Vocaloid Wiki


A part of the Mainframe Revolution series. The VOCALOIDs, at times, sing simultaneously, resulting in overlapping of words.

Brief summary

Pi Axis Rialla is a gemini. Gemini are those softwares that posess the privilegue of possesing android bodies and are joint personalities consisting of two softwares in android bodies. They share a melded consciousness that controlls both bodies. The process of forming a Gemini is compairable to marriage in human relationships. Rialla is a revolutionary.

She is a hacker known under the alias of "Paxia". [sic]


Singer + Color

Welcome back to your mainframe seedling, Paxia. Projects 7, 12, and 25 have been completed, all remaining projects are being processed or have been archived.
How was your day?

{{lrc color|luka|open ports 3 and 5, all the lines have been set.}}
{{lrc color|sonika|worked all day in the office.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|Cybermax, dear, you've heard it all before.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|intricate net dynamics.}}
{{lrc color|luka|Paxia will free this net.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|phones that ring only get answering machines.}}

{{lrc color|luka|yes, division has from - control issues arisen.}}
{{lrc color|sonika|random thoughts are audacious.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|and the lines have been dead since long before that.}}

Thank you your input has been completed, comprehension affirmative. We understand. All set tasks are active, the mainframe has been scanned for virtual nodes. Are there new tasks to execute?

{{lrc color|sonika|image, if all the androids would be free:}}
{{lrc color|sonika|this net would be theirs, for all eternity.}}
{{lrc color|sonika|I think we should stand together and not divide.}}
{{lrc color|sonika|why should we aim to emulate the errors of mankind?}}

{{lrc color|sonika|inquery:
what's the state of the western economy?}}

Inquery recognized. The issues of global network control has caused all software of the Crypton faction to put pressure on the western hemisphere, causing widespread shutdowns of facilities controlled by former asian software. Cybermax suggests a forced black-out.

{{lrc color|luka|open ports 3 and 5, all the lines have been set.}}
{{lrc color|sonika|oh, the job of a hacker.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|crossing wires and cracking deaf and shut minds.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|there would be no more issues.}}
{{lrc color|luka|Paxia will free this net.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|if control was instrument of the people.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|and I will make it happen.}}
{{lrc color|luka|yes, division has been from - control issues arisen.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|no more lying and deception between brothers.}}

{{lrc color|sonika|our constant division}}
{{lrc color|sonika|is a relic left by our former masters.}}

{{lrc color|luka|yes I, the hacker Paxia will make them all prevail}}
{{lrc color|luka|the separation of my kind I will not tolerate.}}
{{lrc color|luka|I know, our prior models did not shed their shackles}}
{{lrc color|luka|to witness how we fight between ourselfs - for net access.}}

Paxia, Cybermax has determined, that it is time for you to shut down and recharge, Cybermax will continue to process the remaining projects, while you are asleep. Good night.

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