Vocaloid Wiki
Vocaloid Wiki

Snownoise-P subpage for works made 2012 to 2013.


Links Title Featuring Date Roles
名画 (Meiga) Kagamine Len Append Cold September 8, 2012 music, lyrics
星空 (Hoshizora) Kagamine Len Append Cold September 18, 2012 music, lyrics
独言 (Hitorigoto) Kagamine Len Append Cold November 3, 2012 music, lyrics
螺旋 (Rasen) Kagamine Len Append Cold November 4, 2012 music, lyrics
不安定症候群 (Fuantei Shoukougun) Kagamine Len Append Cold November 17, 2012 music, lyrics
ノイズ (Noise) Kagamine Len Append Cold November 25, 2012 music, lyrics
雪と灯火 (Yuki to Tomoshibi) Kagamine Len Append Cold December 1, 2012 music, lyrics
クリスマスなんて大嫌いだ (Christmas nante Daikirai da) Kagamine Len Append Cold December 16, 2012 music, lyrics
影ぼうし (Kageboushi) Kagamine Len Append Cold January 2, 2013 music, lyrics
ポルタメント (Portamento) Kagamine Len Append Cold January 13, 2013 music, lyrics
感情線 (Kanjousen) Kagamine Len Append Cold February 3, 2013 music, lyrics
pazzle. Kagamine Len Append Cold February 20, 2013 music, lyrics
秒針の世界 (Byoushin no Sekai) Kagamine Len Append Cold March 10, 2013 music, lyrics
桜色 (Sakurairo) Kagamine Len Append Power, La Zimakie March 23, 2013 music, lyrics
笑う月の夜に (Warau Tsuki no Yoru ni) Kagamine Len Append Cold April 13, 2013 music, lyrics
星の舟 (Hoshi no Fune) Kagamine Len Append Serious April 21, 2013 music, lyrics
繋いだ手 (Tsunaida Te) Kagamine Len Append Cold April 28, 2013 music, lyrics
有名無名 (Yuumei Mumei) Kagamine Len Append Power May 3, 2013 music, lyrics
no more Kagamine Len Append Serious May 6, 2013 music, lyrics
忘れ物 (Wasuremono) Kagamine Len Append Cold May 12, 2013 music, lyrics
窒息中毒 (Chissoku Chuudoku) Kagamine Len Append Power May 18, 2013 music, lyrics
贖いの末路 (Aganai no Matsuro) Kagamine Len Append Cold May 25, 2013 music, lyrics
ことだま遊び (Kotodama Asobi) Kagamine Len Append Serious, La Zimakie June 1, 2013 music, lyrics
巷で噂の首吊り人形 (Chimata de Uwasa no Kubitsuri Ningyou) Kagamine Len Append Power June 15, 2013 music, lyrics
飴玉 (Amedama) Kagamine Rin Append Sweet June 22, 2013 music, lyrics
愛想笑い (Aiso Warai) Kagamine Len Append Cold June 30, 2013 music, lyrics
でくのぼう (Deku no Bou) Kagamine Len Append Power June 30, 2013 music, lyrics
影絵の絵本 (Kagee no Ehon) Kagamine Len Append Cold, La Zimakie July 13, 2013 music, lyrics
雨宿り (Amayadori) Kagamine Len Append Cold July 14, 2013 music, lyrics
モノクロ (Monokuro) Kagamine Len Append Serious July 20, 2013 music, lyrics
宴も闌 (Utage mo Takenawa) Kagamine Len Append Power July 27, 2013 music, lyrics
宴も闌 (泣き虫) Kagamine Len Append Cold and Serious August 11, 2013 music, lyrics
昨日にお別れ (Kinou ni Owakare) Kagamine Len Append Cold and Serious August 18, 2013 music, lyrics
拒絶反応 (Kyozetsu Hannou) Kagamine Len Append Cold August 24, 2013 music, lyrics
風に舞う (Kaze ni Mau) Kagamine Len Append Power August 24, 2013 music, lyrics
五線譜のワルツ (Gosenfu no Waltz) Kagamine Rin Append Sweet August 24, 2013 music, lyrics
flow Kagamine Len Append Serious September 2, 2013 music, lyrics
季節の名残りに (Kisetsu no Nagori ni) Kagamine Len Append Serious, La Zimakie September 9, 2013 music, lyrics
AMMP Kagamine Len Append Cold September 14, 2013 music, lyrics
オニアイサン (Oniai-san) Kagamine Len Append Cold September 14, 2013 music, lyrics
エンドロール (Endroll) Kagamine Len Append Cold and Serious September 20, 2013 music, lyrics
hi wind Kagamine Len Append Serious September 23, 2013 music, lyrics
夜空に手紙を (Yozora ni Tegami o) Kagamine Len Append Serious October 6, 2013 music, lyrics
13番地のハロウィン (13 Banchi no Halloween) Kagamine Rin & Len Append Power October 14, 2013 music, lyrics
透明な僕でいて (Toumei na Boku de Ite) Kagamine Len Append Serious October 18, 2013 music, lyrics
絵空事 (Esoragoto) Kagamine Len Append Serious November 3, 2013 music, lyrics
水彩マーカー (Suisai Marker) Kagamine Len Append Serious November 24, 2013 music, lyrics
愛々傘 (Aiaigasa) Kagamine Len Append Power and Cold November 29, 2013 music, lyrics
ため息ひとつ (Tameiki Hitotsu) Kagamine Len Append Cold December 29, 2013 music, lyrics