Vocaloid Wiki
Vocaloid Wiki


VY1v3, galaco BLACK, & ZOLA Project V6: Manbou no Ane/hatahiro[]

Filoyo VY1 kanzashi GalacoV6 BLACKtrans

Manbou no Ane (マンボウの姉), also known as Ryuuguu Tsukasa (竜宮ツカサ) and hatahiro (波多ヒロ), was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 VY1 v3 and VOCALOID6 galaco BLACK as well as Internet Co., Ltd.'s upcoming distribution of VOCALOID6 ZOLA Project.

Manbou no Ane won the 'VocaFes' contest for VY2, along with Rimiko, who won VY1's. As her name suggests, she is Ie no Ura de Manbou ga ShinderuP's sister. She also designed a pin for VY1v3's boxart, and created the concept design for VY2, 66 (Roro).


  • Also a finalist for and Aoki Lapis's outfit contest.
  • Also did promotional illustrations for YAMAHA's ZOLA PROJECT for both VOCALOID3 and VOCALOID6 before being picked by Internet Co. to design the official art for the 2025 repackaging.

Main link[]

Main article: hatahiro


Mew: Ryuji Otani[]

Filoyo Mew

Ryuji Otani was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Mew.

Otani debuted in 2001 as an illustrator. His specialty is black-and-white artwork, and has various works produced in digital format. Many of his pieces are done in collaboration with products and apparel design, such as Adidas US. Sony, cards, SUZUKI of Resona Bank (France) Swift visual, and YAMAHA.

His clients are wide-ranging, such as his collaboration with BAG BARCOS.

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Kkuem SeeU

Ji-Yun Chae (aka. KKUEM (꾸엠)) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 SeeU.

KKUEM is also a part time cosplayer and is married to one of the most famous game concept designers and illustrators in Korea, Kim Hyung-tae. She is well known in Korea for her design and illustrations, her recent illustrations of the card named ChunHyang (춘향) in mobile game called Kaku-San-Sei Million Arthur Korean version.


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SeeU: Renian[]

Renian Seeu-Renewal400character

Renian (레니안/レニアン) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 SeeU's Library Renewal Limited 400 package illustration.

Renian is a Korean illustrator most notably known for their original character illustrations, especially those in their original series, Paint Dolls (페인트돌즈를), usually featuring female characters and animal dolls with different concepts.[1]

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Tone Rion: Akio Watanabe[]

Filoyo Tone Rion

Akio Watanabe ((渡辺明夫) aka. Poyoyon Rock) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Tone Rion.

Watanabe is a popular animator, character designer and animation director. His designs are widely known for being 'moe'. Some of his best-known works are The SoulTaker and Popotan.

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OLIVER: Dappleback[]


Dappleback was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 OLIVER. They are also a member of VocaTone.

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Yuzuki Yukari: Juu Ayakura[]

Filoyo Yuzuki Yukari vocaloid Vocaloid akari

Juu Ayakura (文倉十) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Yuzuki Yukari, and VOCALOID4 Yuzuki Yukari and Kizuna Akari.

Ayakura has done illustrated covers for popular series Spice and Wolf.


  • Also did a promotional illustration for YAMAHA's ZOLA PROJECT.

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Bruno & Clara: Rumple[]

Filoyo Brunoclara-new-design

Rumple was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Bruno and Clara.

Rumple entered VoctroLabs art contest and won top place, due to this their entry was chosen as the official boxart for their product. Recently, Rumple achieved some recognition ending as a runner-up in ALYS' contest.

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IA: Aka Akasaka[]

Filoyo IA

Aka Akasaka was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 IA.

He was the initial primary illustrator for 1st PLACE Co., Ltd.'s -ARIA ON THE PLANETES- project, of which IA is part of. Outside of his work on the franchise, he is known for creating the manga Kaguya-Sama: Love is War and writing for the manga Oshi no Ko.

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Aoki Lapis & Merli: CARNELIAN[]

Filoyo Aoki lapis Merli char 600

CARNELIAN was the illustrator for VOCALOID3s Aoki Lapis and Merli.

CARNELIAN was born on September 21. She has established her own game company called 'Root', and is well-known for illustrating eroge and BL games.


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Luo Tianyi: ideolo[]

Ideolo Luo tianyi v3 full Ling V3 boxart

ideolo was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 releases of Luo Tianyi and Yuezheng Ling, and VOCALOID4's Xingchen and Yuezheng Longya. He was also the official illustrator of Vsinger's Mo Qingxian and Zhiyu Moke.

ideolo is known for mostly drawing artwork relating to the Touhou Project series. In May 2015, the artist announced that he would cease using the name "ideolo" and the art style he had after he completed his final job. However, he continues to use the name as of current.


Main link[]

Main article: ideolo


galaco NEO: Tomioka Jiro[]

Filoyo Galaco chara

Tomioka Jiro was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 galaco NEO.

Main link[]

Main article: Tomioka Jiro

MAYU: Hidari[]


Migi Hidari was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Akikoloid-chan and MAYU.

Hidari has provided various illustrations for EXIT TUNES, especially album covers and crossfade albums of EXIT TUNES' VOCALOID albums.

Main link[]

Main article: Hidari

AVANNA: Aki Glancy[]

Akiglancy vp Avanna Official Cover Artwork

Aki Glancy (aka. EmpathP) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 AVANNA.

Aki Glancy was commissioned by Zero-G Limited and Yamaha Corporation as the artist of AVANNA. The artist has stated that she had a difficult and frustrating experience. Her end result was to please her clients and not to please the fandom, but thanked other artists for their input and encouragement.

The companies had the final say on the finished design.[2]

Main link[]

Main article: EmpathP

KAITO V3, Hatsune Miku V3, MEIKO V3, & V4X vocals: iXima[]

Filoyo KAITO V3 MIKUV3 img1

iXima was the illustrator for VOCALOIDs KAITO V3, MEIKO V3, Megurine Luka V4X, Kagamine Rin & Len V4X, and Hatsune Miku V3 & V4X as well as their SP redesigns.

Fans consider her as the "next KEI." She drew her renditions of the other Crypton VOCALOIDs in an illustration book, as well as the cover art for Miku Flick/02. She also did a rendition of Miku's VOCALOID2 boxart by KEI, which was used by Volks M.O.E. for Dollfie Dream as a guide for their Hatsune Miku Dollfie.

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ZOLA PROJECT: Yoshitaka Amano[]

Filoyo ZolaProject

Yoshitaka Amano was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 ZOLA PROJECT's YUU, KYO, and WIL.

Amano is a prestigious illustrator famously known for his Final Fantasy illustrations.

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YANHE: mouseqi[]

Mq Yanhe full

mouseqi (aka. MQ) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 YANHE.

mouseqi entered the illustration contest by VOCALOID CHINA and won.


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Hatsune Miku V3 English: Zain[]

Filoyo Img mikuv3en

Zain was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Hatsune Miku V3 English.

Zain's illustrations were used for the MikuMix.com website and by Toyota for the Corolla+Miku 2011 campaign(magazine illustrations). She was commissioned in 2011 to create an image of Hatsune Miku posing with a black Toyota Corolla for the month of June.

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YOHIOloid: Sartika3091[]

Filoyo YOHIOloid

Sartika Nurhasanah (aka. Sartika3091) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 YOHIOloid.

Sartika3091 entered the PowerFX design contest for their bilingual VOCALOID, YOHIOloid. The design was chosen by the voice provider, YOHIO.

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MAIKA: Noriko Hayashi[]

Filoyo MAIKA

Noriko Hayashi (aka. Noririn) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 MAIKA.

Hayashi is an art student and also previously achieved some recognition as a semifinalist in YOHIOloid's contest.

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ONA: Inés Campos[]

Filoyo ONA

Inés Campos was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 ONA.

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Macne Nana: Gomoku Akatsuki[]

Gomoku Board icon Macne Nana vocaloid

Gomoku Akatsuki (あかつきごもく) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Macne Nana, including the Macloid version as well as the whole Macne series.

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kokone: AkkeyJin[]

Filoyo Kokone

AkkeyJin (あっきー人) was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 kokone.

AkkeyJin, being a well-known illustrator on Pixiv, has been one of the main artists behind the iOS/Android game Valkyrie Crusade.

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anon & kanon: Hakuri[]

Filoyo Anon&kanon

Hakuri was the illustrator for VOCALOID3s anon & kanon.

Hakuri is also known for creating fanart for the Kagerou Project series.

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flower: Yamako[]

Filoyo V flower

Yamako was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 flower.

Yamako is part of HoneyWorks, formed by the composer and Nico Singer Fernando-P (Gomu), and the guitarist Choris-P (Shito☆Raji). Among her notable works are the songs "Suki Kirai" and "Karakuri Pierrot". Despite been part of HoneyWorks, she also collaborated in PVs outside her group.

Main link[]

Main article: Yamako

Tohoku Zunko: Edomura Ninico[]

Filoyo Tohoku Zunko vocaloid

Edomura Ninico (江戸村ににこ) is the official illustrator for Tohoku Zunko, not just her VOCALOID3 and VOCALOID4 designs but also all her illustrations for other vocal synthesizer engines.


  • He is also the illustrator for all of SSS LLC.'s original characters (including Zunko's two sisters), most of whom also received voicebanks for various synthesizer engines.

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Rana: Shindo Kamichi[]

Filoyo Rana

Shindo Kamichi was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 Rana.

Kamichi has also contributed to Medarot 8's (メダロット8) character designs.

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Xin Hua: VOFAN[]

Vofan Xin hua v3 transparent Sweet ANN ecapsule1

VOFAN (ヴォーハン) was the illustrator for Xin Hua V3 and Japanese, as well as Sweet ANN's design for E-Capsule Co. Ltd.

VOFAN did illustrations for the Bakemonogatari series and is known to use pastel colors and barely creates outlines. He only uses different shades of color to create depth and to differentiate objects. He speaks Mandarin and English fluently, and can read Japanese.


Main link[]

Main article: VOFAN


Ring Suzune and Hibiki Lui: 119[]

Filoyo Ring Suzune Hibiki Lui

119 (pronounced Hikeshi) was the finalized illustrator for the cancelled VOCALOID3s, Ring Suzune and Hibiki Lui.

119 is known as the former illustrator of the music group Supercell, formed in 2007. His relationship with the group began when Ryo (the lead musician) used one of 119's Hatsune Miku illustrations as a placeholder for the song Melt (メルト) without permission, leading to an apology from Ryo. However, 119 responded positively to both Melt and working with the upcoming musician, thus forming Supercell.

In February 2011, a contest called "Everyone's VOCALOID project" (みんなのボカロ計画) was announced by VocaFes and Yamaha. The contest was to create an original VOCALOID character, which would eventually become the winning avatar for the VOCALOID3 engine. The winners were announced in May 2011 and the chosen designs were of Suzune Ringu and Lui Hibiki, a VOCALOID pair. However, the original designs by the submitter's artwork were completely revised by 119. Along with Ring and Lui's refinements he also did refinements for Manbo no Ane's VY2, 66. He also refined Rimiko's version of VY1, Kobushi Kiku, and all the VocaFesta mascots.

Main link[]

Main article: 119

SeeU: Jisun So[]

Filoyo I=Fantasy

Jisun So was the 3D illustrator for VOCALOID3 SeeU.

Jisun So's SeeU model was featured in the I=Fantasy MV.

Bruno and Clara: Raimon Benach[]

Filoyo Illu RaimonBenach Vocaloid BrunoClara-img1

Raimon Benach was the illustrator for the initial design of VOCALOID3s Bruno and Clara.

Benach is an artist who specializes in collage compositions.

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ONA: David Inlines[]

David Inlines ONA model

David Inlines was the 3D illustrator for VOCALOID3 ONA.

Inlines is the 3D modeler of ONA featured in the concert during Mercè of Barcelona in 2013.

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v flower: Rocoru[]

Rocoru icon Flowerboxy

Rocoru was the illustrator for VOCALOID3 v flower's box sleeve and was behind the voicebank's character design.

Like the illustrator for v3 flower, Rocoru was a member of HoneyWorks starting from April 2013 up until their graduation in 2019. They are a frequent collaborator in musical projects, often providing illustrations for PVs.

Main link[]

Main article: Rocoru

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Zhanyin Lorra: Da Nu Luo[]

Da nu luo Zhanyin Lorra

Da Nu Luo (大怒罗) was the illustrator for the cancelled VOCALOID3 Zhanyin Lorra.

Da Nu Luo lives in the Beijing Chaoyang District. She attended China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA).

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