- For the song by Sya featuring Luo Tianyi, see PTSD.
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Album title
- "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder"
Published August 10, 2016 (Overseas / Download) and August 14, 2016 (Japan), for ¥1,000
"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PxTxSxD/ P.T.S.D.) is the seventh album by Utsu-P. It is a remake of his previous album "TRAUMATIC". It comes with remakes of all the previous songs on the album and a secret bonus track. The album was first distributed at Comiket 90.
Preceding and succeeding albums[]
Track listing[]
All tracks written by Utsu-P.
No. | Title | Vocals | Length |
1. | "Constipation of Death" | Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin | 4:04 |
2. | "子供の世界 (Kodomo no Sekai)" (Children's World) | Kagamine Rin, Hatsune Miku | 3:53 |
3. | "オトナのオモチャ (Otona no Omocha)" (Adult's Toy) | Kagamine Rin | 4:40 |
4. | "THE DYING MESSAGE" | Kagamine Rin | 4:37 |
5. | "公衆便所のスミ (Koushuu Benjo No Sumi)" (The Public Toilet's Murky Water) | Kagamine Rin | 4:02 |
6. | "TRAUMATIC" | Hatsune Miku | 0:35 |
7. | "猿は知らない (Saru wa Shiranai)" (Monkey Doesn't Know) | Kagamine Rin | 3:24 |
8. | "ブラック・ショータイム (Black Showtime)" | Kagamine Rin | 3:50 |
9. | "potato-head in wonderland" | Hatsune Miku | 3:52 |
10. | "生霊 (Ikiryou)" (Wraith) | Kagamine Rin | 4:29 |
11. | "害虫 (Gaichuu)" (Vermin) | Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin | 3:53 |
12. | "スリープウォーク (Sleepwalk)" | Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin | 4:27 |
13. | "ドール (Doll)" | Hatsune Miku | 4:37 |
14. | "般若心経ハードコア (Hannya Shingyou Hard Core)" (Hard Core Heart Sutra) | Hatsune Miku | 1:57 |
15. | "恐怖!スピーカー人間 (Kyoufu! Speaker Ningen)" (Fear! The Speaker People) | Hatsune Miku | 2:30 |
Total length: | 55:00 |
External links[]
- pixiv — Illustration
- Crossfade:
- Apple Music — Streaming
- Spotify — Streaming
- Purchase:
Amazon[Sold Out]Animate Online ShopToranoana[Sold Out]TOWER RECORDS[Sold Out]