Vocaloid Wiki

Rana VOCALOID3 VOCALOID4 | Songs Albums Notable Originals

This article is about the VOCALOID4 software known as a voicebank. If you are looking for the VOCALOID character then click here.


On January 26, 2015, in response to a tweet, We've Inc. said that a V4 update for Rana is in consideration.[1]

Later, on September 8, Rana was confirmed to have a VOCALOID4 update in the works.[2] It was announced on the NET VOCALOID Site that Rana's V4 would be released sometime in December.[3]

At THE VOC@LOID M@STER 33, the first 100 visitors to the "Rana Experience" booth had a chance to get Rana V4 early. It was also mentioned that there would be a discount for customers who purchased all 30 of the magazines that corresponded with her VOCALOID3 voicebank.[4][5]

It was revealed after the event that she would go on sale on December 1.[6]

On November 14, pictures of her MMD models and VOCALOID4 design were revealed.[7]

Product Information[]



クリアランスセール・ファイター (Clearance Sale Fighter) YouTube

System Requirements[]

Work in Progress


Product Information
  Optimum Range: G#2 ~ F4  Optimum Tempo: 85 ~ 145 BPM
  Total Tempo (min-max): 60 BPM  No. of Keys: W ~ 13, B ~ 9, Total ~ 22
  Trial/Demo Vers?: No  Starter Available?: No  App vers.?: Yes
Package details as noted:

The VOCALOID4 version of the original Rana vocal. Users can get a upgrade if they have all 30 tickets from the previous VOCALOID3 version registered from the Vocalo-P ni Naritai magazine. This is a cheaper method of obtaining the voice. In addition, more producers can now access her voice, both on a local Japanese scale and a world wide audience.

Vocal traits as noted:
  • GWL capabilities added.
  • Other than GWL, the voice is identical to the VOCALOID3 version and no adjustments have been made to it.
  • The voicebank is generally good and high quality.
Software issues as noted:
  • Due to the fact that the only way to redeem the magazine's tickets is by mailing them from a Japanese mailing address, the upgrade offer is mostly limited to Japanese consumers.
Voicebank sample



