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! The following is a tutorial made for VOCALOID fans by fellow VOCALOID fans. !

VOCALOID1's Parameters[]


Brightness changes the voice by boosting or cutting the voice's high-frequency content. The higher the value, the brighter the sound. Lowering the value creates a more mellow voice.


Similar to Brightness, Clearness is designed to 'clear' the voice, making it sharper. A higher value sharpens the voice, lowering it gives a more muted sound.

Gender Factor[]

Shifts the overall formant structure of the voice over a large range. Raising the Gender Factor will produce a thicker masculine tone while lowering it will give a more feminine, or even "chipmunk-like", sound to the voice.


The Harmonics parameter controls the level of harmonic content in the voice, thus affecting the phonation. Vowels and other sonorants are always voiced, so they're the most affected by this parameter.

This is one of the parameters that are no longer available in later versions of the software. Although it was removed from VOCALOID3 onwards, it's possible to achieve devoicing of the sonorants with the addition of a '_0' suffix to the intended phoneme.


Opposite to Harmonics, the Noise parameter controls the level of the unvoiced content in the voice. For this reason, it mostly affects the consonants, especially the unvoiced ones. This also affects the "breathiness" of the voice. This is one of the parameters that are no longer available in later versions of the software.

Note Velocity[]

Note Velocity determines the individual volume of each note (similar to the Velocity measurement of the MIDI format) and it's automatically created when a note is drawn. Unlike any other parameter used in V1, the pencil tool cannot be used with it, and instead uses individual bars for modify it's value.

As the Note Velocity was replaced with the Velocity (VEL) parameter from VOCALOID2 onwards, it's important to take note of this if the user ever attempts to export a VSQ file into a VOCALOID MIDI file.


The Resonances were a group of parameters that allowed users to edit the formants of the singing samples individually. Each parameter controlled a specific formant, changing the pronunciation of vowels and the timbre of the singing voice. This is one of the parameters that are no longer available in later versions of the software.


The Singer Parameter is used to change voices in the control track. There can be multiple singers per track. A thing to note is when importing VSQs into V1, the Singer Icon will appear twice instead of once.

Pitch Bend[]

The Pitch Bend Parameter goes from -8192 to 8191 with 0 as its default. It can allow the voice to go up to ±2 octaves from the original note. However, it needs to be used with the Pitch Bend Sensitivity to unlock its full range.

Pitch Bend Sensitivity[]

Pitch Bend Sensitivity is used to decrease or increase the range of the Pitch Bend Parameter. The default at 12 allows for a pitch variation of ±1 octave, and at 24 it allows for a pitch variation of ±2 octaves.

Portamento Timing[]

Portamento Timing is used to change the timing of the notes. However, it should be mentioned that Portamento is generally affected more by the singing style, rather than the Portamento Timing Parameter itself after the 1.1 update. The higher the value is, the later the timing is; the lower the value, the sooner the note is sung.

Parameters from VOCALOID2 and onwards[]

From VOCALOID2 onwards, there have been a series of parameters that have become common in all the succeeding versions of YAMAHA's singing software. A selection of them were available in V1, though some possess new functions or work in a different way. Despite the changes between each version, the basic functionality of these parameters hasn't suffered drastic modification since then.

VEL (Velocity)[]

Velocity determines how quickly the singer pronounces the note/word, thus influencing consonant trailing and consonant duration. Higher velocities result in shorter consonants and subjectively affects the attack of the lyric.[1][2] This parameter strongly affects the fricatives and affricates, like the "s" and "f" sounds. Unlike the other parameters, its value is adjusted through a series of individual bars per note instead of a continuous curve; a trait carried from the old 'Note Velocity' parameter.

In VOCALOID2, large adjustments produced insignificant changes, so users usually didn't adjust this value very much. However, from VOCALOID3 onwards, this parameter indeed significantly affects the consonant length, making it critical to adjust it for achieving a correct pronunciation, emphasis or attack.

As it affects the consonant length, it can move the beginning of a note closer to, and sometimes even so that it overlaps, the preceding note. In the case of plosives, this can sometimes result in an almost silent preparatory interval prior to sounding of the actual consonant.

The Velocity parameters work differently across VOCALOID and VOCALOID2 (in V1, it manipulated the volume of the note), so it's important to take note of this if the user ever attempts to export a VSQ file into a VOCALOID MIDI file.

DYN (Dynamics)[]

Dynamics basically adjust the singer's volume across the track, allowing users to create effects like crescendo or diminuendo, and when it's used effectively adds expressiveness. Also allows users to manually do the attacks and accents in the song. The default "curve" is a straight line at the medium dynamic value.

To get a more realistic voice, it's advisable that users vary this per note, or accordingly the expression or intensity the singer delivers in the song.

DYN are not advisable to be too high across the song. While they raise the volume, also it raises the overall loudness and emphasizes the sound artifacts and noise found in the voicebank's samples. Besides, on lower grade computers, it will increase the "crackling" effect if one adjusts VOCALOID's mixer. This is particularly true if the user has more than one vocalist in several tracks.

BRE (Breathiness)[]

Breathiness controls the weight of the voices' breathing. Higher values add more breath to the voice, while lower ones remove the air sounds by reducing the high frequencies. In earlier versions of the software, this was one of the parameters the users preferred keep at minimal, due the inherent "metallic" sound of the breaths, and because it also may affect the speech clarity.

It's one of the parameters that users can edit through the 'Singer Editor' to create custom voice configurations for singers.

BRI (Brightness)[]

Brightness is one of the parameters retained from V1. It keeps its original functionality intact, boosting or cutting the voices' high-frequency content. Higher values produce a brighter, or more "present" sound, while lower values produce a more mellow effect. Lower values can effectively simulate gently delivered or even whispered phrases. Also affects the overall volume, along a lower brightness there's a lower volume and vice-versa.

It's one of the parameters that users can edit through the 'Singer Editor' to create custom voice configurations for singers.

CLE (Clearness)[]

Clearness is one of the parameters retained from V1, keeping its original functionality intact, sharpening the voice. Higher values produce a sharper, clearer sound, while lower values produce a more muted sound. It is the VOCALOID softwares' equivalent of treble.[citation needed]

It affects consonant phonemes' pronunciation, those ones become harsher and more notorious. Also the synthesizers' artifacts and samples' noise are increased if users raise this parameter too much, resulting in a robotic sound. Also affects the overall volume, along a lower clearness there's a lower volume and vice-versa.

It's one of the parameters that users can edit through the 'Singer Editor' to create custom voice configurations for singers.

OPE (Opening)[]

The Opening parameter reproduces the variation of pronunciation through adjustments of the opening of the mouth. Higher opening values can produce a clear, open tone, while reducing the opening value can produce a less distinct tone or pronunciation. It also affects the overall pronunciation, the open vowels are the most affected by this parameter. In the editor, the default value is set at max.

In VOCALOID2, it's one of the parameters that users can edit through the 'Singer Editor' to create custom voice configurations for singers. This is no longer available in the 'Singer Editor' for VOCALOID3 onwards, as the parameter was modified to work in a similar fashion to the VEL, through individual control bars for each note, instead of an editable curve as it happens with the other parameters. This parameter has been replaced by "Mouth" in VOCALOID5.

GEN (Gender Factor)[]

Gender Factor is one of the parameters retained from V1, up until VOCALOID5. It keeps its original functionality intact, modifying the overall formant structure of the voice, effectively altering the timbre and its inherent "masculinity" or "femininity", without break the original foundation of the voice. Higher values produces a thicker masculine tone while lowering it will give a more feminine or even a "chipmunk-like" sound tone to the voice. This parameter has been replaced by "Character" in VOCALOID5.

It's noteworthy to consider as this parameter modifies the formants, it can alter the pronunciation of the vowels and other phonemes to a certain degree. This may be useful, considering the removal of the Resonances parameters in the succeeding versions of the software.

It's one of the parameters that users can edit through the 'Singer Editor' to create custom voice configurations for singers.

POR (Portamento Timing)[]

Portamento Timing is one of the parameters retained from V1, however it function is slightly different in comparison with its V1 counterpart. This parameter adjusts the starting position of the Portamento (in other words, the pitch sliding between two notes).

POR should be used in moderation as it could unsynchronize the pitch variation if used haphazardly, creating the impression of "drunken singing", especially when there are short notes with drastic changes of pitch. However, if it's used effectively, it gives a more human feel as it allows users to effectively control the legato and pitch transition.

In VOCALOID4, this parameter is easier to use with the aid of the 'Pitch Rendering' feature.

PIT (Pitch Bend)[]

PIT - PBS Example

With a PBS = 3, the three notes has approximately the same Pitch

The Pitch Bend is one of the parameters retained from V1. It keeps its original functionality intact, allowing adjustments of the Pitch through an editable curve, granting the ability to create hand-drawn pitch bends. How much it affects the pitch, is determined by the PBS.[3]

This parameter is useful for the correction of certain pitch nuances and for adding more expressiveness. Sometimes it may be preferable to use this parameter instead of POR to create a specific kind of pitch bend.

The PIT also slightly affects the brightness and the clearness. Along a higher PIT, there are higher brightness and clearness of the affected note, and vice-versa.

In VOCALOID4, this parameter acquires new uses and a better control with the addition of the 'Pitch Rendering', which allows users to see graphically the changes or adjustments of pitch, and the 'Convert Vibrato to Pitch Bend' options, which respectively converts the vibratos and legatos/portamento normally edited through the 'Note Expression Property' window into equivalent curves of the PIT parameter.

PBS (Pitch Bend Sensitivity)[]

The Pitch Bend Sensitivity is one of the parameters retained from V1. It keeps its original functionality intact, determining the semitones range of PIT parameter. For example, for a D3 note, if the PBS is set on 3, and the PIT is set at its highest value, the note will sound like an F3 note (3 semitones higher than the original note pitch).

Its maximum value is 24 semitones, the equivalent to 2 octaves.

VOCALOID4's Parameters[]

GWL (Growl)[]

This parameter adds a hard tremolo or guttural effect to the voice, giving it a more aggressive or forced intonation, adding a tenser expression to the tone of the vocal.[4] It uses additional recorded samples to work, for this reason VOCALOID2 and VOCALOID3 cannot use the feature simply because they do not contain the additional samples needed for the feature.[5] Importing the VOCALOID3 version of Yuzuki Yukari into VOCALOID alongside the Yuzuki Yukari V4 will open up the use of XSY for use with any of the VOCALOID4 packages vocals, but it will not be able to use GWL, despite the 3 voicebanks within the VOCALOID4 package having access to it. However, in VOCALOID5, this feature has been altered to allow any vocal to utilize it, regardless if it has the additional samples or not.

This allows for certain VOCALOIDs to have a voice needed for genres such as Rock, Blues or Soul, expanding their capabilities beyond their normal genres.[6] The feature is varied in its results with some VOCALOIDs being more impacted then others.

GWL remains a feature that V4 and V5 vocals can utilize. However, VOCALOID6 vocals such as Po-uta, Shiki Rowen, and Hibiki Koto are unable to utilize the feature. This also means that the V6 updates of characters such as GUMI and Otomachi Una cannot use the feature, while their V4 releases still can. According to the Troubleshooting page of VOCALOID.com, GWL is only available in the VOCALOID TRACK, and is not available in the VOCALOID:AI TRACK.

"VOCALOID 4 新機能 「グロウル」 - Growl - "
  YouTube  Official Demonstration of the Growl parameter

XSY (Cross-Synthesis)[]

Cross Synthesis (クロスシンセシス) is a parameter that allows a voicebank to be able to blend into another voicebank, in a gradually and progressive way. For example, a "natural" voicebank being able to blend into sound like a "power" voicebank. It is only available with the full version of the software and is not accessible with the "lite" version of the software. This parameter is exclusive to VOCALOID4.

Main article: Cross-Synthesis

VOCALOID5's Parameters[]


Exciter is a tool that adjusts the tone and forcefulness of the voice.


Breathiness alters the amount of breath to be mixed in with the vocal, as well as adjusting it's tone. This function works somewhat differently than it's predecessor on earlier engines. Rather than producing a more metallic breathy sound, it now produces a more natural sound. When used at it's fullest extent it can even sound like whispering.


Similar to Breathiness, Air alters the amount of breath to be mixed in with the vocal. However unlike Breathiness it does not adjust the tone of the vocal.


Formerly known as OPE (Opening), Mouth functions in a similar way to its V3/V4 predecessor.


Formerly known as GEN (Gender Factor), Character functions in the reverse of it's predecessor where as before a feminine pronunciation was initially produced by lowering the value and masculine produced by increasing it, now a feminine pronunciation is produced by raising the value and masculine by lowering it.

VOCALOID6's Parameters[]


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Vocal Work (aka Doubling)[]

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Using the parameters[]

Controlling the intonation[]

Basic Parameters[]

Before VOCALOID4, the only way to modify the intonation of a voice was using the parameters BRI, CLE, BRE, OPE and GEN. The combination of these ones allowed users to modulate the voice in different ways, and the 'Singer Editor' allowed users to save some of the customized voice configurations for work as a users' own personalized singer.

Switching and combining voicebanks[]

Although the previous options allowed the ability to affect the overall voice intonation and timbre, it isn't possible to dramatically increase the overall power of a voicebank; it being easier to module and tinge the voice to make it softer than the other way around. This is especially important when working with voicebanks that are inherently soft. It's not possible to obtain a powerful voice from a soft voicebank through the edition of the basic parameters. Part of this issue was partially solved with the creation of the Append, Extend and other similar packs for voices, which allow the users to change the overall intonation in the middle of a song by simply switching to a more fitting version of the same voice.

However, this still had its limitations as it wasn't possible to produce a gradual transition. The user was often recurring to different methods, like tinging the voices with the help of the parameters, or making them sing in chorus or harmony and switch the voices accordingly for a smoother change in the intonation. This finally was solved in the VOCALOID4 with the introduction of the XSY parameter and other options like E.V.E.C., which allow for better control of the voice timbre and intonation. When these new options are combined with tricks used previously, it allows a great degree of control for the user.

Adjusting the pronunciation[]

The VEL, OPE, and GEN parameters can be used affect the intonation and pronunciation of words and vowels.

As mentioned previously, VEL controls the consonants' length and the trailing at the beginning of syllables/notes, so it's very important to adjust it carefully in order to avoid any weird pronunciations or incorrect stresses, especially when using VOCALOID3 onwards.

Adjusting OPE simulates the change of pronunciation on how wide the performer opens their voice while singing. Set at max value by default, lowering this parameter produces a more ambiguous and less distinguishable pronunciation. Generally, lowering OPE by a large amount will make the consonant less evident and the whole syllable muffled, while lowering it by a small amount raises the vowel's height, making them sound tenser.

GEN modifies the formant structure to alter the voice's timbre, but it can be used to modify the pronunciation of phonemes, especially if used in conjunction with the OPE parameter. Its most useful purpose is for controlling the backness of the vowels. By lowering it a tiny amount (staying around the range of 55 to 64 in the parameter panel) the vowels can become brighter and frontal, while raising it up a bit will make it darker and sound more from the back of the throat.

Other parameters that can be useful as supplementary support are BRE and BRI, which can be used to adjust certain pronunciations that have an inherent degree of breathiness like the aspirated consonants, the glottal fricative, or other similar sounds.

Expressive Elements[]

DYN, PIT and PBS can be used to achieve a convincing degree of expressiveness. DYN is required to control the overall volume, create emphasis, and imitate some expressive techniques (crescendo/diminuendo, dynamic accent, etc), while PIT and PBS is required to control the tonality, pitch and to imitate some of the voice's inflections (such as voice cracks). These parameters work in conjunction with each other, affecting the intensity of the singing. Creating large pitch bends by creating dynamic curves and increasing the sensitivity can work to create more power and greater dynamics between notes, while more gradual pitch bends on lower sensitivities helps keep the dynamics softer. However, it's important to keep in mind that changing the pitch bend too much can cause the voice to sound shaky or robotic, or create other unwanted effects. Likewise, having too steep and gradual of transitions can make the voice sound slurred or off-pitch.

VOCALOID4 features 'Convert Vibrato to Pitch Bend' and 'Convert Expression to Pitch Bend', which allows the user to have greater control over the dynamics through just the pitch bends (and can also help the user understand the correlation better). Multiple Job Plug-ins like SineVibrato or Vocalistener also assist the user in creating the different expressive elements through the variation of the DYN, PIT and PBS parameters.

Another useful parameter to add a layer of emotion into the voice is Brightness (BRI). When raised, BRI can add power to the voice by increasing both the general volume and the higher frequencies; something useful in parts like the climax of the song or during an intense singing segment. This can be further enhanced by combining it with higher DYN, CLE, or GWL values. In the opposite direction, low BRI values allows the performer to reproduce gently delivered singing or a more whispery voice - something that can be enhanced when combined with low DYN values and the BRE parameter. However, increasing the brightness too much can make the voice sound shrill and ear-piercing, while doing it too low can make it muffled.

Breathiness (BRE) is a useful, but tricky, parameter to use. If used effectively, it allows for a more natural feeling; complementing or imitating the breaths and other similar expressive elements in the singing. However, if it's abused or tuned incorrectly, it may cause issues with the clarity, pronunciation, or increase some sound artifacts and produce undesired noises. BRE works particularly well along other options of the synthesizer like devoiced phonemes or the E.V.E.C. Voice Release. Each voicebank reacts differently to different BRE levels, so it's important to experiment with each voicebank the user has.


  • Not all VOCALOID users will be working for the same goals. With a great deal of work, users can also use a few of these techniques to hide the digital roboticness the VOCALOID engine produces as it goes from note to note. Remember, the more dramatic the change from one note to another in the octaves (going from #C1 to #C4 for instance) will produce high levels of roboticness and not all of these techniques will be able to remove it. Users can also use the parameters of the software to make the software more robotic, if that is the desired goal.
    • It's good to listen to how producers users enjoy tune voicebanks to try replicating the effects they create. By listening closely to the vocals in songs and how the parameters effect the voicebank, it'll become easier over time to create a unique tuning style.
  • Besides the use of the parameters, after importing the WAV file, users can work the voice in some DAWs or sound editors. Some filters can add electronic effects if attempting to increase the robotic feeling, or for the otherwise, one can remove some of the synthesizer's artifacts for give it a more natural and human feeling, further increasing the Uncanny Valley effect.

See also[]


