Vocaloid Wiki

Angel Emfrbl Angel Emfrbl 20 June 2021

Headcanon - characters (V1)

User blog:Angel Emfrbl/Headcanon

Please read and respect my original blog.

Note: I don't ship... I don't believe in it and it often get annoying. One thing to note is I have lost my headcanons list for personnellities, so I may make mistakes here. The backgrounds are correct though. Since for the most part I established who I thought everyone is and there maybe some mistakes, but they were more or less similar. If I'll find the file again (its on a different computer) I'll correct things.

The experimental first Vocaloid engine was made with 5 robots hitting production.

  • Leon & Lola - English androids created for soul singer, a metaphorical nod to how they have a "soul" from a originalsinger implanted. The pair were made and entered production…

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Angel Emfrbl Angel Emfrbl 19 June 2021


Someone asked me for my headcanons... And honestly I don't write most of it down. It wil take me a while to write everything down. I'll start with the basics of the filler and write about the characters tomorrow. I don't hold this to a tee as its just my "world build" and how I approached Vocaloid and I've had it for years. So... I rarely share my headcanon...Bit of reason why, you can skip this but I have to explian my problem I face.But this sharing of my own headcanon has to come with a understanding with everyone. Theres a back story as to why until now I've not shared it.

Bit of background. I've always imagined the Vocaloids as being part of a semi-sci-fi world where the production of Vocaloids was seen as a way to live on post death.…

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Angel Emfrbl Angel Emfrbl 7 December 2020

Discord stuff

Ignroe this blog, its me archiving some useful links from the Discord so I know where it is.

Thanks Pokeluver. :-3

Pokeluver223Today at 09:27 @Angelemfrbl So I was looking into old stuff regarding the Metal Gear Solid VOCALOID, we had it all wrong, the VOCALOID was literally just called "AI" https://web.archive.org/web/20100608130130/http://www.konami.jp/mgs_pw/jp/info/cam_voc.html There was an official page for the project METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER OFFICIAL WEBSITE コナミによるPSP用ゲームソフト「メタルギア・ソリッド・ピースウォーカー」公式サイト。 So ZEKE is not the name at all OMG https://web.archive.org/web/20100714153027/http://www.kjp.konami.jp/gs/hideoblog/kazradio_vocaloid_01.html I found demos!! (need to enable Flash) https://web.archive.org/web/20100723150540/http://w…

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Angel Emfrbl Angel Emfrbl 17 January 2020

Back to stage 1

So guys, Discord is currently not even loading for me, I don't know whats wrong.

But this is where I was before so... I'm back where I started.

If anyone knows how to resolve this, let me know.

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Angel Emfrbl Angel Emfrbl 21 March 2019

"I want a Piko Update"

Rather then keep repeating myself, I'm going to write this blog and link to this in future.

I'm going to update this as I remember what to note.

  • 1 The initial Reaction
    • 1.1 The Avatar
    • 1.2 The voice
    • 1.3 The name
  • 2 What Sony did
  • 3 The first year
  • 4 So the State of things
  • 5 TL;DR?
  • 6 Version edits;

I'm going to describe the aura of the time Piko came out;

Basically in 2011 a large number of fans began to compare Vocaloids that were coming out and it got silly. As a consquences, there were knee-jerk reactions to this. When people said things like VY1 sounded like Miku Dark, people took it as an excuse the poster was trying to say VY1 wasn't special and they got a bit stubborn about the issue. There was also a sense of this towards everything; design, name, you name…

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