Vocaloid Wiki
💻 Technology article work in progress. What is being worked on: The following information is based on known details of an unreleased voicebank. Please note the details of this voicebank are subject to change without notice.
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IA VOCALOID3 IA ROCKS English (concept) VOCALOID6 | CeVIO Creative Studio CeVIO AI VoiSona VoiSona Talk | Songs Albums Notable Originals

This article is about the announced VOCALOID6 software known as a voicebank. If you are looking for the VOCALOID character then click here.


On January 27, 2025, IA and fellow ARIA ON THE PLANETES vocalist ONE celebrated their respective thirteenth and tenth anniversaries on a livestream broadcast on their shared YouTube channel.[1] 26 minutes into the stream, IA sang a song that did not sound like it was sung by her CeVIO AI/VoiSona Song Voice library; it was revealed (and confirmed by parent company 1st PLACE Co., Ltd. on a separate tweet) that a VOCALOID6 voicebank for IA was in development, and that an alpha build of the voicebank was used to perform the song played during the livestream.[2][3] A feedback campaign was also launched, inviting users to apply for testing the alpha IA V6 voicebank and voicing their opinions and comments on not only IA's voice and singing, but also on "more specific voice qualities, glide and pronunciation, what kind of music you would like to use, and so on."

Product Information[]



アルカナイデア (Arcana Idea) (alpha-build demo song) Favicon-ytYouTube


Template:IA V6 voicebank


