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"Masked b▬tcH" is an electronic song by Giga, sung by GUMI, from the perspective of a girl who is willfully in a temporary relationship with a man she is not interested in. The song's PV emulates a rhythm game, in the style on Pop'n Music. During the "song selection" menu at the beginning of the video, the names "Streamline Prism" and "Tetrodotoxin Synthesizer No. 2" can be seen; these are two of Giga's earlier works.
"Masked b▬tcH" is featured on the albums Gigabanana the Best ~USUSHIO Aji~ and ボカ☆フレ!2 - VOCALOID™ FRESHMEN 2-. The song was released simultaneously in two versions, the other one being sung by the utaite 96Neko.
Succeeding versions[]
96Neko's Cover

Featuring | |
Producers | Giga (music, mixing), q*Left (lyrics), Umetaro (illustration, video)
Categories | Human Version |
Description | Released simultaneously along with GUMI's version.
Japanese (日本語歌詞) | Romaji (ローマ字) |
ああもう 本当 鬱陶(うっとう)しいなあ | aa mou hontou uttoushii naa |
壊れていく日常 眩暈(めまい) | kowarete iku nichijou memai |
その表情が 視線が 声が 不快なの | sono hyoujou ga shisen ga koe ga fukai na no |
大嫌いなの | daikirai na no |
運命? 奇跡? あるわけないでしょ? | unmei? kiseki? aru wake nai desho? |
期待するのは もうやめたんだ | kitai suru no wa mou yameta nda |
一番じゃなくていい どうだって良いから | ichiban ja nakute ii dou datte ii kara |
抱きしめて | dakishimete |
愛なんていらない たまんない | ai nante iranai tamannai |
執拗(しつよう)に重ねていってよ | shitsuyou ni kasanete itte yo |
目を閉じて 呼吸求めて | me wo tojite kokyuu motomete |
誰かの夢でも見ていてよ | dareka no yume demo mite ite yo |
喪失感なんて つまんない | soushitsukan nante tsumannai |
何処へでも連れてってよ | doko e demo tsuretette yo |
感嘆を吐いて 頂戴 | kantan o haite choudai |
痛いほどキミを感じさせてよね | itai hodo kimi o kanjisasete yo ne |
ああもう 本当 面倒くさいなあ | aa mou hontou mendokusai naa |
歪んでゆく現実 セカイ | yugande yuku genjitsu sekai |
大きな背中が 細い指が | ookina senaka ga hosoi yubi ga |
あたしの物にならなくてもいい | atashi no mono ni naranakute mo ii |
劣情? 嫉妬? あるわけないでしょ | retsujou? shitto? aru wake nai desho |
あたしはあの子には なれない | atashi wa ano ko ni wa narenai |
そんなことわかってるから | sonna koto wakatteru kara |
そんな眼であたしを 見つめないで | sonna me de atashi o mitsumenaide |
愛なんていらない たまんない | ai nante iranai tamannai |
必要に解(ほど)いていってよ | hitsuyou ni hodoite itte yo |
目を閉じて 呼吸も止めて | me o tojite kokyuu mo tomete |
誰かの夢でも見ていてよ | dareka no yume demo mite ite yo |
罪悪感なんて わかんない | zaiakukan nante wakannai |
何処へでも連れてってよ | doko e demo tsuretette yo |
感嘆を吐いて 頂戴 | kantan o haite choudai |
汚(けが)れるほど あたしを感じていてね | kegareru hodo atashi o kanjite ite ne |
愛なんていらない たまんない | ai nante iranai tamannai |
執拗(しつよう)に重ねていってよ | shitsuyou ni kasanete itte yo |
目を閉じて 呼吸求めて | me o tojite kokyuu motomete |
誰かの夢でも見ていてよ | dareka no yume demo mite ite yo |
寂しさに感(かま)けて 視線 | sabishisa ni kamakete shisen |
逸(そ)らしたキミを責めはしないよ | sorashita kimi o seme wa shinai yo |
もっと触れて 全身で騙(かた)ってよ | motto furete zenshin de katatte yo |
この夢からもう覚めないでいてよ ねえ | kono yume kara mou samenaide ite yo nee |
MattplusBC's Cover ft. Aoki Lapis

Featuring | |
Producers | MattplusBC (cover), Lotte V (UST)
Categories | VOCALOID Cover |
HaruVampire's Cover ft. Shonta Haruna

Featuring | Shonta Haruna
Producers | HaruVampire (cover, illust), Lotte V (UST)
Categories | UTAU Cover |
Utaokoloid's Cover ft. WALTT

Featuring | |
Producers | Utaokoloid (cover, illust, mixing), Lotte V (UST)
Categories | UTAU Cover |
sui's Cover ft. Kasane Teto

Featuring | |
Producers | sui (cover, mixing, video), Lotte V (UST), t_dart (illust), Kurumi (illust)
Categories | UTAU Cover |
RageNoodles's Cover ft. Macne Coco Black

Featuring | |
Producers | ragey (cover, mixing), Lotte (UST), yuu (illust), Mako (video)
Categories | UTAU Cover |

Featuring | GUMI
Producers | Satsuki ga Tenkomori (remix)
Categories | Arrangement |
Description | This remix peaked at #2 in the Weekly Vocaloid Ranking. It is featured on the album Shinpenseiri.

Featuring | |
Producers | Guitar Hero Piano Zero (remix, illust)
Categories | Arrangement; VOCALOID Cover |
colate remix

Featuring | GUMI
Producers | colate (remix), mdk (illust)
Categories | Arrangement; VOCALOID Cover |
-GIGA Birthday Arrange-

Featuring | |
Producers | Reol & nqrse (additional lyrics), colate (remix), miki (mixing), Okiku (movie), Umetaro (illust), Orebanana-P (Len tuning)
Categories | Arrangement; Human Cover |
Description | Made in celebration of Giga's birthday.
Goshikan's MMD PV

Featuring | GUMI
Producers | Goshikan
Categories | MMD PV |
External links[]
- Illustration — pixiv
- Instrumental: