Vocaloid Wiki

Sugita Akira (杉田朗), also known as StAkira, is a Chinese producer who made his bilibili debut in January 2012 but was active since 2011. He specializes in electropop although he's noted that he is not necessarily dedicated to it. His most notable songs are "66CCFF" and "Lì Xíng Yìcháng Xíngwéi Zhǔnzé". He and contributors in C# were also known to have developed OpenUtau, an unofficial, open-source successor to UTAU that was released in 2021

His birthday is May 27. He is only occasionally active.


Links Title Featuring Date Roles
[bb][yt][sc][5s] "66CCFF" Luo Tianyi September 22, 2012 music, video
[bb] "三千世界鸦杀尽" Luo Tianyi November 23, 2012 video
[bb] "血红满月之夜" Luo Tianyi November 26, 2012 production team
[bb][sc] "洛天鱼之歌" Luo Tianyi October 3, 2014 music, tuning, mixing, video
[bb][sc] "例行异常行为准则" YANHE February 8, 2015 compose, arrange, lyrics, tuning, mixing
[bb][sc][yt][ne] "异样的风暴中心" Luo Tianyi March 5, 2016 music
[bb] "星宿计时" Luo Tianyi November 10, 2016 music



Affiliation Title Featuring Date Roles
CrossOz "第一步" Luo Tianyi June 11, 2013 compose, arrange, tuning, mixing
YANHE PROJECT "The Stage 2" YANHE November 25, 2013 compose, arrange, lyrics, tuning, mixing
CrossOz "第二页" Luo Tianyi, YANHE June 1, 2014 compose, arrange, tuning, mixing
Vsinger x BEMOE "依如初见" Luo Tianyi (V4, V5, AI beta) July 12, 2022 compose