kurousa-P KAITO, Miku, Luka
50 トリノコシティ (Torinoko City) Left-Behind City 40mP Miku
51 リモコン (Rimokon) Remote Controller Jesus-P Rin, Len
53 モノクロ∞ブルースカイ (Monochro∞Blue Sky) Monochrome ∞ Blue Sky Noboru↑-P Miku
54 ワールズエンド・ダンスホール (World's End Dancehall) World's End Dancehall wowaka Miku, Luka
55 ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール (Netoge Haijin Sprechchor) The MMORPG Addict's Anthem TENKOMORI Miku
56 Nostalogic Nostalogic yuukiss, rose MEIKO
57 アンハッピーリフレイン (Unhappy Refrain) Unhappy Refrain wowaka Miku, Len (Guest), KAITO (Guest)
59 天樂 (Tengaku) Music of Heavens Yuuyu-P Rin
60 ブラック★ロックシューター (Black★Rock Shooter) Black★Rock Shooter ryo Miku
61 Sadistic.Music∞Factory Sadistic.Music∞Factory cosMo Miku
62 Tell Your World Tell Your World kz Miku
63 東京テディベア (Tokyo Teddy Bear) Tokyo Teddy Bear Neru Rin
64 Sweet Devil Sweet Devil Hachioji-P, q*Left Miku
65 千本桜 (Senbonzakura) A Thousand Cherry Blossoms Kurousa-P Miku, Rin (Guest), Len (Guest), Luka (Guest) MEIKO, (Guest) KAITO (Guest)
66 スイートマジック (Sweet Magic) Sweet Magic Junky Rin
67 テレカクシ思春期 (Terekakushi Shishunki) Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence HoneyWorks Len or KAITO
68 アマツキツネ (Amatsukitsune) The Celestial Fox marasy Rin
69 アゲアゲアゲイン (Ageage Again) Ageage Again Mitchie M Miku
70 1/6 -out of the gravity- 1/6 -out of the gravity- Vocaliod-P Miku
71 1925 1925 T-POCKET Miku or Rin or Len or Luka or KAITO or MEIKO
72 サンドリヨン (Cendrillon) Cendrillon Signal-P, orange Miku, KAITO
73 スノーマン (Snowman) Snowman halyosy KAITO or Len
74 骸骨楽団とリリア (Gaikotsu Gakudan to Lilia) Skeleton Orchestra and Lilia Tohma Miku
75 ありふれたせかいせいふく (Arifureta Sekai Seifuku) Common World Domination Pinocchio-P Miku
76 インタビュア (Interviewer) Interviewer Kuwagata-P Luka or Miku
77 ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル (Piano × Forte × Scandal) Piano × Forte × Scandal OSTER project MEIKO or Miku or Rin or KAITO
78 shake it! shake it! emon(Tes.) Miku, Rin, Len
79 アカツキアライヴァル (Akatsuki Arrival) Daybreak Arrival Last Note. Miku, Luka
80 Glory 3usi9 Glory 3usi9 Hoehoe-P Miku
81 スキキライ (Suki Kirai) Love-Hate HoneyWorks Rin, Len
82 指切り (Yubikiri) Pinky Swear Scop Miku
83 Blackjack Blackjack Yucha-P Luka
84 からくりピエロ (Karakuri Pierrot) Clockwork Clown 40mP Miku
85 なりすましゲンガー (Narisumashi Genga) Doubleganger KulfiQ Rin, Miku
86 こちら、幸福安心委員会です。 (Kochira, Koufuku Anshin Iinkai desu.) This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee UtataP, Tory Hitsuji Miku
87 Hello, Worker Hello, Worker Hayashikei Luka
88 メテオ (Meteor) Meteor John Miku
89 soundless voice soundless voice Hitoshizuku-P Len
90 erase or zero erase or zero Crystal-P Len, KAITO
91 エンヴィキャットウォーク (Envy Cat Walk) Envy Cat Walk Tohma Miku
92 DECORATOR DECORATOR kz Miku, Rin, (Guest) Len, (Guest) Luka, (Guest) MEIKO, (Guest) KAITO (Guest)
93 二次元ドリームフィーバー (Nijigen Dream Fever) 2D Dream Fever PolyphonicBranch Miku
94 はじめまして地球人さん (Hajimemashite Chikyuujin-san) Nice to Meet You, Mr. Earthling Pinocchio-P Miku
95 Hand in Hand Hand in Hand kz Miku
96 白い雪のプリンセスは (Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa) The Snow White Princess is Noboru↑-P Miku
97 39 39 DECO*27, sasakure.UK Miku
98 ブラックゴールド (Black Gold) Black Gold otetsu Luka
99 ヒビカセ (Hibikase) Resonate Giga-P, Reol Miku
100 ゴーストルール (Ghost Rule) Ghost Rule DECO*27 Miku
101 砂の惑星 (Suna no Wakusei) DUNE Hachi Miku
102* The secret garden The secret garden Satoru Kosaki, Aki Hata Miku
103* こっち向いて Baby (Kocchi Muite Baby) Look This Way, Baby ryo Miku
104* 積乱雲グラフィティ (Sekiranun Graffiti) Cumulonimbus Cloud Graffiti ryo, Dixie Flatline Miku
106* 結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸 (Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro) Close and Open, Demons and The Dead Hachi Miku
107* エレクトロサチュレイタ (electro saturator) electro saturator tilt-six Miku
108* 炉心融解 (Roshin Yuukai) Meltdown iroha(sasaki), kuma(alfred) Rin
109* ダブルラリアット (Double Lariat) Double Lariat Agoaniki-P Luka
110* ハイハハイニ (Hai wa Hai ni) Ashes to Ashes Tennen, niboshi KAITO
111* 壊セ壊セ (Kowase Kowase) Break It, Break It! E.L.V.N MEIKO
112* 初めての恋が終わる時 (Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki) When First Love Ends ryo Miku
113* 妄想スケッチ (Mousou Sketch) Delusion Sketch 40mP Miku or Rin
114* デンパラダイム (Den Paradigm) Den Paradigm lumo Miku
115* 孤独の果て (Kodoku no Hate) -extend edition- Solitude's End -extend edition- Hikarisyuyo Rin, Len
116* 右肩の蝶 (Migikata no Chou) Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder Nori-P, Yura Mizuno Len
117* No Logic No Logic JimmyThumb-P Luka
118* え?あぁ、そう。 (E? Aa, Sou.) Hm? Ah, Yes. Chouchou-P Miku
119* packaged packaged kz Miku
120* 巨大少女 (Kyodai Shoujo) Gigantic Girl 40mP Miku
121* サマーアイドル (Summer Idol) Summer Idol OSTER project Miku, Rin
122* 千年の独奏歌 (Sennen no Dokusou Ka) Thousand Year Solo yanagi-P KAITO
123* 忘却心中 (Boukyaku Shinjuu) Lover's Suicide Oblivion OPA, Asaki No'9 MEIKO
125* 恋スルVOC@LOID (Koisuru VOC@LOID) VOC@LOID in Love OSTER project Miku
126* 神曲 (Kami Kyoku) God-Tier Tune Onew-P Miku
127* Yellow Yellow kz Miku
128* ネガポジ*コンティニューズ (Negaposi*Continues) Negaposi*Continues sasakure.UK Miku
129* SING&SMILE SING&SMILE Re:nG Miku or Rin or Len or Luka or KAITO or MEIKO
130* 歌に形はないけれど (Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo) Though My Song Has No Form doriko Miku
131* Dear Dear 19's Sound Factory Miku
132* どういうことなの!? (Dou Iu Koto na no!?) What Do You Mean!? Kuchibashi-P Miku
133* クローバー♣クラブ (Clover♣Club) Clover♣Club Yuuyu-P Miku
134* リンちゃんなう! (Rin-chan Nau!) Rin-chan Now! Owata-P, sezu Miku, Luka
135* 深海シティアンダーグラウンド (Shinkai City Underground) Deep Sea City Underground Tanaka-B Rin, (Len (Guest)
136* 二息歩行 (Nisoku Hokou) Two Breaths Walking DECO*27 Miku
138* システマティック・ラヴ (Systematic Love) Systematic Love Camellia, TENKOMORI Miku
139* ココロ (Kokoro) Heart Toraboruta-P Rin
140* 夢喰い白黒バク (Yumekui Shirokuro Baku) Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku Nem Len
141* Knife Knife rerulili, mal Rin, Miku, Len
142* ブレス・ユア・ブレス (Bless Your Breath) Bless Your Breath KurageP Miku
143* 恋は戦争 (Koi wa Sensou) Love is War ryo Miku
144* あなたの歌姫 (Anata no Utahime) I'm Your Diva azuma Miku
145* Starduster Starduster JimmyThumb-P Miku
146* StargazeR StargazeR Kotsuban-P Miku
147* リンリンシグナル (Rin Rin Signal) Rin Rin Signal Signal-P Rin, Len
148* Rosary Pale Rosary Pale Shinjou-P KAITO
149* 多重未来のカルテット~QUARTET THEME~ (Tajuu Mirai no Quartet ~QUARTET THEME~) Quartet of Multiple Futures ~Quartet Theme~ Funky K.H., Kusemono Miku
150* LIKE THE WIND LIKE THE WIND HIRO, Kusemono Rin, Luka (Guest)
152* ストロボナイツ (Strobe Nights) Strobe Nights kz, yae Miku
153* VOiCE VOiCE Lovely-P Miku
154* 恋色病棟 (Koi Iro Byoutou) Love-Colored Ward OSTER project Miku
155* ねこみみスイッチ (Nekomimi Switch) Cat Ear Switch daniwellP Miku
156* パラジクロロベンゼン (Paradichlorobenzene) Paradichlorobenzene Owata-P Len
157* カラフル×セクシィ (Colorful × Sexy) Colorful × Sexy Team MOER Luka, MEIKO
158* 劣等上等 (Rettou Joutou) BRING IT ON Giga-P, Reol Rin, Len
159* Star Story Star Story kz Miku
160* パズル (Puzzle) Puzzle Kuwagata-P Miku
161* キップル・インダストリー (Kipple Industry) Kipple Industry millstones Miku
162* 夢の続き (Yume no Tsuzuki) Continuing Dream Dixie Flatline Miku, Rin, Len, Luka
163* MEGANE Glasses Ultra-Noob Luka
164* Change me Change me shu-tP MEIKO
165* ドラマツルギー (Dramaturgy) Dramaturgy Eve Miku
166* マージナル (Marginal) Marginal OSTER project Miku
167* サウンド (sound) sound baker Miku
168* ファインダー (finder) finder kz Miku
169* Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! daniwellP Miku
170* 巴里映画少女 (Paris Eiga Shoujo) Paris Cinema Girl apfel note Miku
171* 星屑ユートピア (Hoshikuzu Utopia) Stardust Utopia otetsu Luka
172* グリーンライツ・セレナーデ (Greenlights Serenade) Greenlights Serenade Omoi Miku
173* Last Night, Good Night Last Night, Good Night kz Miku
174* フキゲンワルツ (Fukigen Waltz) Grumpy Waltz OSTER project Miku
175* Promise Promise samfree Rin, Miku
176* アドレサンス (Adolescence) Adolescence Signal-P, orange Rin, Len
177* Leia Leia Yuyoyuppe Luka
178* Stay with me Stay with me shu-tP MEIKO


  • In this game, Ohedo Julia Night, Jitter Bug, Catch The Wave, ROKI, Dreamin Chuchu, 39 Music!, Alien Alien, HIBANA, Teo, Jigsaw puzzle, Bless Your Breath (as DLC), BRING IT ON (as DLC), Dramaturgy (as DLC) and Greenlights Serenade (as DLC) all make their first appearances in the Project DIVA series as playable songs. They would later go on to be featured as DLC in -Project DIVA- Future Tone.
  • This is the third Project DIVA game after -Project DIVA- X and -Project DIVA- Future Tone to earn a "12" rating by PEGI in European countries, most notably for songs that contain sexual innuendo or moderate violence, according to the official page for the game on the Nintendo UK website.
    • However, there are no mentions of explicit language since the lyrics of the songs are mainly written in Romaji.
  • This is the first Project DIVA game (excluding the Project mirai series) to be released on a home Nintendo platform.
  • Mix Mode makes its first appearances in Project DIVA Mega Mix.
  • "Ievan Polkka" is used when playing the game for the first time, teaching players how the game works, but it is currently unknown if this song is playable at all in the actual game.
    • Players can replay the tutorial at any time they wish in the Gallery section of the game.


External links[]

