My first song produced for Sonika, sadly I had to put it straight on "private" since I realised I got the filters wrong and the background music COMPLETELY consumed the song to the point it sounded like my headphones wanted to shatter under the viberations. So, back to the drawing board; I've got to remove that filter and try another because it either loves Sonika's voice or the background msuic and refuses to odore them both. Ironically, I tried a song which Sonika sounds wierd in, and someone else has done the same thing a few days ago; remarkably I even noted "with that same problem with the background". Wierd when that happens... They are using FL studio too... Did they use the same filters as well? O_o
There song is better, I note. Considering this is my first test of Sonika, I'm not expecting good reviews back. I'm already thinking of my next song which will properly be Al with Sonika as back up. Now I've found my happy place with her I can use her more extensively and do things I couldn't bring myself to do with Al.
Oh the joys of song writing! I tend to only work on songs though, when my bro is at work because lately he has been playing Monster Hunter Tri heavily. The song for that game are distracting and I can hear it while I'm writing the songs. Its proving to be harder to work on note matching when I can't hear the notes. I've also got to look around the net to see if there are any sites out there with a few pans and ambiences going because the next song needs a few really strange ones. If Techno E-jay wasn't playing up I'd borrow them from there because they were what I used to work with.
I'm trying for a cold, unsettling song.