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"within the ice" is an original song by yuzuki featuring Yuzuki Yukari and the producer's first VOCALOID song.

Succedding versions



Japanese (日本語歌詞) Romaji (ローマ字) Official English (公式英訳)
見渡す限り静かな湖 A silent lake as far as the eye can see
氷のそこからキミが聞こえてる From beneath the ice, I can hear you

届けない指先結晶と影の舞 Crystals and shadows dance beyond my grasp
笑顔が見えるわ I can see your smile
こんなに近いのに声が通らない My voice goes unheard even though we're so close
お願い待ってよ I beg for you to wait for me

冷たい、冷たいよ 僕を見つけてくれ Cold, so cold... I pray you'll find me
旧にキミが一歩近寄ってくる Suddenly, you draw a step closer

寂しい世界が夜に沈んで行く The lonely world descends into the night
水の中僕はキミを待っている I am waiting for you in the waters below

氷に閉ざされた声が届けない Trapped within the voice, my voice goes unheard
一歩ずつキミの姿が消え去ってる Your form fades with each step

寒風の中で微かなつぶやき Amidst the frozen wind, I can hear
そっと聞こえてる Your faint whispers
力尽きるまで言葉をかけて I cry out with all my strength
でも届けない But my words go unheard

氷の中でキミが近くに感じる I feel you drawing close from within the ice
お願い、もう一同キミを抱きしめたい Please let me embrace you once more

手を伸ばしても距離が縮められない I try but cannot close the space between us
またそこに沈んでキミが消えて行く You're vanishing from sight as I sink further beneath

優しい夜明けがキミの姿 The gentle dawn has chased away
追い払って行く Every trace of your form

約束のキミは居ないさ My savior is nowhere to be found
それでも待ってる But I'll continue to wait
解けるの日までに Until the day the ice melts away

External links




