"Red October Moon" is a song featuring YOHIOloid by Big Void. No further details about this song were given.
Life is fantasy
Death is reality
She's still seventeen
She is full of sensitivity
Dreams are useless thing
Absolutely everything
once started successfully
We are flying to Red October Moon
We are feeling blue I'm fed up with you
We are crying to Red October Moon
Because I love you
I'm sorrowful
under the moon
My sweet mystery
Love me immorally
Give me sympathy
All I ever do is scream
Big big victory
for the cyber industry
once started successfully
We are flying to Red October Moon
We are feeling blue I'm fed up with you
We are crying to Red October Moon
Because I love you
I'm sorrowful
under the moon
Yes I feel sometimes
I need someone
Yes I feel sometimes
I need someone
I need someone
I need someone
Woo ooo oo oo
Life is fantasy
Death is reality
She's still seventeen
She is full of sensitivity
Life is fantasy
Death is reality
She's still seventeen
She is full of sensitivity