Vocaloid Wiki

The VOCALOID-P data series (VOCALOID3 ボカロPデータシリーズ) were CD packs containing the data for songs by different producers.


Starting with the VOCALOID3 engine these special packs were released regularly and were sold via the VOCALOID STORE.

The packs were intended to act as a starter pack as well as a method of obtaining the official versions of each song that were used in the works of Producers. Previously, the majority of VSQ files based on PVs and songs were recreated by VOCALOID fans, rather then the Producers themselves. All the Producers who have works in the pack are famous and established, the data included was both in .VSQx and .WAV format.

Naturally, one could not use these files for commercial use without permission of the original producer. However, they could be used for private and non-commercial use. You will also need the VOCALOID3 software, either full or tiny, to be able to use these packages.

These products became subject to retirement as part of the VOCALOID3 product renewal and were due "SE" versions, but were never re-issued.[1]


Description Song list Boxart
Vol.1; the first of the packs contained a general assortment of famous songs by famous producers.

The boxart displays a typical amateur producer set up; many producers for VOCALOID originally started out with just their desk, a computer and a few instruments (keyboard, guitar, etc.) within their own bedrooms or homes.

Track list:

Vol.2; the second of the packs contained a general assortment of famous songs by famous producers.Data pack vol 2 was released on December 16, 2011.[2]

On the boxart of Vol.2 the person in the red jacket is picking up a box with the VOCALOID3 logo on it. Also on the shelves are the boxarts for;

  • Hatsune Miku Append (4th shelf down)
  • VY1v3 (second shelf down)
  • V3 Megpoid (Power and Whisper, Adult and Sweet are just about visible) (third shelf down)
  • The side of the Kagamine Append (4th shelf down)
  • part of Hatsune Miku's box (behind her Append, 4th shelf down)
  • Mew (second shelf, left hand side)
  • The side of Megurine Luka's box (4th shelf down next to Miku Append and Kagamine Append).
  • Sweet ANN (fourth shelf)
Track list:

Vol.3 was released on March 16, 2012 in conjunction with GUMI's new upgrade "V3 Megpoid - Native". It contained all GUMI songs plus a demo of her "V3 Megpoid - Native" voicebank.

On the boxart of Vol.3, bottom-right corner, there is a V3 Megpoid - Native box. This is most likely due to the fact that Vol.3 was made to commemorate its release.

  • Also note the desk the grey haired girl is sitting at is the same desk she sat at in Vol.1, but viewed from a different angle.
Track list:

Vol.4 is due for release and composes of songs made with Camui Gackpo and VY2. The focus of this pack are mostly male VOCALOIDs, hence why the songs particularly feature VY2 and Gackpoid.

On the boxart of Vol.4 is a pair of Gackpo and Roro cosplayers at Vom@s.

Track list:



  • The boxart is a "story" and features two female producers from the start of production, purchase of VOCALOIDs, development of song and sale at a convention such as THE VOC@LOID M@STER, with them cosplaying as two male characters.


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