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On dark nights like this, scary bears come out

"moonlit bear" is a song featuring Hatsune Miku by mothy. It follows the events that happened at the end of Majo Salmhofer no Toubou

It tells the story of Eve Moonlit (Miku) as she finds two fruits (Rin and Len) in the forest one night. As she takes them back to her husband, Adam Moonlit (KAITO), a bear starts chasing her.

When she finally gets home, Eve shows the fruits to Adam and, horrified, he tells her that their children are already dead and to return the children to their mother. Eve realizes that the fruit were children and starts to scream. Adam tells Eve that it's not too late and she can still return the children but she tells him that it's too late to do that as the bear is dead outside their house and was actually the children's mother, Meta Salmhofer (MEIKO).

This song has entered the Hall of Fame.

Main articles: Original Sin Story and The Evillious Chronicles

Succeeding versions[]

Evils Kingdom Version
Hatsune Miku, KAITO
Categories Revised Version
The revised version released on the Evils Kingdom album.
New Version
Hatsune Miku Append Solid, KAITO
Categories Revised Version
Featured in the album Genzai Monogatari - Dai 1-Maku -.
OSSCE version
Hatsune Miku, KAITO
Categories Revised Version
A remastered version on the album Genzai Monogatari - Kanzen Ban -.


Singer + Color
Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字)
暗い クライ 森の片隅 kurai kurai mori no katasumi
赤い アカイ 果実を拾った akai akai kajitsu wo hirotta

これは キット 神様からの kore wa kitto kamisama kara no
素敵なステキナプレゼント sutekina sutekina purezento

持って帰れば喜ぶかしら? motte kaereba yorokobu kashira?
嬉しすぎて泣いちゃうかもね ureshi sugite naichau kamo ne

今日は 月がとてもきれいね kyou wa tsuki ga totemo kirei ne
早く ハヤク お家へ帰ろ hayaku hayaku ouchi e kaero

こんな暗い夜には コワイ熊が出るから konna kurai yoru ni wa kowai kuma ga deru kara

せっかく見つけたのよ ようやく見つけたのよ sekkaku mitsuketa no yo youyaku mitsuketa no yo
誰にも ダレニモ 決して渡したりしたくない dare ni mo dare ni mo kesshite watashi tari shitakunai

花咲く森の道 私は駆け抜ける hana saku mori no michi watashi wa kake nukeru
赤い果実を抱えながら akai kajitsu wo dae nagara
このまま帰れば 私もあの人も kono mama kaereba watashi mo ano hito mo
きっと幸せになれるはず kitto shiawase ni nareru hazu

ところが後から 怖い顔をした tokoro ga ato kara kowai kao wo shita
熊が私を追いかける kuma ga watashi wo oikakeru
お願い 許してください onegai yuru shite kudasai
見逃してください minoga shite kudasai

わかっていたの 本当はこの果実が wakatteita no hontou wa kono kajitsu ga
あの熊の宝物だと ano kuma no takara mono dato

私は走る さまよい走る watashi wa hashiru samayoi hashiru
この幸せは渡さない kono shiawase wa watasa nai
熊の姿は 月に照らされ kuma no sugata wa tsuki ni terasare
黒い影が私に迫る kuroi kage ga watashi ni semaru

正しい道は すでに失い tadashii michi wa sude ni ushinai
それでも走る ただただ走る sore demo hashiru tadatada hashiru
私は泣いて 熊も泣いてた watashi wa naite kuma mo naiteta
二つの果実も泣いていた futatsu no kajitsu mo naiteita

やっとたどり着いた 愛しの我が家 yatto tadori tsuita itoshi no wagaya
彼は優しく微笑んだけど kare wa yasashiku hohoen dakedo
私の抱えた 果実を見て watashi no dakaeta kajitsu wo mite
とても悲しい顔をしたのです totemo kanashii kao wo shita no desu

「いいかい 僕達の子供はもうすでに "iikai boku tachi no kodomo wa mou sude ni
この世にはいないんだよ kono yo ni wa inainda yo
この子たちは本当の kono ko tachi wa hontou no
お母さんの元へ返してあげなさい」 okaasan no moto e kaeshite age nasai"

いつか真実が その牙と爪で itsuka shinjitsu ga sono kiba to tsume de
私自身を引き裂いても watashi jishin wo hiki saitemo
その暖かい やさしい果実を sono atatakai yasashii kajitsu wo
どうしても欲しかったの dou shite mo hoshi katta no

神様私は 許されぬ罪を kamisama watashi wa yurusarenu tsumi wo
この手で犯してしまいました kono te de okashite shimai mashita
「今ならやり直せる」と “ima nara yari naoseru” to
あの人は言うけど ano hito wa iu kedo

「無理よ だってもう…」 “muri yo date mou ...”

家の外で横たわるは 一匹の熊(一人の女)の亡骸 ie no soto de yoko tawaru wa hitori no onna no nakigara
傍らには ミルクの満ちた小さなガラスの小瓶… katawara ni wa miruku no michita chiisana garasu no kobin…


coguv's Cover ft. VY1
YouTube logo
coguv (cover, VSQx)
Categories VOCALOID Cover
Niconico logo
Yume Suzuki, Hatsune Miku
Categories Parody
A parody of the last chorus of the song in where the necrophile Prince from Sound Horizon's Märchen in search for a bride, hears the rumor that Meta has died and presumably attempts to take her corpse, until Eve tells him to stop.

Other media appearances[]


This song is featured in the following albums:

External links[]


