Vocaloid Wiki
Vocaloid Wiki

Its 1am in the morning, I'm on the net... Wheres my lag gone? Did they finally fix the problem or what? It seems the net is running smoothly which is wierd because I'm paranoid it will cease at any moment. O_O'

I was thinking, after seeing "Least liked Vocaloids". Someone listed Lola as their least like "engloid" because they saw her in magnet with Leon. It always makes me ask; "Which magnet?". The bad Japanese one where you can only tell Lola and Leon apart because their tone is different, or the english one where someone has attempted to clean up their vocals to (near) perfection.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut_olrFLVQ8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY9_hlA3DLY

There is quite a leap of difference between their Japanese and english, but the Japanese one has been guilty of putting off people too often. Its mostly Lola that suffers from that video, they don't mind Leon sounding his way, but the fact Lola sounds as she does is off putting. Its Lola's problem, she cannot escape the amount of biasedness surrounding her voice. Even though, in my opinion, she has the most potential. She has the most mature voice and a large potential that is waiting to be tapped. Its only now Lola's getting *some* attention, as people attempt to figure her out. As someone who used her and a demo of Miriam, I still prefer Lola. Lola's got the "all woman" voice, while Miriam can sound like an old woman at times. Also, she lacks too much clarity due to her softness, though Sonika still outranks her. Theres one video that remains strong on showing Lola's potenital.


And theres Paprika which Lola features... Anyway from the impression of the fan they've heard her Magnet duet only. Also, unless you update Vocaloid to 1.2, she and Leon come as 1.0, you don't get quite the same result as you expect.

Everyone has their distastes, but Lola's currently the only Vocaloid that I get sad over, because she was properly the best of the Vocaloid 1 era engloids and she never gets much support. Also, the 2010 engloids ranking for NND that was released like, yesturday, has many Lola songs. While Big-Al dominates the ranking, a song with Lola in it was no.1, take note from ranking 7th-2nd, Al had taken.

For the curious here who was in the ranking (NND account needed), its for the year gone (2010);


Matty9five's "Repeat" grabbed 74th place. It stood out in the rankings like a sore thumb when I looked at the pictures. Thats sort of an achievement for Matty, since I think Matty was the only westerner on the ranking, could be wrong.